This was posted 6 years 11 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2 Selected Games for $20 @ EB Games


There are good games in this category, PS you can buy one for $10 you dont need to get 2 to get the discount. Games include (all ten bucks unless noted)
Hyper Velocity 2X PS4
Killer Instinct Definitive Edition (20 bucks not 10)
Super Meat Boy
Playing With Super Power: Nintendo SNES Classic Official Guide
Sine Mora EX (PS4 and X1)

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +11

    WTF is Arselan?

    • +6

      Its a Do not buy… someone call tightarse and get him to check it out.. Ill pass..

    • +24

      It's either the lion from The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe… or it's my home network when it's not behaving itself.

    • +1

      It's *Arslan, game based off an anime

    • +5

      Arselan… It's like The Human Centipede

    • +1

      So you get an actual answer, Arslan is based off the anime/manga Arslan Senki / The Heroic Legend of Arslan. See Wikipedia for more info:

      • Ooh I remember Arslan/Arislan Anime back in the 90s. I didn't know they recreated it recently. Might have to have to give it a watch because I remember the old anime fondly. Interesting new art style though…

        • I enjoyed it…..although Daryun needs to be f$@^ nerfed

    • +1

      Anagram of Arsenal

    • It's like Auslan sign language, but you don't use your hands…

    • +1

      It's a Musou game based on the Arslan anime series. A Musou game is known as Warriors in the West (Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors). Musou games are hack n' slash games known to throw hundreds of enemies with barely any AI for you to attack and kill. They don't have much depth to the gameplay other than killing hundreds of enemies at once but they are really satisfying and mindless. Definitely an acquired taste that casual gamers probably wouldn't enjoy.

      • Ooooo I like these sort of games. Makes me feel like an elite gamer killing hundreds of enemies when I actually suck. LOL !

    • +1

      It's what you get when you accidentally stick a LAN cable up your butt - an arse-lan.

      • +1

        If you're going to accidently stick things up your butt, shouldn't it be a crossover cable?

  • +2

    Mass Effect Trilogy for PC isn't bad - it is $9.99 on Origin at the moment, but I presume that is USD

    • +3

      Origin games in Australia are AUD.

      • Thanks, Steam had me making the wrong assumptions about a competitor.

        In which case people can save a cent by getting it on Origin.

    • +3

      It may be genre specific, but Super Meat boy, Velocity 2X and Matterfall are certainly worth $10.

      • -3

        I bought super meat boy for like $2 five years ago. How come worth 10 now?

        • +8

          On PS4 physical media or on steam or humble bundle? apples and oranges chief!
          Amazon Historical PS4 low price $13.99 US…. What about the others titles listed, feel free to rag on one title and ignore the rest.

        • +2

          Never mind replying to the actual questions that was asked, lets just try to make fun shall we? Given you bought it five years ago let's assume then you did not have it at release either and waited 5 years for a deal? Good for goose not good for gander? Double standards much?

        • -8

          @Sanvy: Everything you say is true, waiting 10 years to buy this game for 5 times the price on an expensive and obsolete-upon-release console would have been a much better move.

        • +1

          @Budju: Sir, your fetid and ill conceived argument have convinced me to contact the mod and unpublish this immediately. Enjoy your victory.

        • -6

          @Sanvy: Touche, good chief. I didn't realise we were breaching the code of conduct and bringing oz bargain into disrepute. Let's call it quits.

    • +1

      "Account needs to be at least 30 days old to cast negative votes"


      • +1

        Don't worry, I used up my daily allotted negatives for you.

  • +2

    Quite a number of my games are now only worth $10, if not less.
    FIFA 15 pre-owned was $4 a couple of weeks ago from eb games.

  • +2

    That super nintendo book looks pretty cool

    • +1

      I caved and got one :)

      • +1

        Let us know how it is OP :)

        Brings back memories, I still remember playing my SNES and all the great games…

        • Roger, Ill be picking them up around 10 with Detective Pikachuuuu!

        • Its certainly worth the $10. If you are nostalgic about the SNES era (and have a SNES mini) its a great coffee table book. It has strategies for the games on the mini — so worth a read IMHO.

        • +1

          @Sanvy: Thanks Sanvy. Decisions decisions… I already bought stuff from this deal…

  • +2

    There are couple of PC games that frequently goes on sale for less than $10 on websites selling steam keys, notably Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor and Mortal Kombat X.

