To get the deal, you must tell the person at the counter to use the code YG2333WACKY. Otherwise it will come up as the normal sale price of $67.95. I know because I work at DSE and I have sold several at this price since boxing day. I don't know why its not more widely advertised or on the website. All I know is that anyone can get it for $47.60 until the end of Wednesday.
PS3 Dualshock3 Controller for $47.60 at Dick Smith *IN STORE ONLY*

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And a membership to the Stonecutters.
can I join?
No Homers.
hehe WACKY
lol, this sounds dodgy but hey, this is ozbargain :)
now if only i had a ps3…
Any codes for the PS3?
nup no secret codes for the ps3 :P
Does this apply to all colours?
Also when I tell the counter clerk to enter a code are they going to know what I'm going on about?Yes, they'll know it's a CAT number unless they are very new.
Man, is this kind of a post-Christmas prank or what?! Never heard that you can whisper a code to the person at the counter to get a special price! Are you trying to spice up your work time and have a laugh?! :O)
Last time i whispered something to the girl at the counter, i got a slap in the face.
haha , that would have been nice !!
If anyone's interested…when I read this bargain I see an ad for - DualShock 3 Wireless Controller For PS3 $24.99 US with free shipping world wide.
Works out at about $26 Australian. Not sure if it's official but the reviews seem good.
no these are NOT original Sony controllers, the same website tried to publish this here couple of weeks ago and the moderators unpublished it.
Also consider that it is 24.99USD which is after a 20% discount. No way is the original price the real RRP which also tells you it is not genuine :)
Yeah i tried the $49.94 for Hot Pursuit, DSE at broadway (glebe nsw) wouldnt give it too me, regardless of the wacky code
Maybe you forgot to wink and also say "The sun sets in the east."
I got NFS Hot Pursuit at Endeavour Hills yesterday for $49.94 using it's "WACKY" code. See….
I am wondering if there are any other secret codes or handshakes that navman can disclose to us?
You can always try "up up down down left right left right B A" to see what happens. But you may first need to purchase the DS3 controller to give it a go.
careful, you don't want to do a hadouken in store!
I think yall gotta put a bag on ur head then walk in the store
I got he secret telephone elevator into the store and it worked
Think I paid that with Deal extreme last year and paypal promo!
Got the WHITE one!
Pity this smells like…..
Looks like………
Can anyone confirm it is…….If anyone has success at a Melbourne store let us know.
As far as I can tell, it was a 'Wacky Weekend' special. See:… product page has been taken down off the DSE website, so you can't find that code on their website anymore either.
If the salesman you deal with is switched on, then he won't do it because it was an online special for that weekend only. I managed to get NFS Hot Pursuit for $50 under a similar situation, but the product page was still on the website.
However, on the DSE website the controllers are currently $67.95, see:…
Not a bad price, and it's a genuine price that JB should be able to match/beat.
Navman: what store do you work at? I'd gladly come and buy from you!
Unfortunately the store I work at is out of stock. And this is for the black DS3 controller. Also, on the POS it says the deal runs through till the 29th, so it should still be valid.
is this compatible with ps2? My ps2 one is broken and if this works then I may as well get one.
Hi Jaxx, PS3 controllers aren't compatible with PS2 mainly because PS2 is missing Bluetooth capability.
wow people still play ps2??
Had genuine PS2 controllers on clearance for under $5 at Toys-R-Us when I was hunting the ellusive PS2 for $199.
Any cheatcode for Xbox stuff ?
is this really gonna work? so im just gonna go in and ask the guy in DSE to key in the code? But my question is why would he do that though? XD..i mean it could mean less commission for him no?
Are you going to try it? I'd be interested to know how it goes so please do post back here.
You don't get commission at DSE, only on extended warranties.
He/she isn't gonna care.
Thanks for this,
I was just successful at DickSmith Chermside, young guy had no problems doing it, he was going to grab a couple for himself after finding out the WACKY WEEKEND deal thing works :)
Much appreciated OP (navman)
Thanks! Got one in DickSmith Springvale for $46.70.
