Hi all,
I'm moving from Brunswick to Essendon next week and am as such losing my much loved FTTP connection, which has me looking at other internet options. There's no NBN or cable services available in the area, but the new place is pretty much across the road from the ADSL exchange, so I'd expect speeds of 20 mbps or so.
I've got a 12 month lease and will potentially be looking to move on after that, so I'm looking for a month-to-month internet contract. Unfortunately, these come with pretty hefty sign up fees (iiNet & Internode charge around $130-$150 to connect both the phone line and the internet), so I'm looking at mobile as an alternative.
With Optus currently offering the iPhone X on a 200gb plan for only $120/month, I'm considering ditching the whole idea of a separate internet plan, bundling it with an AC100S 4G modem for $18 and sharing the data between the two. People have reported getting speeds of approx 150+ mbps using this modem, and upload speeds are obviously going to blow ADSL out of the water.
Worth noting that I've currently got a iPhone 6 128gb on a $24/month Spintel plan, which I'd also be ditching, hopefully getting around $300 for the phone on gumtree or the like (it's in good condition)
So breakdown is:
ADSL option:
Internet Plan - $60/month (e.g. Internode 500gb ADSL)
Internet Setup Fees - $130 one-off
Phone Plan - $24/month
Total - $2146 over 24 months
iPhone X option:
Internet Plan - $18/month
Internet Setup Fees - $0
Phone Plan - $120/month
iPhone 6 sale proceeds - ($300)
Total - $3012 over 24 months
Basically $866 for an iPhone X + much faster internet - am I wrong to think this makes too much sense not to go with?
Go get it as long as you're sure you can live with 200gb/mo