    • These are $5 games for the last 12 months, but good deal if you want the EB membership points I suppose.

      • +1

        Do the ‘carrots’ have any real value? They always ask for my membership but I’ve never got anything back

        • Occasionally they hand out merch based on carrot level (like the Skull Kid when they re-released Majoras Mask), also they tend to hold stuff for longer the more carrots you have.

        • I was being completely facetious, not worth paying double for some bonus points.

        • +1

          @Sanvy: I recently picked up a bag of 20 1kg bags of carrots from IGA for work. EB must love me now!

        • @Slippery Fish: Haha more value than EB Carrots for certain!

        • @Slippery Fish:

          I hope you are a chef or at least work in hospitality (juice bar). Otherwise, I would find buying 20 1kg of carrots a bit weird/suspicious. ;-)

        • @Lysander: chef. And we go through about 30-40kg on a busy week lol.

        • @Slippery Fish:

          Wow, that must be a busy place where you work. I cook for a volunteer organisation on weekends and if I go through 2-3kgs for my soup and salad that would be a lot (normally for about 30-35 people).
          For your sake though I hope you can arrange or have arranged a standing order with delivery - you are busy enough and have plenty of stress already I assume - you do not need the hassle of carrying all that stuff too.

        • @Lysander:saved 50cents a kg buying myself. $10 is $10 when your doin shopping anyway haha.

  • +4

    Diablo and command and conquer chests are my picks. Everything else is not great

    • +1

      Killing Floor 2 is a hoot with friends.

    • Think I got the cnc bundle for like 3 or 4 bucks 12 months ago from origin but that felt like a real bargain. Diablo chest is good though ;)

      • +1

        I think I got the same bargain on C&C pack

  • +1

    Can anyone confirm if the $10 for one is applicable at all stores?
    Can’t seem to find anything on the site that suggest this..

    • +1

      It is, I called two stores to find the SNES book and they both had it at $10.

      • +1

        Ah, cheers.
        Hopefully I’ll find a copy of Sine Mora Ex in my local store tomorrow!

        • Good luck, hopefully you score a copy.

  • +3

    Don't know if it's intended but you can grab grab two products from the different categories (2/20, 2/40, 2,50, 2/70) and the discount will stil work. Arslan (10) and Madden (35) for $45 total is a pretty good deal.

    • +2

      …just beat me to it! :)

      • You can.. See below. I also bought 1 from 2 for $40 and a few from 2 for $20 and they split the costs; the 1 from the 2 for 40 bundle was charged @20 and the others $10 (I had an odd number also). Also see title :D

        • +1

          It's been that way since 2008 when I bought my first copy of guildwars with my very first paycheck :p

          On a side note that was likely the best value game I've ever bought.

  • +2

    The 2 for $xx deals seem to be interchangeable. I just picked up Lego dimensions starter pack for Wii U under the 2 for $40 deal and an expansion for it under the 2 for $20 deal and was charged $30 total.

  • +1

    Sunset Overdrive is fun imo especially for $10

    • +1

      Would Sunset Overdrive be okay for a ten year old? I don't have an Xbone, but I'm tempted to pick it up to give to my nephew.

      The violence looked pretty cartoony and inoffensive to me when I looked at it on release, but I haven't played it so I'm not sure if there's anything too over the top in the game.

      edit: yeah, just looked at a bit of gameplay and the language and violence is probably enough to get my sister annoyed at me. Well played, ratings board.

      • +1

        Just tried to by this with the Nintendo book - because the Sunset Overdrive was pre-owned, it wasn't actually part of the offer. So I could buy a pre-owned copy for $18, or buy a new one in the 2 for $20 deal, but I'm not sure new copies of this game even exist.

        Bit annoyed by that, but they blankly refused to sell it as part of the deal.

        • Wait what? The online system lets you do this and pick up in store. I just added Sunset and the book for $20 and pick up from 3088 (Greensborough).

        • +1

          @Sanvy: This was in store. They had a pre-owned Sunset and that Power Nintendo book. When I took it to the desk the girl said Sunset wasn't part of the deal. I said it was, it was online. When she checked the deal only counted for new copies of Sunset. So she couldn't sell it to me as part of the deal.

        • +1

          @Lane Myer: That sucks, surely they could have just let the copy go as brand new. Sunset is a great game btw. Heaps of fun.

        • @Sanvy: Thanks - yes not sure why she wouldn't. Ah well.

