• expired

[NSW] All Kmart Easter Stock $0.20 @ Kmart Chatswood (Nationwide??)


Cheap cheap cheap!!

Near the checkouts. Ask for assistance if it scans at 50c price just changed this morning.

200g Red Tulip bunnies are only 20 cents!! Works out at $1 a kg ;)

Happy hunting!

See here(imgur.com) for proof.

Oh and by the way, there's a whole wall of boxes on the other side of red tulip also :)
There's generic bunnies I didn't take a photo of but the generic bunnies and eggs are smaller and not as good.

Not sure about others stores, anyone able to report back if they have also been further discounted??

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closed Comments

  • If I was there it would be like Supermarket Sweep, trolleys full!

    I'd love to hand them out as late Easter presents to family and friends :)

    • If I was there it would be like Supermarket Sweep, trolleys full!

      That's the proper way! I have done that several times over the years.

  • +3

    And re: your proof - your restraint is amazing, only buying so few items with this opportunity!

    • I know hahaha but I also have so much chocolate from Easter anyway..
      Way too much chocolate haha

      But it's only $1 a kg for red tulip I should've got more!

  • I mean even 50c I wouldn’t make a fuss. Assume the really good stuff all gone?

    • +2

      Cadbury Marshmallow Eggs, Red Tulip Humpty Dumpty and Red Tulip 200g Bunny are all 20 cents.
      Not sure if the dairy milk Oreo blocks (top middle) are also included but probably.

      And some generic Kmart stuff that isn't worth much to start with.

  • I spent $4 at KMart on eggs yesterday!
    Can I take them back and get them to refund the difference. :)

    • +1

      Haha they have got 28 day returns to "ensure your satisfaction" - the true Ozbargainer would try ;)

    • Please tell me you are joking.

      If not, you are an embarrassment to the human race.

      • +1

        Your Ozbargain membership please. Don't forget your coat on the way out.

        In all honesty, I got the self serve person to reduce them from 50c to 20c for me. No shame - saved me $2.20 :)

        • +2

          I guess maybe that is OK because you are already there, and it would take a few seconds for the self serve person to do this.

          To have bought eggs the previous day, for only $4 and wanting to go back and get the difference refunded (at most $4 refund assuming the eggs are free which they obviously aren't) is so embarrassing. Asking the person to refund you the difference, would be mortifying to me… but then again we can't all be big ballers :)

        • @bigballerbrand: haha I guess you have got a point, but if you were already at the chase and have no dignity left I don't see why not :)

          Going out of your way to get $2.20 refund though is not really worth it.

        • +1

          My nominal break even point is around $15. I won’t spend 45+ min driving to return something less than that. It can wait until next time or just goes in the bin after I keep forgetting.

        • @LoopyLou: haha yeah if I am right there I'll do it but if I have to travel the amount goes up considerably.
          Can completely relate to the forgetting part also :)

      • +1

        I thought the ":)" adequately covered it.

        • +1

          My bad dawg :)

        • all good homie

  • Right now $0.10 each at Kmart Hornsby New South Wales… just rabbits and boxes of little eggs left.

    Just thought I'd come and buy some more :-)

    • Haha wow I should've gone to Hornsby instead! I got ripped off lol

      • Pop over to Hornsby and get them to refund the difference. :)

  • +1

    One year I didn't have my daughter due to custody arrangements, I got her back on the following Wednesday.

    She was older, she now knew that the Easter bunny was not real.

    I reasoned I will just take her shopping on the Wednesday, everything will be cheaper, she can get what ever and end up with more Chocolate, all good, I reasoned.

    It is now known as the year I forgot Easter.

    Every year I get 'Hey, remember that year you forgot Easter'.

  • +1

    Most of Kmarts in VIC have run out. School holidays perhaps? Or Victorians are choccie mad!

  • Receipt in case someone needs it.

    • Hahaha wow!!! Holy broden lol ;)
      How much stock is still there at Hornsby?

      • +1

        At least enough for another 20 people to buy
        a box of 30 bunnies. Plus misc other stuff.

        I figure my youngest can take them in as a treat
        for his classmates. Of course… I'm now thinking
        if everyone in the class did that, instant diabetes.

    • You did well, I wish I wasn't stuck at home with tradesman.

  • -1

    Already been posted, it's not nation wide.
    Don't waste your time, I got some of the unbranded chocolate and it tastes awful.

    • I didn't realise that it had already been posted at 20 cents. Red Tulip 200g bunnies are also not unbranded chocolate??

  • Was at Kmart Marrickville Metro.

    Absolutely nothing. Like it never even happened.

  • +1

    3 open boxes left at Chatswood…

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