Builder Stealing Energy from Neighbors

Hi guys, I am building a house with a private builder. My builder is stealing electricity from the neighbors since my meter has not come yet and refuses to accept to share the bill. The neighbor is kind and does not stop him because he thinks it will delay my house and they don’t use much anyway. However he has taken photos and recorded video. I can pay the neighbors the share of electricity bill since it’s under $100 but I want the builder to be taught a lesson. Is there anyone we can approch with the evidence and make the builder pay?


  • +1

    Is there anyone we can approch with the evidence and make the builder pay?

    Tell you neighbour to call the police. That's theft. If the neighbour says he doesn't mind to the cops, then all is well.

    • The apprentice borrowed neighbours phone.

  • +11

    Sounds a bit risky to aggravate your builder while your house is not done.

    Just spot the kind neighbour some cash and a slab

    • This … just EFT him and say send you the bill so you can oay half.. and then after completion, see if you can get the bank to withhold or something on last payment?

  • +4

    Yes….don't threaten your builder until after your house is built and handed over…otherwise, you will suffer :/

  • +12

    I can pay the neighbors the share of electricity bill since it’s under $100 but I want the builder to be taught a lesson.

    I'm going to be blunt here, but you're an idiot if you think you can try to teach your builder a lesson.

    Most people would be happy to have a builder who they can get along with and trust to build their home.

    You, on the other hand, have the perfect attitude to cause yourself issues with your own builder. Whatever lesson you plan on teaching your builder, they're in a position to give you a lesson that's many times more harsh!

    If you're going to pay that relatively tiny bill as you say you are, just pay it and let the builders know that the neighbors have mentioned the topic - No need to try stir anything else up!

  • +6

    You are spending hundreds of thousands building a house and you want to pick a fight over $100 or so?

    You better hope you don't seek any variations to the build or $100 out of pocket will be the least of your issues.

    As others have said, you need to have a good working relationship with the builder so stop being a tightarse

  • I would go one further and rent a generator for your builder. It would make him very happy and strengthen the relationship that you are almost about to jeopardise
    The builder is working for you, on your land to build your house. You are just as liable for electricity theft as he is.

  • +2

    People here aren't seeing OP's point. Theft is theft, he doesn't care about $$ but he doesn't want the builder to be stealing electricity and denying the fact he is doing so.

    Props to your kind neighbour OP.

    • Exactly ^
      If OP sides with builder, OP is a theft accomplice.
      If OP sides with neighbour and keeps principle of not stealing, house will get -/:;()$&@“.,?!!!!!!
      So maybe rent a generator as mentioned ^^ or push the electricity distributor or whoever is responsible to install the elec meter to hurry up…

      • Or agree to share electricity bill with the kind neighbour..

  • By the time the frames gone up and we put the roof on and power is to the meter it's usually about 10Kw $2.50 @ 25 cents per Kw before we plug in to recharge cordless tools. Is the builder breaking into the premises next door to to plug the power in? Have the neighbours complained to you?
    No one is going to want to listen to a genny run all day including the neighbours.

    • +1

      Exactly right mate. See what your neighbour thinks when the guys start the 8kva generator at 7.01. Some people are just petty.Or tell the builder to stop and delay getting into your house for a few weeks until the energy company connect the power. Probably going to cost you a little more than the couple of bucks power. Just move on with your life. Australia has turned into a country of pathetic whiners.

      • +1

        It’s about doing the right thing mate not whining. Rather than accepting it, builder is ignoring it which makes me think that kind neighbor is being taken advantage of. However, I will be holding 150$ from last payment and sending it neighbors way. Cheers for the input

  • When the neighbours were building, they asked me if the builders could throw an extension lead over the fence for a few days. I said sure, and the neighbour ended up giving me 2 gold class tickets. Wasn't expecting anything in return honestly

  • Cheers guys. Will pay the neighbor and hold little bit from the last payment. Builder has agreed too when I mentioned neighbor is complaining about “electricity theft “

  • Don't builders usually organise a "builders pole" to get their power. Seems like the builder is saving a bit of time and money by getting power from your obliging neighbour. The money and time saved probably benefits you.

    • Builder has a mismanaged team. Pretty sure they forgot to apply for power on time.

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