This was posted 6 years 11 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DeLonghi Dedica Pump Espresso - EC 685W - White $117.20 Delivered (Was $299) @ Amazon AU

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It's cheaper than previous deal., so be quick before all stocks are gone.

$299 at Harveynorman

  • Full metal body and slim dimensions of only 15cm in width
  • Thermoblock heating element with a fast heat up time of 40 sec
  • Flow stop function to personalise your coffee length
  • Prepare Lattes Expressos Cappuccinos Flat Whites and Teas
  • Two-level cup holder to house glasses and tall cups of up to 13cm for long coffee and milk drinks
  • Self-priming system means the machine is always ready for use
Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Purchased, cheers OP..

    Now i can start my research, lol…

  • +1

    This is an amazing price. I haven't seen it this cheap.

  • Used to have one of these. For the price of a cheap pod machine its quite good value.

  • Can you suggest a good grinder to use with this?

  • +16

    Aww I bought the metal colour one when it was 140 :( Oh well, it's still a great machine.

    Findings from my testing this machine over the past couple of weeks:

    Make sure the grounds are about 3-5mm from the top of the basket after tamping with light to medium pressure.

    If there's too much coffee - and/or you tamp too hard - it will either come out too slowly (or not at all), or begin to leak out from over the portafilter (too much back pressure).

    If there's not enough coffee - and/or you don't tamp at all - it will extract much too quickly and end up too weak and sour.

    For the milk: I've managed to get semi decent mircofoam by setting the wand slider to 'hot milk', and riding the surface like you would with a non-panarello style wand.

    Also, I found that this machine fits my old sunbeam em3800 portafilter which I'm using with a single wall double basket I bought from ebay - allows some good crema :) Although, it doesn't fit the delonghi handle unless you remove the plastic splitter insert…but then you get a third stream coming from the screw hole :/

    • +14

      I understand the words you are saying

    • +1

      noob questions:

      does this come with the frother?
      can i use grounded beans from a supermarket?
      amazon au's description is barebones - what all is even included in the box?
      someone mentioned in previous deals that pods can also work, how and which ones?


      • +5

        The frother/hot water dispenser is the steam wand on the side of it, which you'll need to use with a metal milk jug (or mug, though that may break from the heat). Best to look up videos if you've never used one before.

        Supermarket grounds will work ok, but freshly ground beans will be best.

        The box contains the following:

        *Machine with water tank

        *Removable drip tray (with a smaller one underneath for use with taller cups)

        *The main handle (portafilter)

        *Single, and double shot handle inserts (baskets)

        *A pod basket (for use with special E.S.E pods only)

        *A plastic tamper with a scoop on the other end

        *Cleaning tablets for descaling the machine

        *The ever-important manual which you should read first

        *Packing foam

        *Too much plastic wrap stuff

        *Pretty sure that's everything

        As mentioned above, the only pods that work are special E.S.E ones that are grounds compressed into paper teabag thingies. I haven't seen them in the shops though, just online.

        It's a really good first machine -especially at this price now- which with some practice (and YouTube) can produce coffee that blows the pants off of instant and pods :)

        • +1

          Cheers, I had placed the order before your reply :)

          No more instant or pod coffee for me

    • +3

      …but then you get a third stream coming from the screw hole

      There's a medical procedure for that.
      … Or maybe I don't understand the words your saying.

      • +6

        Hehe yes :p

        For the 'pressurized baskets' this machine has, there's a screw on the bottom of the handle which holds a plastic divider in place. This converts the high pressure single coffee stream into 2 separate spouts (this also creates a kind of 'fake' crema effect). If you remove the plastic divider in order to fit an 'unpressurized' basket, the coffee will also pour out of the hole where the screw was.

        (For anyone interested, you can see the differences between the types of baskets here… )

        You can also buy special 'handles' which have no spouts (or you can take a hacksaw to your existing one if you're bold), revealing the bottom of the basket.
        This is called a bottomless, or 'naked' portafilter - seen in action here (the honey-like liquid is the delicious crema)

        I've found that when it comes to good coffee on a budget, good fresh beans (and practice of course) maketh the cup more than the machine :)

    • +2

      For the milk: I've managed to get semi decent mircofoam by setting the wand slider to 'hot milk', and riding the surface like you would with a non-panarello style wand.

      Me too. This frustrated me at the start because the cappuccino setting just resulted in SO MUCH FOAM. But this way works much better for latte/flat white style coffees.

    • Thanks. Noted for when mine arrives

    • Do you have a link to the single wall double basket from ebay? I have been thinking of getting one for my EC685 but wasn't sure which size would fit.

