What Was Your Last Home Gas, Electricity, Water and Telephone/Internet Bill?

Recently just paid my water and electricity bill curious to know how others are doing.

Can also put who you with, number of people in household and other details if interested purely optional.

But mainly interested in the monetary amount.

99% sure this is for the last three months but can somebody check me as I am still a total newbie at this.

My last electricity bill was $300 am with Origin Energy.

My last water bill was $233 am with Sydney Water.

Can't remember my last gas bill will update when I get my new one.

Telephone and internet home broadband bundle 12/1 nbn fttn unlimited or 1000gb ~$95/month with ACN.

All paid fairly recently within the last few weeks. I stock up the balance in my CAN account not sure if I can do this also with my other accounts like gas, water and electricity so I don't have to pay in future and can save up frugally in my Origin and Sydney Water accounts.

If someone can tell me please let me know.

This thread is mainly just for discussion and comparison of home bills and utilities stuff.

If you wish to talk about solar also or other stuff you may do so.


  • "Telephone and internet home broadband bundle 12/1 nbn fttn unlimited or 1000gb ~$95/month "

    Good job NBN !

    • To be fair it includes some overseas international calls to India which my house needs. But Yeah I should be getting 50/25 minimum at that price. Ah well at least it beats my father's place with Optus.. drop outs galore and flaky unstable connection at least the line at my Katoomba residence doesn't drop out and if it does it's back in 5-10 minutes.

      • +1

        Have you looked at TPG. I know for $110, they offer 100Mbps (assuming achievable) and they offer 500 minutes to India.

        • +1

          Will keep that in mind but honestly I am happy with 12/1 just need unlimited data and calls to India… Want to reduce bill don't need higher than 12/1 my connection is very stable if I can get something that is closer to $50/month with internet and phone unlimited I'd be happy.

      • You can get free calls to India using standard mobile plans these days, example:

        amaysim 5GB $30/28d
        Unlimited international standard calls to 10 countries including India

        Telstra 5GB $40/m
        Unlimited International Calls to standard international numbers to 10 destinations including India

        NBN 12/1 @ $95/m WTF? My 100/40 is @ $95/m with Internode

        • Does that include unlimited phone calls to mobiles and local landlines etc and calls to India? Because if so I might switch over to Internode.

        • @AlienC:

          Switch your mobile to Lebara
          Use this to make all your calls.
          Move your landline to an free incoming only line. Siptalk for example.
          ~$17 a month

          Join Telecube (for example) for $55 25/5 1000gb (10tb off peak). Here

    • 1000gb lol that would last me 3 days

    • Gas: $0
    • Electricity: $870
    • Water: $370
    • Telephone/Internet Bill: $69
    • holymoly @ your electric bill!

      • +6

        This is why such a discussion topic is of no value, as there is no context to the different costs that respondees will provide. Comparison is impossible.
        In this case, 'nocure' may be into hydroponics or does a lot of arc welding?

        • Well like I said above you can add as much extra information and detail in your comments as you want. I don't do bitcoin mining or hydroponics but I do have a roommate who loves his heater in the winter and uses a tv and xbox and box fan all day everyday non stop.

          Otherwise for me it's just fridge and other standby appliances like microwave, phone, two routers, washing machine, hot water system, small crappy 720p tv.

        • @AlienC: Do you get any concessions on your utility bills?

        • @Baysew: no idea I don't think so can you?

        • +1

          "'nocure' may be into hydroponics or does a lot of arc welding?"

          why can't we have both?

        • +1


          Pay on time discount on Usage.

          30% electricity, 29% gas, with energy Australia NSW.

          Look at the going rate on onebigswitch and negotiate with your provider. Talk with the exit team if necessary.

          Of course, out must compare supply charge and unit rates across providers too.

  • 2 person household, WA

    Gas : $130 - AGL
    Electricity : $210 - Synergy
    Water : $322 - Water Corporation
    NBN : $29 , dont use home phone - BuzzTelco

  • 1 person, quarterly bills:
    Gas (Kleenheat): $45
    Electricity (no idea since it's strata): $150
    Watercorp: $330

    Telstra HFC (non NBN): $90/mo for 1TB - 100 down 1 up

    • $90pm / $1080pa , is a lot for 1 person spending on internet

      • +5

        Seeing as I'm basically always on my PC it's worth it to me. I could go on a slower cheaper plan, but 100mbs is a luxury I'm not willing to give up. I downloaded Far Cry 5 in 20 minutes.

