I Tried to Return a Product and I've Got a Life Threat

Recently, I bought a Lifeproof case for my Samsung S8, from Dr. Boom store, located on Bourke St, on Melbourne CBD.
I didn’t try the case in the store, because you are not allowed to do that (I should’ve left the store right there, but instead I purchased the $100 case). I tried the case at home, only to realize it wasn’t a good fit for my phone, the edges where inaccessible, and it felt wobbly inside the case.

Due to work obligations I had to postpone my visit to the CBD to return the case for a few weeks. But I put it back in the original packaging, which is in as new condition.

Before returning to the store, I called the number on the receipt, to ensure an expediated service upon arrival, I explained my situation, they said no problem and connected me to the store, so I could talk directly with them.

Immediately the store clerk said they have a 14-day return policy, I replied Australian law grants 90 day. She said that is a rule of the store and is only 14 days. Short story she wouldn’t budge so I called head office again. After a short conversation they said they will call me in a few minutes.

I receive a call from another store clerk saying no problem, if the product is still in the package and you have the receipt you can return it, I agreed and attend the store after work.

At the store, I was received by both clerks, one of them was quick to say she wouldn’t return the product because it is store policy, again a lot of back and forth, I pointed out, even the receipt says: Store policies can’t contravene Australian laws. One of the clerks concluded: there is nothing we can do, that is Head Office’s order. While the other had the nerve to say You and your laws mean nothing to me. Kind of frustrated and tired of the argument I left the store and called head office again. Explained my situation again.

After an hour of me waiting outside the store I received a call from a Service Manager, who didn’t give me his name.

He made the point that maybe the case is defective, and he could send it back to Lifeproof, to be checked. I wasn’t happy with the solution because it would take an enormous amount of time, so I told him I will reluctantly agree on sending it to the factory, but I will rate his service and describe the treatment I’ve received from the staff at the Bourke St. store, on many forums on internet. He said with these exact words:

“If you say one word about my store online, I have your details, I will find your house and I will go and brake both your arms, if you say anything of this on the Internet I will put you in a bag”.

He then proceeded to hang up on me, I tried to call back to get his name, but now the operator refuses to give me those details.

Related Stores

Dr Boom Communications
Dr Boom Communications


  • "If you would like to email your docket number to [email protected] we randomly choose a reviewer each month to be sent a complimentary Dr Boom 8000 mah Power Bank with our thanks (and it does not matter if the feedback is 1 star or 5, all feedback is valuable)."

    Don't these trade promotions require permit numbers to be displayed, and information about T&Cs?

    • +1

      and it does not matter if the feedback is 1 star or 5, all feedback is valuable

      But if you give 1*, you get called a bully lol

      • +1

        And a liar, so many of the 1 star reviews before this have been accused of being lies.

    • Permits only if it's over $5000 or something and depends on state, it can be a "game of skill".

  • +1

    This Dr.Boom guy is leaving comments on the google reviews and it sounds exactly like Amy's Baking Company. I just cant possibly believe how similar the attitude is. Hes both of them in one person. Amazing…

    • +3

      he's also reporting reviews to all the sites as non genuine to have any negative ones removed while flooding them with clearly fake positive ones.

      at least with a bit of SEO magic this thread will be the first result for Dr Boom Boom and I doubt ozbargain will start editing users posts for upsetting a clearly failing business "empire"

      "there is a time and place to discuss reviews on businesses and the internet is not one of them" - lol… I can't believe he drops a guys personal information and spams it to anyone leaving a negative review. that and the fact productreviews take money in exchange for protecting brands. shameful.

  • Steve 5 out of 5, reviewed on Mar 28, 2018
    Mohsen At bondi junction store gave first class cyst experience , very helpful, friendly and fantastic product knowledge and service

    Oh dear


  • +2

    If these reviews are not all fake, they are for sure either being coerced or offered incentives in store. All in breach of CCA 2010. At least 10 recent reviews claim to have received a service for free, most name 2 staff members and only about 1 doesn't include a staff members name at all!

    This isn't rocket surgery ProductReview - fix this.

  • That google page really is something. I wouldn't touch Dr Boom at all lol

  • +3

    This has been a good eyeopener for me, because I used to go by productreview ratings.
    I guess I'll stick with Google now.

  • someone register a 99 cent domain with godaddy and allow all review posts but delete and censor all Mr Boom replies, productreviews is a scam and clearly not balanced and takes money from business for removing negative review (china southern!)

  • +1

    Just visited ProductReview and they have removed 90 percent of the negative reviews they got in the past month or so. Atleast there were a lot more negative reviews a day or two ago.

  • -9

    Hi everyone, ProductReview rep here again,

    Thanks for the feedback, I’m hoping to shed some more light on our practices in this response, and give you the opportunity to do some of your own detective work in the process. This will be a long post, but I would encourage anyone with concerns regarding the validity of ProductReview.com.au to take the time to read through it.

