Far cry 5 prices at $59.99 at Amazon AU with free delivery. new user can use code to make the total down to $49.99.
just ordered one. best price I can find so far. enjoy!
Far cry 5 prices at $59.99 at Amazon AU with free delivery. new user can use code to make the total down to $49.99.
just ordered one. best price I can find so far. enjoy!
Nice ;)
Can you please post the actual link?
I feel like it's more effort to post a screenshot than the actual link
link to 10 dollars discount
link to all far cry 5 game
sorry I'm outside and hard to. do. it with phone
Good deal!
how many weeks till its this price in all stores?
It will be a popular game so I would expect the cheapest you will see it in store within the next 6 months is $59 so $49 Is pretty good especially with postage.
Cheers man, Far Cry is my favourite series. Just ordered Ps4 version. Such a good price
FYI Gold edition comes down to $84.99 with free shipping (if you don't mind waiting a couple extra days)
Digital or physical? I only download now so o can get multiple copies through family sharing.
physical copy
Thx got the 4 slice toaster for 33 dollars
How quick are amazon shipping stuff? JB I often get the game on the day it is released.
Depends on which shipping option you choose obviously free being slowest
Tempting but want to play it over the long weekend next week. What are the chances it will be delivered by Thursday?
This is a ridiculous price - if only PC got included :(
I know!! I suppose we are the lucky ones usually…
Amazon should compete with Steam!
ok pc digital version here is what you do ONLY $47.99.
step 1 : go to green man gaming website
step 2 : make a "NEW ACCOUNT"
step 3 : pre purchase far cry 5
step 4 : enter code: new20 into "vouchers and gifts cards"
now you own far cry 5 for only $47.99
cheapest so far
That's USD, which is actually $63ish AUD. So the Amazon deal is slightly cheaper.
Amazons PC price is $69
well $59 if you get the 10 off
This is good, but Amazon still need to step up their game. I'd pay for express delivery to get it by Thursday next week, but delivery time "averages 1-4 business days"…. so I pay an extra $10 and still might not get it till the following week…
*edit - cancel that CBD in major city seems to get it in 1 day with express post.
I’m guessing it’s 1-4 days because some country suburbs do not get the next day guarantee
Yeah, that's all it is.
Don't give a single shit about Far Cry and I'm tempted at this price.
Does anybody know if EB Games would be likely to match Amazon on this? Without the $10 off.
Highly doubt it. It would be similar to trying to price match off eBay as Amazon isn’t really considered a bricks and mortar
Thanks for the reply. Didn’t think about that aspect.
Definitely not, they only seem to match physical stores advertised prices and definitely wont do a coupon discounted price.
Darn. Sounds like I’m outta luck. Thanks for the reply.
How can I get the $10 discount to work? The link in the thread isnt working for me. Just sign up a new account and get the promo in email?
Nup. Just type in amazon10 in the promo code section.
If you’ve already signed up with an email, just sign up with your mobile number or vice versa.
Worked for me that way
when check out, there is a box asking you for. the. promotion code, where is the place to key in the code.
Yeah that's a sold. No one's doing better than $50
Hope there not sold out before I get home
“The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase.”
Edit: oh, new user?
New accounts only
Yep. Confirmed this by creating a new account :)
I don't have a new account at all, logged in, code still worked for me and I ordered without issue.
Yeah that's a sold. No one's doing better than $50
Hope there not sold out before I get home
I’m interested, but the prices of 4 and Primal dropped so quickly after release I’m happy to wait til it goes sub-40.
Yeah, this. It's a series that doesn't hold its value for long at all. If you're not going to play it in the next month or so, wait. Far Cry 4 was $25 before I'd gotten far into it at all.
FYI, this works for PC as well, but PC is $69, goes down to $59 AUD which I think is still the best price you can get?
Thank you, just applied code (with my long term, not new amazon account) and with free shipping $49.99 for Standard PS4 version
So for the Central Coast, NSW. Would I be likely to get day one delivery on any of the options?
EDIT: Purchased anyway, hope Easter Weekend doesn't play too much into this. Thanks OP.
Looks like Press Start picked up on your deal https://www.facebook.com/PressStartAu/posts/1218814161589442
I grabbed one. cheers
Grabbed the Xbox version :) Thank you op!
Thank's OP. Grabbed one.
I live in metro sydney. If I choose free delivery, will I get it before good Friday? How's Amazon Australia going with shipping preorders? Do they do it the day before release or on release date?
I'm guessing that the estimated delivery window that appears at checkout is fairly accurate. If you choose free delivery it's my guess it'll come 7 days from release date due to long weekend.
Damn I chose free delivery as well, totally forgot about good Friday & Monday public holiday … fingers crossed we get it before the public holidays.
If you're super keen you could get the express shipping and the $10 off just makes it the regular price minus the express shipping cost at $60. Free fast shipping. You can edit the shipping post order and pay the difference. I have too much of a game back catalogue to care about playing this on day 1 so I can wait the 7 days
Took the free delivery option and it arrived around 2pm Thursday, stoked didnt pay the extra cause got it in time to give it a decent play over the Easter break
Mine shows it will be dispatched on 30 April, so 6 days after placing the order, why do slow??
30th of April!? Whoa! If you mean 30th of March, you have to take in account that the long weekend will slow it right down
Ups, should be 30th of March :)
It's not delivery date, but dispatch date of 30th of March, which means it takes 6 days to post it and then whatever it takes to deliver on top. Hopefully the dispatch date is incorrect, otherwise this is the slowest from Amazon I've ever seen.
