Hey i guys i've got some cool designs, but i want to find people to print t shirts out for me. Does anyone have any advice or experince?
Thanks Heaps.
Hey i guys i've got some cool designs, but i want to find people to print t shirts out for me. Does anyone have any advice or experince?
Thanks Heaps.
Only if you are Swiss.
If you want your own site and domain you could set up a Shopify site with the Printful App.
If you want to test the waters with your designs before you invest money in your own website you can upload your designs to a site like Redbubble.
Yeah i've just heard RedBubble has really low quality shirts and prints. Looking for someone i can actually contact in Sydney.
If you want to take this seriously, source you own shirts from say China, inspect the quality and be sure it meets your expectations. Then source a printer, ideally in China if you want to minimise cost and buy in bulk. Sourcing and Printing in Australia will leave no margin for profit, no matter how amazing your patterns are.
I seriously think it took them a year to finally grant me access…and by then I forgot what I signed up for.
Where do you plan to sell the T-shirts
OzBargain bro.
Facecbook, word of mouth?
you really are a simpleton, you havn't thought this through in the slightest
Yeh, but the Chinese seller/printer will sent you a top class, high grade sample. You place an order and when the order has been paid for and it arrives you discover the quality is no where near the samples you received. You are left out of pocket and in possession of T shirts that are unsalable.
AS Color does printing as well. Their quality are pretty good.
Have you had experience with any of these printers?
I have not personally printed any myself. But have purchased from clubs that use them for their printing. Quality is good. Additionally, you can just drop by an AS Color store to check out the shirt quality before committing.
Yeah they're kinda far away, i'll probs call em first.
Fifty dollars for a T-shirt, that's just some ignorant b!tch
Haha in streetwear, 100 a tee is cheap.
It's 'cheap' if the brand has perceived value or cred. You're not Supreme.
I'm just saying if people like a design, they will pay even if it's not that well known.
That shirt's hella though.
If you don't get a legit response send me a PM as a reminder and I'll find details from someone in a women's business FB group that does printing. It'll just take me a while to dig it out.
Not interested in womens, but sure
Women who run the business, not clothing specific for women.
what scope are you looking to take this to
first and foremost.. how much money are you willing to lose? just something on the side or all in?
how many designs? all the same colour way?
are you sourcing your own blanks?
are you going to print to order or hold inventory?
if inventory, how do you decide how many of which size to keep?
how many shirts per size per color per style in total are you talking about a few?…hundreds, thousands…. tens of thousands?
basically…..how much capital are you going tie into inventory?
buy cheap sell for large profits dont exist in the t-shirt game
its easy to replicate if the price out of scope
I've got like 10 ideas right now. I'll make em when the orders come. Print to order for sure. I'm not buying for cheap. Not trying to make money. Just trying to sell high quality t-shirts.
Not in it for the money, you in just for fun?
Yeah but like 10% profit per tee is fine.
blanks on demand and print to order
basically your a retail client rather than a business partner
you certainly won't be getting cheap rates without any certainty in volume
well if its just for funsies
Don't put too much capital expenditure into it and enjoy the ride/learning experience
i would steer away from hosting until you a bit more certain about it
use Word of mouth exposure…enlist a few friends to buy your shirts at mates rate of course
they will be walking billboards for you =)
otherwise just sell your designs out and let your designs do the talking
saves the headache of actually turning it over when it not your main focus
not sure why you specifically do not want Gildan but I'm sure you have your reasons
Here's a start
If you are in Sydney I know a guy who does the printing for a couple of T-shirt places that do the prints when ordered but you'd have to supply the shirts I think.
Otherwise - http://www.pistolclothing.com.au/ does this sort of thing and will supply the shirts. Not real cheap but they do short runs and one offs.
Do you have a design already made? Upload a low res shot of it so we can see how good it is
As far as what your talking about, Threadless seems a good place to start
What's quality like do they print on gildan?
Hey man! try Merch by Amazon. Very popular platform, you design and they print and ship to your customers.
Any idea the quantity you'll be selling?
If it's few enough to print yourself, but enough to make it worthwhile making each template, you could get yourself a screen printing setup for very little cost.
I have a friend who only does several different designs, and only 1 colour per shirt, and he can print perhaps hundreds of shirts in a day.
He buys his shirts when department stores have sales, as he reckons bulk shirts bought online have been unsuitable. So you'd probably want to have a trusted supplier .
Could i get a setup for less than $50?
Are you serious? You want to establish a business but only want to spend $50?
Check ebay for screen printing machines. You might get lucky. But surely the paint will set you back that much??
And were you going to buy a few shirts to print?
you sound like a time waster.
What are your designs like? Are you familiar with the differences between screen printing and digital printing (DTG)?.
I'm a t-shirt printer by trade, working with lots brands, mainly using AS Colour for retail and merch. Gildan is the most popular t-shirt in the world but is associated with a boxy, American style fit. Feel free to PM me if you need some direction and help.
Is there a finders fee? - Or a consulting fee for our advice?