Original price $499, according to Pricehipster. So, 80% off now. It was ridiculed on first release for being that expensive, but still this seems to me to be one of the most attractive fitness trackers made so far, and now it is affordable for battlers. Stumbled across this while looking on behalf of a relative who wanted something cheaper than a smartwatch but nicer looking than a Mi Band.
Wisewear Socialite Activity Tracker $99 Delivered @ Harvey Norman

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And/or…. an older model. The way tech advances and improves these days, a $500 device 2 years ago, is only worth about $100 today .
Not sure how old this device is though.
There are 3 different designs, each in different colour options.
https://www.harveynorman.com.au/wisewear-kingston-socialite-…Good discount from their original prices, but be aware that the manufacturer Wisewear filed for bankrupty reccently - prob explains the clearance…
https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/local/article/San-Anto…If it relies on syncing back to the manufacturers website, bankruptcy could see it becoming an expensive bracelet.
These devices are for idiots.
These devices are for idiots.
Only an idiot would know that.
cool feature, not my colour though
"Built with distress messaging, Socialite can notify your preset emergency contacts if you're in trouble just by tapping the bottom half of your bracelet. With your smartphone nearby, the Socialite will automatically send out a pre-made text with your GPS location so you can get help faster."
Hopefully it isn't too easy for that to happen accidentally!
Dropped from $499 to $99, can't be too popular.