New iPad 9.7-inch selling for $8 less at BigW than everywhere else.
With Officeworks pricematch, price was further reduced to $436.05 making it only $37.05 more than what last years model is now selling for.
New iPad 9.7-inch selling for $8 less at BigW than everywhere else.
With Officeworks pricematch, price was further reduced to $436.05 making it only $37.05 more than what last years model is now selling for.
Do they check if you are a student or not?
Doesn't look like it
School of hard knocks!
It doesnt.
Brought an iMac 4K for my dad a few years ago. Checked out with his personal email and not inly did he get the discount he got the free headphones as well.
With Officeworks pricematch, price was further reduced to $436.05
As an alternative, you can pay by discounted Wish gift card.
Which cards
So what is the final price?
Does anyone know if Woolworths sell Officeworks gift cards? I was thinking of getting wish gift cards to pay for officeworks gift cards and get officeworks to price match against Big W.
Does anyone know if Woolworths sell Officeworks gift cards?
The gift card you're looking for is either OfficeWorks or Coles Group & Myer gift card.
Unfortunately no. Coles group and Woolworths group are archrival. They won't sell each other's gift cards.
However, if you have Visa Prepaid card like this and this, you can use it to buy OfficeWorks gift card here.
What advantage in doing that? I think he means discounted gift cards, available through certain rewards programs.
@wxyz234: You got the reward points or other bonus gift cards at the time you bought Visa Prepaid, and you can find a way to use the Visa Prepaid.
You also get everyday rewards points at BIG W too which is worth effectively another $4 or so off and don't have to stuff around with the price matching circus.
I’ll wait 20% off ebay n 128gb minimum
And free case…
and steak knives
and free airpods..
and free iPhone X
and free iMac
And free less money in your account
But wait there's more
Thanks for sharing the thriller. 😄
No one at all is using iPads ever.
Maybe not where you live.
other option for tablets under $500 is android i own an ipad and samsung tablet …… ipad is much better from apps and updates perspective.
i find phone too small for extended content consumption.
I do believe the 2018 ipad is capable of more than browsing
However if that's the only thing you would do on one then I agree it's not worth $400.
Yes, but certainly not as many. Seems that usage by children has increased. Probably the reason for Apple's education push of iPad's.
Damn, I'm looking for a deal on the 12.9in iPad Pro.
Any improvement on 2017 model to make it worth the extra $37.05?
This 2018 version works with Apple pencil, while 2017 version won't.
Just did some Googling, and apparently, and more relevantly for me, it has significant jumps in CPU and GPU power.
It’s an iPhone 7 innards, but in bigger body.
Yep! Loads Youtube 1 second faster now!
also means it will get ios updates longer than the 2017 model due to new cpu.
For $37.05… why not..
Did they increase the price in Australia?!
off-course they did
Technically cheaper than the US after factoring in GST and currency. 329 + 32.9 = $361.90 USD == $471.28 AUD.
Yeah, US prices always look cheap, but that's because they exclude sales tax from the list price (plus the exchange rate differences).
You get accustomed to factoring an extra 8-10% for tax when you actually live there.
Since moving back to Australia, it's amazing how many times I've thought "That's expensive compared to the US!", then done the sums and found out it's actually slightly cheaper.
Cmon guys let's support big w for offering a good deal from the get go
Or we can punish officeworks for not offering such a good deal by price matching there
Well I say this because they haven't been doing well against kmart so I'm all about healthy competition - more opportunities for us
Punish isn’t the word I would use for spending your money somewhere. I have a feeling ow would like you to “punish” them all the time lol
I agree, just buy WISH cards from CR instead as Big W are the ones with the good pricing, reward them I reckon for the same price.
At the end of the day, your wallet dictates where you spend your money from.
What's the difference between 2017 and 2018 models apart from pencil compatibility?
Its already answered above. The processor is now A10 instead of A9 so better. You can now also purchase a $120 pen separately :D
Where can you get the pencil for $120?
As far as i know, if the price is greater than AUD 300, and you plan to travel overseas in the next 60 days, you could apply for TRS to get a refund on the 10% GST paid. Big W Price AUD 459. Less 5% Discount via Wish Giftcards/Officeworks Pricematch AUD 436.05. TRS claim AUD 39.64. Final Price AUD 391.41 :)
Note: You will be able to bring it back into Australia with ease as it's within your Duty free Concessions Allowance of AUD900 (per Adult) and AUD 450 (per child)
you must be new to here, hi im brisbane11
2GB of RAM is a real deal breaker. Wouldn't buy this only for it needing to be replaced in an year or two!
2gb ram also allows you to play Fortnite!
Am I the only one who thinks that in the age that even cheap phones have 4GB of RAM that 2GB is just crap? And that a couple years down the road, that'll be the main reason to replace the iPad? The iPad pro comes with 4gigs - shouldn't the iPad at least come with 3GB? Just doesn't make sense buying a piece of hardware that's almost already a generation behind.
Or are the negs cos I've upset some fanboys by stating the facts? ;)
I'm running an iPad Air from 2013 with no complaints, and it has 1GB of RAM. Has no troubles as far as multitasking with 2-3 apps (Facebook, safari, word etc) goes on iOS 10. Meanwhile the Nexus 7 '13 it replaced did worse/the same with 2G. iOS is very well optimised and 2G gives enough headroom imo.
The Pro has double, but also costs twice as much and is aimed more towards professional users than education (where the extra 2 is unlikely to benefit most people).
You're stating facts with no correlation.
