This is an awesome game worth well over 10$ or more. Its single player and has immense replayability. Happy Easter
Don't Starve: Pocket Edition @ Google Play - $1.39 (Was $6.49)

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Virtual joystick. Picking items and fighting has 2 virtual buttons on the far right.
Bought this during the last sale, I've been waiting for Shipwrecked to go on sale now. C'mon Klei!
I don't need to download this game, because I play it everyday in the real world :\
For some reasons, it's not compatible with my 8" ASUS tablet, but bought anyway.
I'm still annoyed at the Devs for not adding local co-op to the PC but am tempted by this
There's another game called don't starve together that has co-op. As far as I know, that one is exactly the same and is on PC. It allows multiplayer local and over internet.
Last I checked DST on the PC didn't have local co-op and the devs were 'going to look at it at a later date'. It was available on the console though
DST has games you can create online and share access with the other person as long as they have a pc.
As far as I checked they don't have local co-op in the shape of playing together on a lan directly on same computer or split screen.
Yeah, and thats the annoying thing that the devs are not addressing that @Povotron is talking about.
Local co-op means you both can sit on the couch and play using the same TV screen. Creating an online lobby/game for someone else to join requires that they own DST as well as have their own equipment.
It's like having to buy four copies of Mario Kart and consoles just to play with your friends even though they're sitting in the same room. I own both DS and DST and would like to get the missus playing without needing another computer.
@aragornelessar: If you want the missus to start gaming with you, first she needs a gaming pc, then she needs to explore games she likes, then she can be your healer.
Cheap meat!
$1.49 balance from surveys from aaages ago. Meant to be.
Also, a fan of this game on steam - ripper game, recommend highly. Love games that do something a bit different.
Looking at my history, I've collected $76 and cha be from surveys. :)
I don't get surveys anymore :(
What's your secret?
I think the trick is my work is quite near to bws and woolworths, so it thinks I go there every day asking how my experience was.
That plus youtube recommendations and it seems to have added up.
Gruesome but awesome game. Best played with friends (Don't Starve Together). Learning curve is extremely steep for those who haven't played before.
Hmm, how does it play, virtual gamepad, or just tap to move?