Good evening OZBs,
It's a long post. Please bear with me.
I signed the fixed term lease for 14 months and started the tenancy in December. There were repairs needed in the property which I mentioned in the condition report and followed up with the agent religiously over email and phone.
Unfortunately, had to do an emergency plumber call out (burst pipe) New Year Eve which cost me $200.
Provided the invoice to agent and she said she will get it paid. 2 months later she said owner is not going to pay, apply to the tribunal.
I lodged complaint with Fair Ttrading for repairs and invoice payment. When Fair Trading rang the property agent, building manager locked us out by deactivating our swipe cards the same afternoon. I checked with the building manager same day late evening after I got back from work. He said I needed to fill swipe access form when I had moved in. Ironically, I was never informed or given notice for it. He threatened me saying if you want to stay in the building take the complaint back from fair trade. When I said owner is not paying my money he disclosed he is the owner and nobody messes with him.
Him and agent visited the property to assess the repairs recently and later he came with the handyman to repair without much success. He said these are minor things, live with it and don't trouble the agent. He repeatedly said you have to look after your family and don't dare mess with me. This essentially means I should forget standing up for my right and avoid Fair Trading or tribunal and be at his mercy otherwise he can harm my family.
What should I do?
1) Break the lease if he agrees to without penalty and move out
2) Go to the tribunal but before that take a restraint order from police/court (not sure how this works) to safeguard the family
3) Pay reduced rent until repairs are done and also deduct my $200 as well from the rent
4) Any other option? Please comment.
Thanks heaps for your responses in advance!
Get him to talk again. Get him to make threats like that recorded on tape.
Take said tape to police. It's just a run off the mill bully.