[Joke] BTC Bitcoin on SALE < $10,000 AUD

Price history indicates that 1 Bitcoin was selling for over $20,000 AUD. It is currently on sale for less than $10,000 AUD.


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  • 3
  • 3
    No way Jose!


  • +2

    Lol k.

  • +2

    I think Doge Coin is a better investment personally. and the coin looks cooler

  • -1

    its not a sale, just the currency has dropped

  • +6

    Trying to spike the price so you can sell off?

  • so were houses in gladstone, should we put this on ozbargain too?

    • For it to qualify as a deal, it must have a minimum stock of 100.

      • +1

        gladstone has >100 of houses half the price of what they were bought for

        • More than 100 people purchased in a hot market that has cooled to correct market value

        • +1

          @TightBottom: yes, but no different to bitcoin. What is the difference then. Goto original comment

        • Wait really someone lost money on an investment property??? WOW!!!!!!!!!

    • until the flood

  • -1

    I have a bookmark in my folder for BTC Markets AU website and it says BTC = $22,980… That was from mid to late January. I donโ€™t edit it, becuse I like the reminder of where it was at…

    • +1

      i remember it was 7 cents 10 yrs ago and instead of mining it , i left my pc 24/7 folding proteins for medical research on good cause.

      i regret that.

  • So apparently some genius decided that it was a good idea to allow anybody to embed files Bitcoin blockchain where they cannot be deleted unless you want to ditch the blockchain altogether.

    Then this being on the internet somebody embedded child porn into the blockchain.

    • +1

      It is just URLs, but still.

    • +1

      We should embed knowledge into the blockchain, so that our currency is knowledge.
      When we start to explore and colonize the galaxy and meet other intelligent life we introduce them to our currency, our knowledge!

    • I don't know if you trolling or not. You clearly know nothing about blockchain. I suggest reading the bitcoin whitepaper.

  • Still has another $9K from here to fall

    • Get rekt.

  • It was at $0.01 last time I looked. Not going near it at $10,000 lol! Will be back down to a cent before too long.

    • Get rekt.

  • The performance of Bitcoin BTC as an investment speaks for itself. If you had bought the last time you looked, it would have far outperformed any other asset or stock index you might have chosen to invest in

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