Looking for a cheap version of this. A keyboard and trackpad combo that connects via USB, Without the extra drivers associated with the wireless solutions. Can't install drivers on the machines this will be used on.
Heaps of wireless ones available, but alas not suitable due to driver issue. Mini size would be even better, as it is a pain to plug in a full size kbd and mouse into these machines so I can work on them, with mouse on my lap (mounted touch PCs)
Why can't you use logitech wireless receivers with the computers? Never ever had an issue plugging one into a corporate managed computer. They don't really need drivers either just the unifying software to get it working.
This https://www.logitech.com/en-au/product/living-room-keyboard-… is a popular option.
Otherwise if it must be wired… How about something like https://www.ebay.com.au/i/162958903449?chn=ps&dispItem=1