    First off, I would like to apologise to anyone who felt targeted by any of my comments. I didn’t mean to level any accusations at the OzBargain community as a whole, it’s a great community that I have been apart of for several years. However, I do not believe that writing spam negative reviews is the right way to counteract what one perceives to be spam positive reviews, and I hope you can see where I'm coming from on this specific issue.

    We do take the issue of fake reviews very seriously. We assess every possible metadata point (IPs, User-Agents..etc), we look at submission patterns, read the reviews and request proof of purchases where necessary, and assess many other things that are exposed within our system. We have caught and penalised a number of businesses who have tried to play our system, such as BecexTech and Azod.com.au. We routinely report businesses we believe to be abusing the system to the ACCC, and actively cooperate with their investigations.

    In truth, all of the issues some people see with 'fake' reviews on our site stem from one primary root cause: It is easy for a business to accrue many genuine reviews using very basic marketing and customer feedback channels, and a lot of these will tend to be positive, even without an incentive.

    This works based a few principles:

    • If you have a way to contact your customers, you can ask that they submit a review.
    • A small percentage of those will do so, and most of those will have had no issues. They wanted a product or service and were provided it, so they leave a positive review.
    • A few will have had a bad experience, and so will leave a negative review, but these people are usually in the minority.

    For example: Think about how many people fly Tiger Air (who receive a decent amount of criticism on this site) each day. Most of them will get from A to B without a hitch for a low cost. Some will have a bad, stressful travel experience. If Tiger were to email every single one of their customers and ask for a review, the majority of people would have had a fine experience, and their reviews would reflect that. Here are few examples of large businesses asking their customers for reviews, they still have negative reviews but the majority are positive:
    Fantastic Furniture
    Mate Communicate

    • The positive reviews acquired, while maybe not reflecting the potential (or even likely) worst aspects of interaction with the business are nonetheless still genuine reviews, as each of them represents an accurate account of that person's experience. However, it is easy to see how this may appear to be an onslaught of 'dodgy' or 'fake' reviews.

    We had been looking into Dr Boom even before this incident, and we do not have any evidence to indicate the reviews are being falsified. I know there are some who would not believe this, and think we are trying to cover for companies that use our site, but that’s just not the case.

    Dr Boom specifically uses feedback cards that they hand out at the end of transactions, you can see an example of these cards here. They also link to ProductReview in the feedback section of their site, which is 1-2 clicks away from their homepage. This is an extremely common practice among small businesses (China Southern do exactly this - hand out review cards to every passenger as they exit the plane). Many of the customers who submit a review through this channel will unfortunately not return to ProductReview to write further reviews. This is how you end up with a business page having many reviews from users with a single review submitted on the same day as they joined the site. This does not mean that the positive reviews are not genuine, in the same way that it doesn't mean the complaints of those who had a bad experience are not legitimate.
    In regards to mentioning names of the reps, this is also not an uncommon practice. The store reps asked to be mentioned in the review (some companies reward their employees provided they are mentioned in reviews) and we see this with many other businesses:
    Nick Scali Furniture
    GJ Gardner Homes

    If all of the information I have provided above is still unconvincing for you, I would like to offer you a unique opportunity to dig through the review metadata yourself. This document contains some of the information we collect when assessing reviews. We have only selected unidentifiable information, and IP addresses have been encrypted (although identical IP address will share the same unique code). You are welcome to dig through this data to find discernable patterns or other indications of foul play. I cannot imagine any other review site making information like this public, and I hope this move demonstrates how resolutely committed we are to transparency and to fraud detection. Anyone is welcome to contact me over direct message with their findings.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this response. Perhaps in the future I may run an AMA on these forums, although I hope the explanation provided in this post will help change the mind of anyone still convinced that we help business write fake reviews, or take money to remove or censor reviews (it should go without saying that we do neither). It has been my aim in this response to shed some light on how businesses are able to accrue positive reviews without them being fake, and I hope you are able to use this information in your own research when using review sites.


    • Is the google doc in chronological order? The ISP are all quite similar in bulks if they are.

      • It is not in chronological order, that would make it easy to identify a line with a specific review. It is ordered by 1) rating 2) status 3) ISP name

    • +9

      Why were all the dr. Boom negative reviews removed? And am i genuinely able to leave a negative review without it being removed?

      • -7

        There are a number of negative reviews currently posted on the page (they are marked as enabled on the sheet). A proportion of the disabled negative reviews are also currently being reprocessed and may possibly be republished, and some were submitted yesterday by people from this site attempting to "balance" the overall rating.
        You are of course welcome to leave a genuine negative review anywhere on our site.

    • +3

      Thanks for the metadata dump and explanation.


      IP addresses have been encrypted

      Hashed != encrypted

      Still a dick move on Dr Boom's part, releasing personal details of the customer. And this one (not on productreview) is dodgy af:

      • +1

        Thanks. I used the word 'encrypted' as I thought the general public would be more familiar with it than 'hashed'. But yes, they have been hashed, anyone is welcome to research this, I thought my post was long enough without an explanation of it.