      • +1

        Ok so I checked my eBay order from 2012, and it says it's a 51mm double basket. The exact sunbeam one is no longer sold, however I did find this… which I believe will fit since most lower end machines tend to use the same size handles. This ships from Australia.

        If you don't want to risk as much money (or don't mind waiting), there are several of the same listings from China for around $5 delivered.

        As stated in my other post, you will need to first remove the handle's plastic insert by unscrewing it, in order for the new one to fit since it is deeper than the standard baskets.

    • Came to say most of this, but you got it pretty well covered.

      Can u send me the link for the portafilter please !! I don’t like the pressurised portafilter which comes with this machine.

    • Should have asked my question here first as there are a few owners here :) Love the machine but can hear a high-pitched squeal when putting the machine in steam mode after turning it on (i.e. at the start of each use) and leaving it for a few seconds without steaming. Sounds like it's coming from the main body - perhaps pressure buildup from the pump. Have you heard similar?

    • Was about to type in the same input with my experience. Thought it was only my machine

  • Thanks OP. Ordered one.

  • can I ask amazon to refund the differences?
    bought it few days ago from amazon au.

    • Wondering about this as well…. Ah well..

  • +1

    Another Thanks OP.

    Bought one as a backup to the one I already have which I bought on this deal

    Terrific value for money for small areas.

    • the fact that you ordered a second one means that you like this machine a lot — I will buy one

  • Thanks. Ordered.

  • +1

    Hi Amazon,

    Can you please make KG 521M grinder less than $100 so we can have a set.

  • How does this compare to the Breville ES800
    My ES800 just blew up looking for new machine
    any deals on the Brevilles

  • Thanks OP. Got one.

  • If only there was a black or silver one! great deal but white won't match my surrounding appliances

    • +3

      You can change the colour with some vinyl wrap

  • bought one

  • I made sure I did not miss this opportunity this time, just bought one. Sweet

  • Grabbed one. Been using Nespresso for years but the environmental issues with pods have been weighing on my conscious (even though I return 100's of them at a time to Nespresso).

  • Doesn't look like it comes with a jug or tamper, is that right?

  • Damn just bought the Sunbeam Mini Barista last week. I like it but it’s a bit big. This is slim.

  • I'm showing $5.99 delivery. Still a good deal nonetheless

    • +2

      It seems to default to priority shipping, drop that back to free and the $5.99 falls off. For me it was 4th-6th of April for Free or 4th for Priority… no brainer, save the $6 :-)

  • Ya got me. Too good to pass up!

  • Dang, bought the Breville from Catch last week. Would have preferred this one… but my old one failed last weekend :(

  • Trigger pulled, may awesome karma come your way!

  • what kinda pods can this machine use ?

  • Wow my first ever order with and I get banned

    Just this rude email


    We have removed your access to this account because we could not confirm your payment information. You will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we confirm your information.

    To resolve this matter, please send the information below to our secure fax line:

    — A copy of your statement for your Master card ending in 05, including the billing address
    — Your name, phone number, and the email address registered to your Amazon account

    Thanks OP good post there's just something wrong with Amazon's attitude to new customers

    I mean who even has a fax anymore?
    What are they on?

  • So with this, I have to get a seperate grinder or buy expensive pods? Isn't an all in one machine better?

    • i read that u need a good grinder to get the coffee well.. hence i’m still reluctant to get this .. better get a pod machine if i don’t have a grinder

      • +2

        An average grinder will still make better coffee than a pod machine

    • Well if it breaks down, you have separate machines doing things. Only issue is if you have limited real estate. Some prefer to get already ground beans so works for them.

    • +1

      No just buy coffee from the supermarket. This machine has pressurized baskets, so the grind doesn't need to be perfect. Also the steamer doesn't need much skill, this machine is for beginners. So you get consistent good coffee but of course its a great cup.

      • Will it be better than the cheap $40 machine I have from Aldi and woolworths pods?

        Not the biggest fan of the white colour as everything else is stainless steel. Wish it the metal one was on sale

        • Yep I think it will be. But you can't really compare them. This one can pull a proper espresso shot and steam milk. It has a lot more features then your pod machine.

        • I had one from Aldi that used coffee beans and not pods. Purchased it back then for $79. It failed after two years all the rubbers inside started melting lol. This one seems to be better made. At least the handle part where you put the coffee is way heavier than Aldi's machine, according to my limited knowledge it should mean better quality materials. The only downside is that you can't make two coffees at a time. You need to have less coffee than the standard measurement in the metal cup, because a full dose will not allow the water to flow or make it come our from the seal. You also need to have coarser ground coffee cause if you grind it fine the water wont be able to pass through

        • Vinyl wrap will quickly change the colour

  • I paid $110.04. Some unknown promotion was applied.

