Getting Referees from Current Workplace?

Hi guys and gals,

I've been looking for a new job after working at my current place for almost 18 months. I've done some good work and made some helpful acquaintances while here so I'd like to use them as referees since they're cool and more recent than my current referees.

The only issue is it becomes a huge red flag that I'm thinking about/looking to leave…?

Is there anyway to bring it up without them just kicking my arse to the curb? I would be looking to ask my current manager or supervisor. I also have the option to go with former supervisors from departments I used to work in.

Any advice would be as nice as fried rice.

Edit: Thanks for the replies. Just to clarify I am still applying for grad positions and they normally ask for referees up front as a part of the online application process.


  • +1

    This is why people put down "referees on request".

    Just put this on your resume and start interviewing. If someone likes you enough at the interview to ask for your referees, you've basically got the job and your referees (if they're as good as you say they are) will help.

    That way the red flag only appears when you've already got a new job.

      • +1

        Lucky people who don't have to work for you.

  • +1

    Just be nice to your intended referees for now. When you apply for job and the company or agencies ask for referees list then say you will provide them after you have passed at least 2 interviews. At this time you can ask your referees if they can be yours.

    Some will try to ask at very early stage, just say no. Usually doggy agencies will do that. just walk away. They just want to know your manager details so they can contact them asking for chance to supply staffs.

  • You don't necessarily need your supervisor to be a referee.
    I got around the same issue by putting down a couple of other people at the same level of my immediate supervisor within the same company and explained to the recruiters that I could not provide my immediate supervisors reference due to obvious reasons. The recuiters I dealt with where cool with it.

    • I've been through a few recruitment agencies and they specifically ask for direct supervisors, as they ask about quality of work, general behaviour etc. I've put down much higher positions in my resume who I didn't directly report to and they rejected them :(

  • Another suggestion is to put down the name/ details of the potential referees but tell the company/ recruiter they're not allowed to contact them until further down the process

  • Does anyone put down real referres? I just get a workmate to do it and get them to pretend they're my boss

  • If you're looking for a grad role in your field, I think they would be happy for you and willing to do so.

    If you were in a corporate gig already looking for a change it all comes down to the relationship and trust you have with others around you and how understanding they are.

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