This was posted 6 years 11 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Victorinox Steak Knives Set of 6 Pieces $29.95 Free Delivery @ Mega Boutique


The Victorinox Steak and Pizza Knives are designed to look great on the table and feel great in the hand. Their ultra-sharp blades can handle anything on your plate, the high quality steel ensures the blades will hold their edge longer, and the excellent balance means they'll disappear in your hand.

Key features:

*Ultra-sharp wavy edge
*Ergonomic handle
*Dishwasher safe
*Set of 6pcs
*Made in Switzerland
*Length of blade: 11 cm

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Mega Boutique
Mega Boutique

closed Comments

  • +2

    Buy these at this price! Absolutely the best utility knife to have in the kitchen.

  • Tempting at this price.

  • +1

    After TGG deal and this one, I wouldn't want to be on any Ozbargainers bad side with the amount of knives they've got!!

    Great price though ;)

  • Thanks! Even cheaper than peters of kensington. Got a couple for presents as well as some for our own kitchen.

  • These knives are insanely sharp. Mrs has opened her fingers in a serious way on 3 occasions since we have had them, only about 4 months. She uses them for everything which is the main problem I think. :)

    • +1

      Maybe your Mrs should stay away from knives…

      • Hello Mrs ddr0001. Nice seeing you here.

  • Thank OP, bought a set.

  • +2

    I've been using my Victorinox for 3 years and they are as insanely as sharp as the day I bought them. I've cut myself a couple of times so be careful with them. Nothing comes close to these knives in my experience.

    • -1

      Ever used Japanese sashimi knives?

      • there's a huge difference. Those japanese knives are more brittle due to the hardness and should only be used on ingrain wood. So unless you eat your food off wooden blocks be my guest. If used on a plate it chips the edge and makes it blunt. Whilst these victorinox knives are made from softer steel and therefore can be used on any/most surfaces without chipping or becoming blunt.

  • +1

    No deal, free on Danoz Direct.

  • Decent prices for the double walled glasses

  • Couldn't resist…

    Their ultra-sharp blades can handle anything on your plate, the high quality steel ensures the blades will hold their edge longer, and the excellent balance means they'll disappear in your hand.

  • Why not, cheers op

  • Do you have stock of the same knife but slightly smaller, i've been looking for them everywhere but unable to find. Fantastic knife.

  • great knife at a great price, but…

    who the hell uses these for pizza?

  • You can get a Wiltshire set of six for $10 at Big W:…

    Same size, just as sharp and decent quality.

    • +1

      Wow, negged for posting a cheaper set.

      • +2

        Not the same brand though

        • -3

          I realise that but with these types of knives there is no difference in quality as the scalloped edge doesn't blunt like on a straight edge knife.

          I've used and abused mine for two years and they're still like new and razor sharp.

          Can't see how these could be any better and for 3 times the price.

        • +4

          @Scab: I beg to differ on this one. I’ve had both brands and wiltshire is inferior to victorinox. I’ve used victorinox in my apprentice chef days and they are far higher quality than Wiltshire. Wiltshire are just painfully blunt after a few uses.

        • @Scab: if you believe they are better, make your own deal

        • -4


          Maybe straight edge ones, but I have the Wiltshire steak knives and abused the hell out of them and two years later they are still razor sharp.

          For bevelled straight edge I would agree that quality matters, but these things don't lose their edge or sharpness.

          With these types of knives there is little difference in brand names.

        • @Superninja418:

          I never said they were better, just much cheaper and they do the same job.

          Don't see any benefit spending 3 times as much.

        • +1

          @Scab: victorinox last way more than 3x longer. I also have had both in the past and Wiltshire has nothing on these. The Victorinox are nicer to use straight up, last longer and their logo is nicer.

    • +2

      I'm with you, Scab. The serrations on the set you linked are much better at cutting than those shown in the Victorinox knives.

      edit: although these Victorinox aren't "straight edge", like you're saying, right? Still serrated, just not as fine as the Wiltshire you linked. Scalloped is different as well.

  • +2

    Thank you all for the overwhelming support for this deal. The several hundred pieces we have in stock is now sold out!!

  • Out of stock

    • Was able to just order one. Back in stock.

      • +4

        Different product

        • Gotcha. Came late to the party.

        • @DarwinBoy: Not your fault - shifty!

  • -1

    As a token of our appreciation, we have this amazing Rosewood handle bread knife by Victorinox for $34.95 with free delivery. They usually retail for twice as much.

    • You mean you have more in stock now yeah?

      • yeah they should send 6 out for that price as per the original deal

  • +25

    Changed deal from "Victorinox Steak Knives Set of 6 Pieces $29.95 Free Delivery @ Mega Boutique" to "Victorinox 21cm Bread Knives with Rosewood Handle $34.95 Free Delivery @ Mega Boutique". If the old product is sold out, simply put a strikethrough through it and list the new deal in the edit. Do not deceive users into thinking that this new bread knife has 40+ upvotes.

    • +2

      Agreed, I had a double take

    • +2

      Hi Piquant, thanks for heads up. A total oversight from our part. Our sincere apologies.

      We have marked the deal as out of stock. :)

      A lesson learnt for future deals.

      Again thank you all for the overwhelming support.

  • +5

    Could not for the life of me match the comments to the product now listed. This is not okay - changing to another product and keeping the upvotes. Shame shame

  • +2

    Wait what? Pizza knife? Who the hell is eating pizza with a knife? Barbarians.

    • Who the hell eats anything with a knife? Not me, fork is fine. Less dishes (;

  • +1

    Make no mistake,anything else mentioned here like Wiltshire etc.are NOT Victorinox knives.Incidentally the 11cm.knives sell for 6Euros in Europe so that was an exceptional deal.Thanks OP.

  • +2

    The missus will be pleased with 11cm

  • What? Ozbargained already?

    • Available now, don't miss out.

      • Delivery isnt free

  • Sorry guys just a glitch in the system. Item is out of stock. :)

  • Hi Op, unrelated to the deal, wondering if you can share how to claim warranty?
    Tried contact Victorinox from their global website without getting any reply. My set of knives started to develop rust/stains. Thx

    • Hi

      Best way to claim warranty I think would be to go through your place of purchase.

      If you are unable to get any help feel free to email us at [email protected] and we can try to speak to the local Victorinox distributor on your behalf.

      Mind if I ask which particular knife you have?

    • +1

      That's because they aren't dried properly

  • They might seem insanely sharp because they have a serrated edge, which most steak knives have.
    Not sure why people are going crazy over them unless they haven't owned steak knives in the past.

    Most of the catering suppliers eg Chefs Hat sell these and also from other brands loose in the cutlery section, so buy 1 or 100, same price range in price from $1.50each to $5 for brand names.

    I bought some but never got used to plastic handle knives for eating …. so bought tablekraft stainless versions (steak knives) for $6 each…. and they have matching forks, lots of places sell them for $6each.…

    • +6

      Totally different kettle of fish there buddy. I encourage you to buy one of the knives listed in the deal and compare to the knife in the link you put. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how amazing these knives are. I never use mine for eating steak with. I use them as a utility knife. They are the best. I love them and always get for gifts etc. I’m so sad I missed out on this deal. The cheapest you can usually get them for is $36 for 6 delivered.

      • +1

        I will pick one up next time I'm shopping and take it for test if people seem that impressed,

        utility knife, yes I also use a thin serated Victorinox for tomatoes, same size as a steak knife but flatter blade.

  • mine shipped, arriving tomorrow.

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