This was posted 6 years 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Wars Battlefront II PS4/Xbox One/PC $29 @ JB Hi-Fi


Cheapest so far? One day only.

“Embark on an endless Star Wars™ action experience from the bestselling Star Wars HD videogame franchise of all time.”

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closed Comments

  • +24

    Anyone interested in the game can read about their plans with micro transactions. I’m assuming the game is so cheap cos everyone boycotted them due to their initial micro transaction and pay to play strategy (they have reversed some of those decisions since)

    • +16

      Summary: The progression system in BF2 is actually pretty decent now and feels far more rewarding, and Microtransactions have been limited to cosmetic items such as skins, emotes, and poses.

      As a casual player, I've enjoyed the game heaps since they changed how progression works, and it is a vastly different game than the one we all boycotted.

      • +2

        This video is pretty succinct. Talks about whether initial problems have been addressed and whether it's good value now.…

      • +27

        Still going to boycott to send a message that it is unforgivable. Sign of pure greed and rewarding the rich and punishing the poor unfairly.

        • +3

          Would it not prove to them more, that if they get it right, people will buy?

        • +10

          @TheBean: No, buying now will only prove that they can try to get away with anything, then walk back just a little whenever the outrage begins. It's basically pushing the Overton Window until ideas that were unthinkable 2 years ago, become accepted now even though they are no more popular with individuals.

          That's why we have to resist these changes because compare the current (updated) system to something like Battlefield 3 or 4 and you will see that it is still grossly insulting to players.

        • +3

          @E4xtream: I did not know what Overton Window meant until today. Learned something new! Cheers.

        • +2

          @cnut: All good man. Best thing about Ozbargain is that we love, respect, and sometimes educate each other.

        • @E4xtream: I don't know… I reckon $29 for a full game. No further paid dlcs is a good price. They already lost, they can't keep making the same mistakes. But I guess each to their own. In any case, the game's pretty fun so far.

        • -1

          @TheBean: I'm not going to hate on you for buying the game but I think at least some of us have to look to the bigger picture. Brace yourselves for Preachiness

          Point is, companies don't care about you, and they certainly don't care about me. And when you give them your resources—time and money—even after they tried to royally screw you over. They don't learn anything besides the fact that they can first try to get away with anything. Then that Overton window shifts, and 5 years later, what you get in a game is suddenly less than half of what you used to.

          Looking at Battlefront 2, EA cancelled a single player Star Wars release just because they couldn't find a way to add as many micro-transactions in. And going forward, they are planning on only releasing those games which they can monetise and present to us as 'live services'. So really, you are also supporting this worrying trend as EA can then look at the numbers and say "See, we sold this many copies and no one cared about any single player. People only want multi-year, multiplayer services."

          Anyways, to each their own but just be aware that there are industry forces and trends at play here and the only vote which counts is the one you make with your hard-earned money.

      • +1

        Does it still require something like a thousand hours of playtime to unlock most/all content?

        • +5

          All characters are now unlocked by default. You get 1 Skill Point per level to distribute anywhere you like on that character.
          It won't take thousands of hours anymore, and you can unlock what you want rather than having it left to random.

        • @Xianese: thanks!

        • +1

          Just to confirm what Xianese said, all current content (Heroes, Maps, Vehicles, Ships, etc) is now free, and leveling up specific classes is pretty quick and easy.

          Future Heroes will (reportedly) be unlocked with in game currency which you get for completing multiplayer matches, the same currency which is used to unlock cosmetics. Maps will never be purchase required due to the massive divide EA found in BF1.

          So far BF2 runs on "Seasons", and we've had one Season which automatically gave the new Heroes (Finn and Phasma) to anyone who participated (basically just completing objectives such as "Kill X"), so it's possible they'll continue with that model.

    • Man, it wasn't pay to play. It was (profanity) pay to win.

  • -2

    $29 is a good price for story mode.

    • +15

      It’s not. It’s very short and ends very abruptly and unsatisfactorily.

      However, you could resell the game afterwards to recoup the cost but still…

      • I just paid. It is not satisfactory story? Well, I just have to assume I paid for DICE not EA then.

        • It's pretty short and very generic. The ai I'd also bad.

      • +2

        How many hours play does story mode provide? I'm not interested in online multiplayer.

        • My account stats say 9hrs.
          That was the campaign, the added shorter campaign and the single player challenges at the one star level or whatever (they are like a single story mission).

          I tried to join a multiplayer but gave up after 5 min, not sure if PC multiplayer is dead in Aus evening or if that's normal.

          You could do it faster easily, but it does look nice enough to take extra time.
          It's very easy if you just run and gun and can lay down headshots. They sort of expect you to stealth it but you can just run and destroy the bots.