I was at Dse Glen Waverley (Vic) and they said it is online only. Mangager won't approve and it was a store mistake. But hopped to Dse on Princess Hwy and they had 1 left and agreed to sell at that price.
What a tosser of a manager
yeah that's just bullshit. if its on the system, and its not part of any other package deal or on QC hold, then he has to do it.
Just got one at Sunbury (Vic) plus the 5% Woolworths discount on top. Very happy!
Thanks for the heads up.
It was $89.00 on the shelf and the girl knew nothing of the promotion, but she said she'd type in the code and see what happens and it worked, so she was happy to do it.Got the official PS3 Blu Ray remote for $31.00 while I was there too.
My mate who works at DSE said that they wont sell at that price as it is a old sale price.
So to all those who want to get it, dont buy from a mangaer, buy from someone who looks young and doesnt know what they doing.
Good luck to everyone.
lol that's a pile of bs
according to the OP it's still available till the 29th in the system.
no luck at brandon park vic, they wouldnt do it for that price. They said alot of ppl had tried today. I dont see why they wouldnt considering other ppl were able to and it was this price when the wacky weekend thing was on.
Sunshine and Watergardens Dick Smiths wouldn't do it…
Is this myth busted yet?
It works, my friend just got one and used his dad's staff discount and got it for about $45.
I work at DSE and will check tomorrow and let you all know for sure.
yes please, ozbargain shouldn't harbor or allow the promotion of immoral deception practices.
Hang on. it was posted by an EMPLOYEE of dick smith.
Your turn.
yes it worked with people who dealt with “someone who looks young and doesn’t know what they doing”.
Refer up
the OP commented and said that in the POS it says valid till the 29th
Maybe DS just updated the thing.
And I think they probably know what they're doing if they know how to enter a product code and then check if it's a valid promo with the POS. "Old managers" (I've seen a manager at DS in the 20s too btw) don't want to give this price is because it'll be cutting away at their profit margin and benchmarks or whatever and that makes them look bad.@AntMan76, then please ask him to prove he is "an EMPLOYEE of dick smith", just ask the poster to tell us what store he works at so we can call them to verify the legitimacy of the offer so other DSE stores do the same!
@Trance N Dance, "the POS it says valid till the 29th", prove it again, how can we know this is true since many people including myself were told by DSE they have not been informed about the offer at all!
I can get my friend to upload his receipt if you want.
That will prove that the code is in the system.
Jesus Christ mate, I don't have to prove to anyone that I work at DSE, nor do I have to disclose which one I work at. The managers at my store are fully aware of the deal and are happy to give it to anyone at that price until the end of Wednesday trading hours (unless it has been taken off the system of course). There is proof in these comments that some stores are willing to sell it at that price, however it is not my fault if you have to deal with a snobby manager.
I'm all for him not saying which store, just so you can't get the deal.
i agree
you have already gone above and beyond in posting this deal
anything else is beyond your control or jurisdiction
hopefully you haven't been turned off by feral cheapos who can't get their deal
DON'T tell people where you work either otherwise the mob will come hunting!
build a bridge mate
Too many fricken keyboard warriors in these parts lately.
same here, Dick Smith people have no idea about such offer, had a fight with the manager instead! stop posting BS please!
you're reading BS
and posting a reply to it!!!
Perhaps someone who got the discounted price would be good enough to upload the receipt so that it can be used as supporting evidence for others.
If someone could offer me some assistance, I'll be more than happy to post a copy of the receipt.
Thanks for the offer. You can upload a scan or photo of the receipt to and then you can post the link to that image back here as a comment.
Sorry guys what i meant to say if this deal has prove to work? I saw one left at a dse store
I got one @ Dse. I think it really depends on the store because I as denied at one store and accept by another.
All I can say is
48 +'ves and 1 -'ve
We have one pissed guy and all I can say to him is
Well tough cookies go try a different store.
There have been multiple confirmation that this deal works. Just because you seem to be unlucky with your local store doesn't mean that the deal doesn't exist.LOL no mate, this negative vote isn't mine, my negative vote has been revoked by the democracy of ozbargain! And please read thoroughly to find that the majority were not successful in getting this item but they did not negative-vote maybe because they already positive-voted earlier just by looking at the post and before going to stores, cannot vote yet, or they are not "pissed" as much as me or this doesn't mean much to them, after all well done and happy new year for the happy positive people, keep dreaming :D
Answer this riddle… How come your vote is the only one that has been revoked. I see a flaw in your theory.