        • +2

          I'm with you on this one. I pay $85 for 100/40 FTTP with MyRepublic (Gamer plan). It's absolutely worth it for me. It's my hobby. People spend money on other things for their hobbies, spending money on IT related goodness falls into the same category for some of us.

        • @mattyman: but there's cheaper providers for you on NBN. For him, there's only Telstra HFC (no Optus in Perth)

        • +1

          @TarquinOliverNimrod: Yea locked into Telstra, it was $110/m originally because it was a '$20 for max speed boost' fee but I managed to get that waived.

          Last I heard the NBN HFC rollout has completely fallen over. While 100/40 sounds better than the 100/1 I get with Telstra, it seems like it's a coin toss if you'll actually get that speed on NBN HFC. So I'm happy to wait.

    • WTF? Strata electricity is usually seperate. Waterbill is what you share

      • It's billed separately for the units, we get a bill from the strata based on our own unit metres but the strata receives the big bill with each meter on it.
        Gas used to be the same way, but then strata closed their account and told everyone to sign up themselves.

        • that feels ugly, which state?

        • @Baghern: WA, I can view the direct bill from the electricity company myself using my strata portal, I just haven't done it in years and forget who it was.

  • 1 person, all bills monthly, Melbourne:
    Electricity: $58 - Globird
    Water: Included in rent
    Internet (ADSL2+ with phone line included): $41.69

    • what ISP is that ?

      • +1

        Spintel :)

    • +1


      They're just awesome.

  • 3 people, use 332 KWH last month = $92 (Powershop)
    Origin Gas: 1007 KLJ = $110

  • Electricity: $910 (Last Quarter)
    Water: $323 (Last Quarter)
    Internet Bill: $59 (Per Month)
    Mobile: $145 (Current Year)

  • +8

    Recently just paid my water and electricity bill curious to know how others are doing.

    The same, paying them.

    • +2

      Haha nice

    • +1

      Stuffs in some comedy

      Username definitely checks out

  • Water - Zip,Zero
    Electricity $100 Quarterly
    Gas - $8 bi annual
    Internet $70 pm
    Mobile $10 pm


    Have others call me on the mobile, and dont talk too long. Yep Nope OK, (Sometimes - Thanks) Bye…..
    Electricity - Solar offset (But have swim pool so that hurts). Wood fire for heating in winter. Use wood from Tree felling that was done so we could increase sun for solar. That makes the Greens happy - yes? (can't get sun if trees block it. Otherwise we would have to use Coal power!!!)
    Gas - stove only use 9Kg bottle fill each 6 months
    Internet - Telecube NBN FTTP
    Water - Tank, Fresh and free - except power cost of pump from Tank

    • +1

      99% of phone plans nowadays include unlimited calls. You're doing something wrong if you need to get people to call you

      • -2

        Very few at $10 pm and also mobile internet 1gb. Moving to $15 or $20 plenty.

        Unless you know something else, and would be happy to share. Not adverse to saving money. (Vodafone option is limited as I cant get reasonable reception with them)

        • +4

          The first 6 here are $10 or under: https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Unlimited-SIM-Onl…
          I didn't neg you by the way, and I tried to add a positive vote to neutralise it but I reached my positive voting cap already today

        • +2

          @Quantumcat: Thanks, I will look into those. BTW never thought it was you negging my post, I guess I upset a few Greenies with my Tree lopping comment.

          Which in their limited comprehension, they dont realise with their NEED to have people go Solar, the only economical way is to make sure you get sunlight on your panels.

          Trees block the sun light. I looked at every location on my roof in the past 3 years and the only location was the one where trees had to go.

          Trees or Coal….

          But I guess I was stirring the pot a little and got the result.

          But they could have cut me a little slack, I have reduced the need for more water storage dams as I provide my own.

