Near Car Accident - Who Would've Been at Fault?

Hi guys

Experienced a near miss today and was wondering who would've been at fault.

Was turning right from Canterbury Rd onto Chapel St (towards the 7-11). As I was turning at the intersection the car in front of me was turning very slowly and it looked like she was turning into the right lane. I chose to turn into the left lane. As we nearly exited the intersection (near where the pedestrian crossing bit is) we were side by side but I was about half a car length behind (probably in her blind spot). Luckily she stayed in the right lane or else a collision would've been likely.

If there was a crash who would've been at fault?

Here is a map of the intersection


Poll Options

  • 36
    You would have been at fault
  • 1
    She would have been at fault
  • 2
    The slurpee machine never works anyway so you should have just turned into the right lane


  • +5
    1. Don't partially overtake people when you're turning in an intersection.
    2. ????
    3. Profit
  • +3

    I would probably hazard a guess that you would have been at fault in that situation. If there is only one turning lane you should not be overtaking people while turning, even if they're mighty slow.

    Regardless, the answer is - get a dash cam. It would help determine liability in any situation in which an accident occurs, especially those accidents which are contentious in relation to fault.

  • +1


  • +2

    If the accident occured at or very close to the exit of the turn, it will be argued that you overtook from the left in the middle of the turn. You'd be hard pressed to justify or provide an alternate scenario in a he say she say outcome.

  • Was turning right

    I chose to turn into the left lane.

    First of why?

    Who the heck turns right into the left lane? Some muppet did that to me the other day then tried to undertake me.

    Would've been your fault 100%

    • +1

      Who the heck turns right into the left lane?

      Nothing wrong with that:…

      The problem was that the OP seems to be saying he turned right FROM the left lane, which should be a left turn or straight.

      • +3

        I turned from the right turn only lane not the left lane. If I turned from the left lane I would be too embarassed to post it here haha

        • Makes sense :)

          See my response below.

  • I can only see one turning lane.

  • +1

    Unless you have a multi-lane turn you MUST keep to the right hand lane when turning.
    You both would have been at fault as you both would have failed to do so.…

  • If youre turning from a lane u should not have, then yours.

  • Your fault, learn to drive and learn the road rules.

    The woman did nothing wrong, she turned from the correct lane into the correct lane, she cannot legally turn into the left lane.

    You on the other hand were impatient, did an illegal turn, and didn't even consider that the woman you were illegally overtaking was probably turning slowly due to pedestrian traffic that you didn't even see.

    I ride a motorbike, I get to deal you duckheads daily.

    If you want your $80,000 investment impounded, that's a good start.

    • In this case I realised it wouldve been my fault. Also, I was taught that you could turn into either left or right like the link shows from RJK…

      Good luck on your motorbike, Ive seen the stuff on the watchpeopledie subreddit and theres too many crazies on the road to be riding a motorbike

      • +2

        You can turn into the left or right lane as pictured, but the difference is that until you are out of the intersection, you need to give way and you can't overtake her inside the intersection. If both of you were out of the intersection (in marked lanes), then she needs to give way to you if she wishes to change lanes.

      • +1

        Looking at the map again, as ughhh you can turn into either lane at that intersection as the lanes are not marked, but so can the woman in front of you.

        You were impatient and stupid, and that'll get someone killed.

        Probably the pedestrian you never saw or even bothered to look for.

        Good luck on your motorbike

        Yeah, with you out there I need all the luck I can get.

        • +1

          Nope, no pedestrians, the light was green and several cars ahead had already made the turn. Tbh I think she was distracted as it took some time for her to realise the cars in front were already moving.

          I dont get your response to me saying goodluck to you. I clearly wished you well because im not brave enough to ride a motorcycle (seen footage of incidents). Then you give me a snarky response like Im out to get you on the road? How did you manage to get offended by that?

        • +1

          @hadz: he was trying to say there might have been a pedestrian and if there was you wouldn't have seen them. I think he misread your motorcycle comment as being sarcastic

  • +1

    You were perfectly fine turning directly into the left lane, but wasn't legal IMO to overtake from the left especially during a turn.

    There's no marked turning lanes so it should be treated as a single lane turn, i.e. cars one by one even if you pick a different lane to turn into.

    Once you're in the marked LEFT or RIGHT lane you're fine to continue past the slower car - but in practice you should be aware that very often idiots will assume the LEFT lane is clear and make an immediate lane change into it from the RIGHT. If they'd read the road rules they'd know they should have picked the lane they wanted in the first place.

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