        • I got 5-10 hours out of the base story before they added 3 more missions but if you won't touch MP at all I'm not sure it is worth buying for you unless you really like Star Wars.

          The gameplay feels really nice as well if it matters.

    • +5

      a generic shooter with star wars skin: walk into this area, kill 20-30 storm troopers. move into next area: kill 20-30 storm troopers. do this for around 10 levels and you have battle front 2.

    • Story mode was average at the most. Speculation suggested that the main characters were Rey’s parents, and I’m glad it turned out that they’re not

  • +2

    Meh, still waiting till gets cheaper EA.

    • Battlefront 1 was like $7 on EA Origin a couple times

      • +1

        Yep, $6.66… I'm waiting for the same for BF2.

        • +12

          so.. you're waiting for Order $6.66

        • +1

          @R-Man: I see what you did there :-)

          If they manage to turn the game around like they did with Battlefield 4, I'd be happy with a sub $20 price tag for the complete experience. But Battlefront 1's player base died a lot quicker than it should have so until I see evidence that BF2 is going to thrive, I'm not gonna waste my time with it.

    • Digital copy for sure will get cheaper. Hard to get below $20 for a physical copy.

    • It should go on Origin access subscription soon.
      1 month is long enough with it, so they that's $10 or whatever.

  • -2

    I really enjoyed playing through the story. Best Star Wars game since knights of the old republic IMO. I haven’t been online with it, but worth it just for the story. Essential purchase for Star Wars fans.

    • What is online multiplayer like for pc…anyone playing ? Hc mode /servers ?

    • You are the first person I have heard say this. What did you like about the single player story and why is it worth the cash when it is so short?

      • It isn’t as short as people make out,I don’t think it was much shorter than cod Ww2. It was an interesting and fun story. It’s cheap and I think Star Wars fans will enjoy it.

  • +2

    yep EA access game like Andromeda just a few more weeks…

    • Couldn't contact you directly, RE: LG V30+ I just wanted to say thanks for coming to my defense, I thought we were here for the cheapest price's. Your comment being removed was a bit over the top. Thanks again.

      • +1

        thanks for that - discussing why that was done with mods who are playing hardball over it as we speak.

        I have been banned from that thread for making that comment because?

        Apparently cheapest prices are no longer the prime reason for this site, because oz companies with cheaper prices on hipster are now being concealed in that thread.

        So if you never see me again you now know why - good luck.

  • +1

    The new update (they unlocked all the heroes last month after the major backlash) and the new progression system makes it more palatable now.

    Still not buying it but alot of sites are releasing an updated review for this. Check it out

  • +1

    thanks op for post i'll wait till it gets closer to the $20 mark, no rush, still playing fallout 4 lol

  • I've been playing this on pc for the last week. The multiplayer game has improved a fair bit with the new patch.

    The real gem is the star fighter assault mode, it's no X-Wing series but it looks and feels like your in a star wars space battle.

    The single player campaign is mediocre, it had promise but the short duration clearly took precedence over the plot.

    • +2

      It's the curse of multiplayer focused games, they don't want people spending too long playing solo they want them filling online lobbys, so singleplayer is intentionally limited to being an introductory trainer mode.

  • Cheap for a reason?

    • +1

      10hrs single player gameplay and pretty low skill point.
      It's nice enough, but yeah belongs in the $20 shelf.

  • +4

    Will wait when its $5 for the complete edition. No thanks EA. Greedy pricks

    • +4

      It'll be dead by then and not worth the $5.

      • +3

        It's already dead

    • People that haven't played it.

      It is fun just don't waste your time with the single player and play as many rounds of star fighter as you can before the user numbers drop much further.

      Once SF assualt is dead due to low user count and no server browser to remedy that, there will be no reason to play.

  • Is this game mostly PvP or are there any PvE modes available?

    • +1

      Minimal PvE. Just an arcade mode with a few levels

  • Does it have single player space battle skirmishes yet?

    • No not yet, if it did I'd be happy to just play that when I can't find a game to join.

  • +1

    Horrible game by an even worse company. Good find OP but I wouldn't give them a cent.

  • I didnt like the beta at all, nor bf 2015. ill wait for bf5 for my big battle EA fix

  • What's the current player count on Ps4 like?

    • I rarely have trouble finding a populated match to play. That’s on the two main modes. New patch has a few bugs in it but hopefully they will be fixed. I also found the single player campaign enjoyable, particularly fighting my way to the bridge of a star destroyer. Quite memorable.

  • I'm still hanging for an awesome single player Star Wars game like KOTOR 1 and 2.

    I have never liked multiplayer and would much prefer an immersive single player campaign.

    Anyone have any idea if the powers that be will be developing/releasing such a game?
    Or is it wishful thinking, because they can't sell you addons in single player?

    • +1

      the star wars online game plays like a single player story game, give it a try, its free.

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