    • I paid $95, some promotion was applied. Not complaining:)

      • Please do tell?

      • Happy days!

    • Haha me too! Was extra stoked!

  • +1

    thought i would slept on it and decide today… now deal is gone ! zzzz

  • Bummer. I snoozed and losed.

    • I legit was putting it through cart when it went :(

  • +1

    How do people find these deals? Is the a site/app that scrapes Amazon AU for good deals?

  • I ended up getting one. Now just need a grinder.

  • Cool managed to grab one, thanks OP :) Great deal

  • Looking at the picture scrolling past trying to figure out what it was, my first guess was robot dog.

  • A grinder deal would go down pretty well right now! And i'm not talking about the app

    • Yes.. this one (hopefully at the same price soon) would be great!

      • +1

        Yup keeping an eye out. I messaged Delonghi on ozbargain too to try organise a deal.

  • Out of interest what grind setting have you found gives good result (if you've already got this model)?

    I grind my beans fresh, and I know it's often bean dependent, but reviews suggest not too fine for this model? Espresso usually roll with a fine grind!

    FYI - I have the Breville Smart grinder. As a comparison I use setting 26 for aeropress.

  • Arrived today :)

    • +1

      Mine is due tomorrow. How are you finding it so far? Btw, there's plenty of videos from Delonghi on YouTube about this specific model. Everything from initial setup to making lattes and cappuccinos. I'd highly recommend checking these out.

      • Anyone purchased a new tamper for it yet? I don't want to use the plastic tool it comes with?

        My machine shipped today apparently.

        • From what I've read about it, you won't really need one with the default setup, since it uses a pressurised filter (double wall), and you don't want to be tamping too hard in such a setup as it will restrict the extraction process. Some have modded the machine with single wall filters (traditional non-pressurised setup), and that's where you'll see the benefits of a heavy tamper (where the pressure is generated by the tamped coffee grinds rather than the filter). That also means you don't want to grind the coffee too fine in the default setup.

        • @maburu1: Yeah - I'd read about the double walled filter. I hope I like the results it creates. Different concept of creating pressure in the chamber to drive the water through the grounds.

          Will need to experiment with grind size. Might start with what I presently use for aeropress and go from there.

  • +2

    Gotta say I'm very happy with this unit. Gave it a run on the weekend and results were great. Haven't tried the steam wand yet but pulled some great shots with freshly ground beans (very recently roasted).

    Look forward to experimenting more, and the white unit rocks. Looks even better than in the pics. Very classy looking compact machine. Thanks again OP. Ripper deal.

  • Loving it. One thing though - read the manual!

  • Has anyone managed to find a good price on this matching grinder?…

    I can't bare to open this coffee machine box before i get the matching grinder

  • +1

    Got mine on the 6th. Have been watching a few Youtube videos about it. Have a small grinder that I bought from Singapore a few years ago, it has become so handy now. I am enjoying quality Cappuccino now. After intensive research about coffee making and coffee beans, I have to say I have evolved from complete ignorant to a semi-coffee connoisseur now. Also bought the Delonghi jug online. Am grinding coffee to last no longer than a week, fresh is better and I have improvised an inner lid in the small glass jar container (for ground coffee) to create an Airless Storage.

    • +1

      Why not grind per cup? I grind my beans just prior to using, although I mainly do so on weekends. During the week I'm on the run and don't usually make my java at home.

      I grabbed a stainless steel tamper and also a jug to round out the experience. I ended up choosing a small 350ml stainless steel milk frothing jug - and I seem to be mastering it. might also grab a 600ml for when there are guests around.

      Actually quite impressed with the results (as compared with an aerocinno I was previously using) with only a few tries to far.

      Looking forward to getting stuck into milk art eventually!

      • I can't see myself grinding per cup, I grind for a few days, the inner lid that I have designed for my small airtight glass jar is quite effective making it airless and on top of that, the jar is in a box to keep it away from the light. I like the 600 mm Delonghi milk jar. I have my milk just under that mark of the pouring spout and I bought a small coffee thermometer from Officeworks for $5.97, by the time the temperature hits 65 to 70, the jar is nearly full. Lucky I have bought that thermometer because before the coffee I was making was not that warm, now I have consistency. I am still using the plastic tamper for the moment. Also grinding per cup means I will have to open the bean bag a few times a day, that would affect the beans way too much and may make them useless.

    • If you have a grinder, why are you grinding for an entire week? Even one week is too long for ground beans to be sitting around in a container.

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