Cricket - ICC Vs Individual Cricket Boards --How Come The Punishment Varies between The Boards for Same Crime?

Same Crime, but different punishment by different boards. It makes sense for CA to ban them from domestic matches, isn't ICC should decide what should be the punishment for International Matches.

Your thoughts?


  • $_$

  • +1

    If CA does not take any action then CA maybe in trouble soon.

  • Same Crime

    No crime has been confirmed here.

    • Well, people are overreacting and depicting it as a crime…

  • +1

    Because nowadays the punishment seems to be set at the same level of media interest. High interest? Huge penalty. Low interest? Low penalty. The board is more interested in their image and how they react to this scandal than any sort of measured response. They don’t want to be crucified by the media for being leniant.

  • Cheating in school => offence => expulsion
    Cheating in university => offence => expulsion
    Cheating in relationship => immoral => breakup
    Cheating in the national sport whilst captaining/representing your country => no crime?

    • +1

      A crime is an offence that contravenes law.

      As much as cricket fanatics can argue that cricket is bound by 'laws', these are merely official rules of the game and do not form the constitution nor law of any country.

      Hence, not a crime.

  • +1

    Because the ICC has a ban for that level of crime which they have enforced (like 1 game maybe?) which is enforced for everyone, teams/countries. However CA manages the Australian Cricket Team and they have deemed they have broken team values so they can enforce whatever penalty to them they want. This isnt necessarily an "official" punishment in the terms spelled out in cricket laws, but one they have voluntarily enforced.

  • Cheating in a sport is not a crime.

  • Australians love to jump on the bandwagon and crucify figures in the media when the opportunity arises.

    We suffer from tall poppy syndrome big time

  • It's NOT the same crime. ICC punished them for ball tampering. CA punished them for bringing the game into disrepute. ICC have already said 1-2 match ban for ball tampering is insufficient, and will increase it.

    Disrepute is very broad, but what it really means is "costs us a lot of money with sponsors who don't want to be associated with cheats".

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