Guys at Intersections Offering to Wash Your Car Windows. What if Anything Do You Do?

Just wondering, when the guys are there with their squeegees in hand do you hope they don't single you out while you are stopped at a red light?

Do you hope they do? If so, how much do you tip them if they do your window(s)…

How do you feel when they do the window(s) without having gained your consent?

I'm not for or against myself, but just wondering what others think…


  • +3

    Just shake your head at them, add a shake of the hand in a "stop" motion too, if needed. If they insist on doing your windscreen after that, don't feel bad about giving them nothing, you warned them, after all.

    • +1

      Yes, I have done this many times and yet there have been times where I've as much as indicated/given the go ahead.
      Have to admit, when I don't I do get a tinge' of the guilts, always start wondering what hardships they have gone through or are recovering from.
      (one guy had a missing forearm for example, but hey - he was out there doing something)
      Can't be sure, for all I know they make $400.00 a day :OS (tax free).

      • +1

        Ok, if you really want to avoid them, stop another metre further back from the car in front. When they are about to approach you, creep forward that extra metre. They will keep walking.

  • +5

    i just say no really loud out of my sunroof.
    if they start i spray water on them

    • they spray their dirty water on you through the sun roof

  • -1

    Pretty sure its illegal? Along as probably being a safety hazard. I've heard of people who've had their screen slightly scratched over it, not sure if true though.

    I don't drive but I'd also be a no person for sure.

  • IIRC, it isnt illegal for them to wash your window, but it is illegal for you to pay them after!!

    Also a lot in WA will still wash even though you say no and then yell at you or kick your car if you don't give them money after.…

    • +1

      In VIC it is illegal (as its unsafe) to do it at all.
      Police quite often will pull up when they see you doing it.
      There is one spot that is notorious for it on my way to work, have seen the police moving them along so many times.

  • I activate the windscreen washer nozzles, clean my own windscreen and shake my head at them.

  • +2

    Just turn on your wipers. That’s the international sign to bugger off.

  • if i drive an expensive car, id be very worried. sometimes they get very angry after you decline

  • Im a bit of a OCD person, don't like detergent dried and sitting on paint etc, wash my car regularly.
    Once said clearly "No" had literally JUST washed the car before i left home, was pretty pissed needless to say i had a few colourful words for the bloke, was ready to jump out of the car as well…

  • +1

    If I don't want them to wash my windscreen I shake my head. If I want them to wash my windscreen I nod my head.

    Sometimes when I shake my head they wash my windscreen anyway. I assume this is a free service and they have always acted as if it were a free service.

    I've never had a car where I'd be concerned that their equipment may damage my property in some way so I can't comment on that circumstance.

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