You don't seem to understand the whole picture with ram.
Comparing a different operating system from another phone to iPad.
I have a dell inspiron laptop purchased 8 years ago with 4gbs of ram running the latest windows 10. Swapped out the old mechanical hard drive and what a beauty it still is.
Yet, another laptop is offering 16gb of ram in the system.
What a crappy laptop I have huh?
Comparing a different operating system from another phone to iPad.
Says the man who then starts talking about a laptop running Windows 10
Mate that comment was posted on an offer which is 2 weeks old. RAM isn't what you need. A life is. That's what you need.
Whoa, no need to be salty or stupid either.
Says the man who then starts talking about a laptop running Windows 10
I just repeated what you said. Seems like you dislike it as well but don't seem to realise it's the wonderful ram you love.
You probably spent your life downloading more ram. Ha.
Thanks guys, just bought one 👌🏻
I got this iPad last week for $428 if anyone is interested. I got JB to price match Apple's student discount.
Might have the receipt somewhere if ya'll are interested.
Receipt would be great please
Are you a student?
Apple's student discount is $439. How did you get it for $428
Brilliant find mate
Despite its older CPU, its still better than the crap and expensive tablets that Samsung spews out every year.
Beats Android by a long shot
Unless you dislike iOS. I have a few iPads (necessary evil), but I dislike iOS with a passion. I miss having a real file manager, the ability to use it as a mass storage device to drag and drop files and not rely on crap like iTunes, a universal back button, more toggles, home screen and widgets, and more keyboard options. I think the latest iOS finally allows a keyboard to be long pressed for a second function (actually it's capitalization, to get the second function you have to swipe, which I don't like at all but it's something — can you get a number row on the same page though?). Only took 8 years.
The hardware itself is more than fine, but the software frustrates me to no end.
I would never use an iPhone, but for tablets, like you said, there aren't a lot of options for Android aside from low end Chinese ones. Android OEMs have given up on them, and Samsung only has a half hearted interest in them.
I'd totally buy this if I could run Android on it. Nice hardware and build quality for the price.
Not being able to run apps like dolphin-emu, or play .mkv files from an SD card sucks though.
iTunes will convert your mkv into a supported format like mp4 because it's not an iOS approved format. You'll lose your subtitles and multiple audio streams though, which sucks.
There are apps that get around iTunes, but they're ghetto solutions like transferring through wifi which is very slow.
I hate the way Apple goes out of their way to 'protect' you from doing dangerous things like watching mkv videos. I just don't do any video watching on iPad unless it's streaming. The aspect ratio was not made for it anyway.
@lostn: This is pretty much why I'll just get a cheap Lenovo tablet before my next flight. It'll be more useful. And yes, I'll be watching subtitled anime lol.
@idonotknowwhy: Haha, you too? Yeah that's Apple devices weren't made for folks like us.
But to be honest, with Android mostly not competing in the tablet space, there's no ideal pad out there. I would like a 16:10 or 16:9 OLED tablet with good specs. It needs to decode 10 bit FHD anime. It doesn't exist.
@lostn: > I would like a 16:10 or 16:9 OLED tablet with good specs. It needs to decode 10 bit FHD anime. It doesn't exist.
Yep, I'm still waiting form something like this (16:9 so no black bars).
I had an Xperia Z4 tablet which was great, but I sold it 18 months ago, hoping there'd be something better by now.
Sadly, there isn't yet, but an OLED tablet with 1080p, hi10p support would be amazing!
Last week dragged and dropped my entire Ghibli 10bit MKV collection onto ipad Pro 256GB - easy watching with VLC , been watching tonnes of MKV foreign rips with subtitles on long flights for many moons…
Highly recommend VLC for ipad viewing. Also the battery life + build quality is also quite a bit higher than a fair chunk of the competition.
Does this iPad have a laminated screen? Not that I care, just curious.
No, Same as 2017 Ipad screen and different to Air2 screen
How can Apple sell these at this price but an iPhone costs over 1K
demand for iPhones exceeds iPads. iPhone is something you take with you at all times, so you're going to want a new one every 2 years or less. iPad most people don't take with them, so it gets used less, and the one you have still works fine. There are less sexy updates each year. With iPhones, they try to introduce something exciting each year (to varying degrees of success), which makes them more desireable. It's been a long time since I've seen an innovation in the iPad space, and I don't really count pen and keyboard support as innovative. It's mostly newer processors each year, plus it borrows whatever is new from iPhone, e.g. touch ID, Siri.
TLDR: iPhones are more desireable and thus can be sold at a higher price. If iPads matched iPhone pricing, the market for iPads will crash hard.
Officeworks denied my price match request, said Big W's price was online only so with delivery included it was more expensive than their price :(
Check the BigW website, it is not online price. "We're sorry. This item is not currently available to purchase online. " said BigW.
Officework matched it. $436.05 I paid. Then TRS :)
Just picked up one from Officeworks as well for $436.05
Which Officeworks are you having luck with?
Looks pretty good, if only it could run Android, I'd buy one!
Edit: I'm not interested, but maybe someone should post an OW receipt to help others with the price matches.
For those that are interested,
I just went to Officeworks and got them to price match Apple's Education price on the new iPad 2018 9.7" 32GB Wi-Fi Silver bringing it down to $417.05
Receipt is uploaded for you all to enjoy. :)
Happy shopping!
are you a student?
If you're a student you can also get it for $439 from Apple's Educational Store, might be useful for those with spare Apple Store Gift Cards.