  • Electricity: -$74 (credit)
    No gas
    Water: $300


    Internet: Telstra nbn $80 1TB 50/25

    2 person household sa

  • 380 elect pq
    150 gas pq
    90 water (usage) pq
    60pm iNet ADSL2

    Renting 2 people NSW.

  • +1

    Electricity $1180, the joys of South Australian power supply. Need more giant batteries.

  • 5 people
    $110 electricity last month
    $80 internet (1TB telstra cable)
    $275 water (quarterly)
    $70 gas (2 months)

  • +1

    My mum lives on her own and runs her ducted air conditioning 24/7/365 in a 2 storey 3 bedroom house and her electricity bill is around $1300/qtr. She says it's because of her thyroid condition and she regularly leaves lights and other appliances on. She's not a member of ozbargain.

    • +2

      try solar + battery

    • +2

      Needs to go back to her doctor, thyroid condition could be better suppressed if still too hot and is causing financial harm.

      • She takes appropriate medicine for it but likes living in Arctic conditions. Whenever I have to stay over I feel like I'm living in an igloo.

        • +1

          Tassie might be better for her, cold air is free down there.

        • Hehe I have the windows open at night in winter ;) good air flow

  • +2

    I actually cut my electricity usage significantly by installing WiFi switches (and lights) on most of my standby equipment and using an Rpi3 running HASS to control it all (which I can also control via my Google Home). I also have my lights setup. Next step is to get motion sensors and use the time of day and motion to automate lighting.

    • +3

      How much significantly

    • Wifi switches would be consuming electricity too. How much are you saving?

  • 5 people

    $158 electricity SimplyEnergy (month)
    $69 internet MyRepublic NBN (~$15 calls month)
    $55 mobile Virgin (month)
    $355 water SEWater (quarter)
    $93 gas SimplyEnergy (month)

  • My last electricity bill was over $1000 :(

    I blame Ausnet, I've been comparing prices with electricity companies servicing other areas of Victoria since I'm thinking about moving and I'm heading towards trying to get a house in a different zone because Ausnet charges more for daily charges and kw usage compared to it's neighbouring supply company.

    I'm hoping my next bill is a little cheaper since I've unplugged several appliances that weren't being used.

    • We’re in Austnet territory. 2 adults, small 3 bedroom house, but approx $330 for the last quarter. For our usage Pacific Hydro worked out to be the cheapest retailer, even with paying a bit extra for gas because it couldn't be bundled as they don't do gas. Oddly Origin worked out cheapest for unbundled gas for us. We do have gas cooking and hot water which helps, gas heating would be even better.

  • Water-$205 qtr.gas-$201 qtr. summer electricity $100 qtr,winter electricity $200 qtr( small solar with no battery).ADSL2 + home phone $60 month. Not everyone in south australia has crazy high power bills . just got to shop around for best retailer!

  • 2 adults 2 kids, 1 of the adults (maybe me) runs what could almost be a home data centre (server, desktop, routers switches wifi's etc) 24x7

    Power fluctuates between 600 & 800 a quarter which is including the 25% pay on time discount
    water approx 235
    internet is 100/40 unlimited ftth with iinet for $99 a month
    no gas
    and rates are 360 per quarter for good measure

  • i have a small house with only wife plus baby and our leccy is always at least 350 (after 20% discount) p/q. SA electricity prices seem very high :(

  • 2 person household, Sydney

    Gas:$96 qtr - AGL
    Electricity:$139 qtr (incl $41 solar feed in rebate) - AGL
    Water:$254 qtr - Sydney Water
    NBN:$50 mth - Skymesh NBN 12/1 plan 60GB peak
    Home phone: $30 yearly - FactorTel VOIP

    • If you want to stay with a major company you really need to look at Origin… AGL has been the worse of the major's in NSW for a long time… they fked up with some investments a while back….

      hmm your low usage ad higher solar feed back might even it up… 17c v 9c

  • Nbn $19 buzz unlimited
    $0 for next year for phone due to $2-5 SIM cards

    • Can I get a link for that buzz NBN unlimited plan..?

      • Nope. It's long expired :(

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