hay hay hay!
back in 2003/2004 some friends and i were very into building gaming PCs. i remember one of the last ones i built was to play the FIRST COD and COD united offensive (im old) i have played a few PC games since then on older hand me down computers from friends but there is no way they would play the new farcry which is my inspiration right now. i know NOTHING about the latest PC parts and have no time to invest in learning and doing all over again. i just want to know is their any good off the shelf gaming PC that will age gracefully. either from any online stores, Dell, harvey norman, whatever, that is about $1300 or less?
More info bud, what's included in your budget?
Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers? Or have you got $1300 just for the tower? That'll make a big difference to what you can get.
Also, are you into overclocking and pushing parts to their limits, or want something stock and stable?
Do you already have an operating system, or are you looking to get something OEM?