This was posted 6 years 11 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off LEGO @ BIGW (20% off all Toys)

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In the catalogue tomorrow. Some new larger sets are out now.


Lego Range:…

*excludes gaming, sporting, clearance, price dropped items

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closed Comments

  • +1
    • But everything good is out of stock 😕

  • -1

    Problem is 20% off RRP.

    • That's better than 20% OFF JUP (Jacked up price)

    • Some sets BigW have well reduced "everyday" prices on, so obviously you'll need to do your homework.

      Many themes with various discounts but some of the better… city vehicles BigW are $20, RRP is $30. Another 20% off that gets you very close to half RRP.

      • Big w 20% off Lego normally exclude the everyday low price Lego sets… So I would think itll be the same this time round…. Guess we'll find out in a few hours 😊

        • I've been tracking some of these sets and just recently Big W have become generally the cheapest on Lego. These 20% Off prices may not be the 20% off Big W's previous price, but it is cheaper than 20% off RRP (as per Lego Store - which is cheaper than some places claim as RRP (ahem TRU and a few eBay sites that always join in the 20% Off promotions (HW et al)).
          Over the last couple of weeks Big W have generally been the cheapest - they are now even cheaper, even if only marginally.

          Here's an example:
          The February2018-launched set that's $39.99 at Yesterday @ Big W = $29.99. Today @ Big W $28. They say, "saving $7", but it's a saving of $10 (25%). Target, Kmart, Myer, Toys R Us are all selling at RRP.

  • +3

    Don't buy the BB8 Lego from BigW online - I ordered and paid for it last week and added a few others things seeing as I was paying postage anyway. They cancelled the BB8 due to lack of stock and sent the rest. I complained that I would not have bought the other items, or paid for shipping, if I wasn't buying the lego, and after several days of complaining and messages back and forth, they confirmed that they have no stock of the lego BB8 and can't get any….yet it is still on their website as "in stock", and still showing available for pickup at certain stores.

    • Exactly the same thing happened to me. I ordered a lego castle and a $3 playing card and paid $9.9 shipping. they cancelled the Lego castle and sent me the $3 card and charged me full shipping.
      I complaint to the manager with 3 phone calls and they finally refunded me the shipping.

      Dont bother ordering online, their attitude is very annoying.

      • We ordered some PJ Masks figures and a sticker book in November. We added some other really cheap PJ Masks party items (paper plates and cups etc) to the order, that we otherwise wouldn't have bothered with.

        There are three PJ Masks characters, but the website wouldn't let you choose specifically which one. As it happened we only wanted one, so we ordered three figuring they would send us one of each, and we would give the extra ones away as prizes at the party.

        First Big W cancelled the sticker book thus disqualifying our order from free shipping.
        Then when the order arrived we were stunned to have recieved three figures all of the same character! And not the one we actually wanted.

        So we went to the local store to return them, and it turned out they had all the characters in stock - just not according to the website.
        They also had the party stuff that we effectively had paid $10 shipping for (about $3 worth of paper plates and cups).

        I made a complaint but never heard anything back.

        It's an awkward situation as a customer, because Big W, Target and Kmart are all flawed online, but in store they are excellent companies delivering competitive prices with good returns policies.

  • I can't see it in the catalogue? I'll look again….

    • Front page.

      Edit. On lassoo site. Looks like bigw don’t load new catalogues until the day of release

      • Cool.. Thanks… Just saw it on lasoo

        Thought it was time for specsavers after not being able to see it multiple times… Lol

  • +2

    Just a heads up for people intending to buy larger or more expensive items from this deal online. I ordered a BB-8 and it came simply wrapped in black plastic with a delivery sticker on. No box, no bubbles, no protection whatsoever. As you would expect, it arrived in bad shape. They did swap it instore, but it adds another layer of hassle, and is contingent upon your local store having it in stock. Anyway after this experience, my advice is to buy in store if you can with Big W.

    • +1

      makes the decision whether to hoard the box or throw it away easier in my case.

      • People throw away the boxes? :O

        • I guess they want near zero resale value..

    • Toysrus little bit better but still bad, they use thin carton box, but they just throw all of ur orders in, without other protection such as bubble wraps etc. so all my lego boxes still come in bad shape.

      • Collector here who cares highly about box condition, wouldn't buy online from anyone except Lego themselves and the ever-arrogant growing Shop4me. Not worth the drama. Found Myer to be hit and miss though.

  • out of curiosity what are people here thinking about getting if you were going to buy something
    im thinking maybe the xwing

  • Just been. Not everything is 20% off. The Lego mountain police station I wanted for my boy was not discounted. Staff said that stuff which had big price drops recently ($149 to $119 in this case) was not part of the sale.

    • That exclusion in particular is rubbish. However, it's only applying to certain Price Dropped items, as some are still showing a discount.

    • I'm not sure how accurate that is, but I think the mountain police station is one of the recent releases, so $119 is pretty good for that at this stage. The web site simply lists it as "Price Dropped $119", no mention of a saving.

      LEGO City Police Station 60141 on the other hand has a $149.99 RRP and had recently been reduced to $119, and that's now further price dropped to $95 (they say saving $24, but that's just on it's previous price).

      I guess new range items are 20% off RRP (to a Price Dropped price") whereas older products are a further 20% off the old Price Dropped price.
      Having said that, I've seen a new set that was already 20% off that has now dropped to 25% off RRP, but the old $7 Classic are still $5 each as they've been for a year.

      Just looked at the catalogue and seen that some City sets from last year haven't dropped in price at all - the Stunt Truck and Fire Truck are advertised at $20, which is how much they've been for ages.

  • Expired! That didn't last long :(

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