Anybody kind enough to post up their receipt? preferably someone who bought one in perth, coz the guy that i went to didn't want to give it to me until i can show him a receipt
Receipt as requested:…
Hope more people are successful getting the controller.Thanks for the tip Jdr and Navman for the deal.
just been to dick smith in Brighton and bought one, with the code it came to under $47, thanks for the post!
Okay. I work at DSE as you may know by now, and checked the code on the POS this morning and it came up as QUIT STOCK.
We are only allowed to sell packs (yes this is a PACK according to the computer) that are ACTIVE, so if you try to buy one of these there is a VERY VERY Slim chance of this being put through. The pack has been QUIT STOCK since the 23/12 according to the POS, so pretty much anyone who got one, got one on a fluke.So today I went to the Chullora shop-initially on the phone they were fine with this and they had two in stock.
On arrival, they still had one on the system but could not find it. They were happy to match the price. Since it was so late in the afternoon and the deal was finishing, they were going to put the transaction through and let me pick up at Bankstown the next day.
On the phone, Bankstown told them it was quit stock and they would refuse the deal. The manager would not let them or something. The girl at Chullora then checked a second screen which showed the "quit stock" notation.
In the end, I did not get the deal. They said it was expired though I could only see a start date (23/12).
The people at Chullora were nice about it.
Neither positive (as I wasted my time) nor negative (as someone actually has a receipt proving they got it) from me. I can understand the frustatration of some who have gone to multiple shops.
i just bought the last controller at westfield, chatswood for $46.70 using the coupon.
Just got one at mooloolaba store for 46.70. The staff thought it had finished but when pushed they looked it up and agreed to give it to us. Thanks!
Sounds like this one's more for the "hardcore" Ozbaragainers, who are willing to go out of their way for a good deal :P
And 2true2btrue, this is one of the only times I have and ever will use up ALL of my daily negative vote limit :/
I also got one today, it was only for the black controller and I was told the deal had finished, all I said was its all over the internet and they gave it to me. Thanks Navman
This is my second visit to Dick Smith store today. The first one was in Pines Shopping Centre in Elanora (Gold Coast), they saw the code but did not give me the item. According to them they are not supposed to use it.
I visited Dick Smith in Burleigh Heads (Stockland). I got the blue controller since they only have blue and red. Got it without any problem, transaction went smooth as i showed them the ozbargain page with the code. Thank you for your post.
I tried to get this deal at DSE Tamworth this afternoon, but the guy said the deal was expired and wouldn't give it to me. I didn't push any harder. Might try another store tomorrow but I don't like my chances.
Just got mine from dicksmith in midland 3 minutes before closing. Worked a treat, just said that the online stock was sold out and that it says to go to your local store.
If anyone wants me to post my receipt I will.
hi mate, please send me a link to your receipt's pic. Thanks! I had to work this week, but am gonna try regardless tomorrow
Yeah man I got in last minute to :)
Hope this helps. If you need a better quality photo let me know because I took this on my iphone.
Paying with a hungeeee? Dayyyummmmm.
Guys, please remain civil in your discussion. While you're more than welcome to state your points across, please refrain from name calling. Any more of this and I will be locking this thread.
do you guys think i should print the reciept and try my luck at a dick smith today?
Secured one at last minute yesterday from Sunshine Dicksmith. Went to 4 DS stores none of them had in stock (or kept hidden in store room). Guy at the store said it was online deal. I showed him a printout of receipt and he had to honour it :) Thanks guys who posted their receipts here. Cheers
I have a receipt from ds. Reckon Harvey Norman will price match it if I take it in.
Not sure, no harm in trying. I tried Myer for price match as they claim, but they said its below their cost price and even a staff member cannot get at that price. JB are selling for $94. there are some on ebay selling for 50 bucks (pick-up).
is there a secret handshake as well?