  • -4

    2 Selected Games for $20

    No Deal…

    The 2 for $10 range is half the price !!!

    • +2

      Completely different range of games mate.

    • +5

      That's only for the older console games, no PS4 there, no PC, no XB1, no switch games.

      • -3

        Still much cheaper though.

        • +4

          There's no point in dramatically writing "No Deal" when this still is a deal, just not the cheapest deal they are currently offering.

        • -3


          dramatically writing "No Deal"

          No Drama, just fact

          72 upvotes from 11,645 views means only 0.6% of people viewing this considered it a deal worth a +ve…

        • @jv: How many of those people are registered? Also are you considering clicks as views? Your logic may be flawed if you are not considering whether or not these people are registered. Someone who takes the statistics this seriously should consider every aspect of the data.

        • -2


          How many of those people are registered?

          I don't keep track. Do you?

        • @jv: Then your comment has no merit. Click through without an account does not mean they can vote.

        • +2

          @jv: then what's the deal with the random bolding and larger text? Trying to add flare?

        • -2


          Then your comment has no merit.

          Of course it does. You haven't disproved it…

        • +1

          @jv: Heh, if you have difficulty following, get your Centrelink advisor to explain it to you… slowly…

        • -3


          get your Centrelink advisor

          people always resort to name calling when they lose an argument…

        • +1

          @jv: pfft yup you are right. Never mind you with the " I cant prove how many people registered" but you win JV, your math and logic is winnah! You should probably check your upvotes once in a while, that may offer some perspective. But again if you have difficulty assimilating (again look up that word) said data, refer to your Centerlink officer.

        • -1


          yup you are right.

          i usually am.

    • +1

      So many great games 2 for 10. Hard to pick without going over.

      • -1

        Personally, I'm going to wait for the 2 for $5 deal…

  • +3

    The shipping cost is too much!

  • When does this offer end?

  • Diablo + Dishonored would be my choice. Since I left my steam account region in China, rest games's price is not very attractive ;)

  • It just occurred to me that since my new laptop doesn't have a DVD drive, how would you install games purchased with physical media? Is it common practice to include a Steam key or something? Its been a while (like a decade) since I bought a PC game from a store.

    • As someone who is not a PC gamer, I was intrigued about how PC games work in the modern age (given the popularity of steam and the movement away from physical media for the platform).

      I found out that despite being a physical case, a lot of new games ONLY include a download code for the game and no disc at all. COD WWII for example has a piece of paper in the shape of a CD with a stem code printed on it.

      I know this doesn't apply for all PC titles, but it'd be worth heading in store and asking

      • Even buying pc games with discs still require you to download the title alot of the time, in excess of 50GB. Not the best way. Definitely the best picture as you can choose the resolution. Should change soon though. So it's just digital.

    • Generally speaking, almost every modern game come with a Steam key or a key for another client (Uplay, Bnet, Origin, etc.) which you can then type into the Steam client, redeem, download and then play the game.

  • +1

    I'm looking at upgrading my ps4 to a pro this weekend. Looks like no deals on AC Origins or Battlefront 2 … anyone tried Burnout Paradise 4k yet?

    • I was thinking about doing the same, but I may wait till the GoW Edition pro.

      • +1

        Yeah saw that and not sure if I want to spend the extra for some detailing on the console. JB has the Pro for 519 by itself and the GoW is 670. Should have bought the Pro when it was around 400 at Christmas time.

    • +1

      I'm also looking to buy a Ps4 Pro but can't stand the thought of paying full price! I was hoping with the imminent release of Far Cry 5,there'd be some decent bundles.
      So far, diddly!
      A bundle with GT6 and Assassins Creed Origins would be nice… 😉

      • Im thinking the GoW edition will likely drop in price. Plus it comes with GoW, if only they had an MGS Edition

        • I think it is down $10 from this morning. GoW looks awesome. Have not played any of the others though.

  • +1

    I'm sorry EB, I have a few order got cancelled before after I placed an order. Which means I have no faith in your order system anymore.

  • +1

    Just picked up a Pro and Battlefront 2! Need to pull the new tv off the wall to tidy up some cables and I should be good to go!

    • Let us know what you think of the unit, how did you fare on price?

      • +1

        I traded my PS4 in … too many dodgy experiences trying to sell on gumtree. So ended up paying $340 for the upgrade incl the game.

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