Mmmm - Just went to sign up and it said I am already a member ? I have separate accounts for Amazon UK and US. Not sure what it's referring to because both of those accounts use an old email that doesnt exist anymore + I havent ordered anything off Amazon in years.
Edit: Signed in with a temp code and it was my account. Have no idea what my password is.
You don't have to register a new account. I have used my old Amazon US account to get the $10 discount.
Yeah, I tried my old account and it worked. So did the code.
Damn it. Prordered from ozgameshop yesterday!
It's not like you can't cancel.
Can you? First time I've used them.
Besides, I received an email saying they've dispatched the order.
Oh dispatch is too late yeah. I wouldn't bother with ozgameshop, shipping takes too long and pretty much all games are cheaper locally anyway.
@FeZZa21: Thanks mate. I'll know for next time. Let me know if you see any good deals for state of decay 2!
Ozgameshop is good for some games. Their player points system can be a good way to get a discount on future purchases. I find their release day price to be fairly close to JB hifi most of the time and I can't wait 10 days for postage so I get it at retail but they discount games that have been out for a few weeks faster than Australia retailers so it's good to get games from them post release date
I am new to PS4, I thought ozgameshop was the right place to shop! where should I look for games?
I ordered cod WW2 on ozgameshop for $50 + $2 shipping. I couldn't find it any cheaper than that.
If a game has just released, it's usually cheap at bigw/jb etc but if old like cod, gumtree my friend :) and don't offer more than $40.
@FunbagsOfSatan:I thought it was shipped from Australia given the name ozbargain. I was expecting to have the game latest Tuesday!
@imurgod: hahaha awesome that you wrote ozbargain instead of ozgameshop. I do the same.
I believe they are shipped from the UK. Their PS4 games are "ALL" region by default, unless the region is specified in the description (those ones are usually 'too cheap to be true')
Cheers op, does anyone know if you can cancel pre-orders on jb hi fi if you pay in jb gift cards? thanks for any help
You would be able to cancel, they'll likely cancel back onto new gift cards though.
great! thanks for the response mate saved $19
Thanks, got one.
Anyone reckon getting the PC version is worth it at $10 more?
well, did you remember to pre order a PC?
thanks, ordered!
Uncharted Collection for $24.99 delivered after code seems like a decent deal https://www.amazon.com.au/Sony-Interactive-Entertainment-Unc…
Need for Speed Rivals $14.99 delivered https://www.amazon.com.au/NEED-FOR-SPEED-RIVALS-PS4/dp/B018V…
Get order over $50 and get free delivery.
Not sure if this works
but I have it set as PS4 games, sold by Amazon and some decent games you couple together and get $10 off and free delivery.
Uncharted Collection (PS4)
$57.99 delivered if free shipping and code used.
But… Why would you want either of those games? NFS Rivals has been less than $10 and is woefully average. Unity's the same and is as low as $15 atm.
Don't see either as picks worth attention.
OP, how are you getting the code to work on your old US amazon account? I have both US and AU and want to buy this game for my brother-in-law. But I input the code in the promotions text box at the end of checkput and it says its valid.
Thank you had to create a new account, but it's pre ordered. Hopefully I get it by the Friday 30th.
I signed up just to say a big thanks for posting this. I would definitely have missed this and I was going to add on fc5 for now unless I could get it at $60.. absolute bargain!
Thanks! Good to see my post has received so many votes.
The promotional code you entered has expired.
Promo code is expired.
Someone is selling the Gold Edition for $8.00
This needs attention, you should post it's own link.
Did you order? Looks too good too be true (aka scam) even though good price.
Yeah I did. Order got cancelled.
I know I asked this before with no answers but I'll give it another shot.
Can someone tell me what 50% back in player points be if I purchased Far Cry 5 at 110$ from Ozgameshop? Planning to use my $15 voucher to bump it down to 95$, but only if the Player points are worth it. I can't work out how their player points back promo works.
Thank you!
PS I can't work it out because once I purchased Monster hunter and got 3850 points, and they did the 20% back in Player points and I got 11550 total…Not sure how that works.
Ah, it's literally 50 percent back from my experience … Remember you only get a year to use the points and they generate discounts incrementally like if you want to purchase a $60 game you'll get $10 off etc. You can't cash them all on whatever you want. The amount you can. Cash increases with the value of your shopping cart.
You're telling me I'll only get 2250 points back ontop of the 5500 points I get. Totallying a return of $7.75 to spend on something else? I probably should have just gone with the Amazon deal when I had the chance! ugh.
Might wait for a price drop then…
No that's not correct. It's 50 percent of the price of the game dude. You should contact their customer service for clarification. They have a decent customer service via email from experience
Lucky buggers with express already got the game from Amazon a day early: https://press-start.com.au/news/playstation/2018/03/26/aussi…
I'm kinda tempted to alter my delivery to express and pay the $10 because Ni No Kuni 2 is a bit Ni No much exciting for me so far. King Evan is as exciting as that kid in school who was the do good and never said or did anything "wrong". He's as exciting as a cardboard box if you're not a cat or a small child. I think I want to shoot at some crazy religious fanatics instead …
anyones shipped yet?
Not into Far Cry but this is good price for all you who want.