        • +2

          We had been looking into Dr Boom even before this incident, and we do not have any evidence to indicate the reviews are being falsified. I know there are some who would not believe this, and think we are trying to cover for companies that use our site, but that’s just not the case.

          Why were they being investigated prior to this incident?

          Also, do you think the replies from Dr Boom on google, are a dick move?

        • +2

          The previous investigation was due to review number spikes (nothing significant, just a day here and there with 10-12 reviews, up from 2-3 reviews per day being baseline) and due to a few reviews being flagged to us by members of the public.
          We encourage all company reps to respond in a professional manner and as per our posting guidelines, we don't allow for identifiable information (such as a customer's full name) to be posted. The way they conduct themselves on other sites is their responsibility.

    • +11

      Hi Product review
      Thank you for providing the metadata, although I have no idea how to interrogate this data. I think it's an honourable move that you are reading the messages here on the Ozbargain forum and that you are attempting to explain your perspectives. I am extremely passionate about this issue because I too, was a victim of harassment from a company after writing about a negative experience on your website. I don't believe that you are trying to cover up for companies…
      I equally think that you should not be seen to be "standing up" for businesses like Dr B who has clearly made a very harassing, aggressive and threatening response to the original review posted by Ricardo C. I noticed the review has been changed to de-identify the customer, still….the response still contains extremely aggressive use of languages like accusations of being a "cyber bully, liar and extortionist". Also, why have you censored the "death-threat" part in Ricardo's review? Unless you have good reasons to believe that this is a fake allegation?
      In any case, I would not want to set foot in any businesses that speak to their customers in that manner (in real life or as a response to a review).

      Finally, I don't think you should remove "negative" reviews in general. Presumably, the ones that were removed was brought to your attention by Dr B? Removing negative reviews, fake or not will result in a positive bias towards the company. No one is going to contact you and ask you to remove a positive review. And even if they did, I doubt you would look through all 500 positive reviews individually with the same scrutiny as you would for a negative review. As a customer, I look at all negative reviews with a grain salt. When people are angry, they tend to write stupid things. However, what matters to me more, is the response given to the negative review by the business, which to me is a more accurate reflection of their ethical standards.

      • +1

        Hi FizzyG,

        Sorry a company came after you for posting a negative review, we absolutely do not condone this behaviour by anyone. We take the legal rights of consumers very seriously and take great strides to protect them, even ending commercial relationships and following through with court proceedings to back it up.

        I didn't mean to look like I was trying to stand up for Dr Boom, I only wanted to dispel this idea that reviews on our site are falsified, and Dr Boom just happened to be the company that led to this post.

        The removal of the quote in Ricardo's post was done in the interest of keeping the review public, and to protect the poster from any potential defamation action.

        Not removing any negative reviews as a blanket rule is impractical, especially if they are actually fraudulent. We get as many positive reviews reported to us as negative, and we assess all of them under the same criteria. I would encourage everyone reading any review site to do as you do and check both the positive and negative reviews for a company, as well as any public interactions if they are available.

    • The metadata would be more useful with timestamps.

      We can't really tell much from a bunch of IP addresses and ISP's. Having a time stamp would highlight which reviews might be fake (as they may all have been submitted within a certain time period). Most ISP's assign dynamic IP addresses to customers, so if a person has restarted their internet since they made their last post, it's will more than likely have a different IP.

      • I agree timestamps would be useful, but unfortunately this would make identifying an individual reviewer easy, so we could not include it. We have a privacy policy our reviewers rely on, and a quick glance at the news from the last week shows how serious an issue this can be.

      • Wouldn't really prove anything. Just like SEO and online marketing a company can pay monthly for 12-24 months to build online presence. Reviews and back links will be spread continuously over a long period and not in one bulk hit at specific times.

      • +3

        my metadata is on there and it's clear which one is mine just by the small sample size. That said, takes me two seconds to change my metadata to anything I want so in the most part it's relatively useless for anything

        ip address doesnt really mean anything and neither does the metadata. I can fire up https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/random-agent-… and a proxy addon and post a bazillion comments anywhere I want and none of them will be able to be tracked to each other

    • +3

      Hi Rep,

      Thanks again for posting and continuing the discussion about fake reviews.

      I just had a quick question regarding micro-task sites (not in relation to Dr Boom specifically, but in general).

      As you're probably aware, there are a number of micro-task sites where Australian companies list 'jobs' or 'tasks' for people to post positive reviews eg. They'll post 100 jobs @ $1 each for a detailed review (sometimes they'll outline what the review needs to include, such as a staff member's name)

      Each person can only complete the task once, and they're instructed to open up the website (eg. productreview.com.au) in a new browser, or do a google search then click through to productreview.com.au so that they appear to be authentic visitors.

      I'm just wondering what measures Product Review has in place to identify paid reviews from micro-task workers?

      • +2

        Hi Katie,

        Yes, we're aware of such methods and have caught businesses trying to exploit them in the past. Unfortunately, I can't really provide details of our methods to detect these without compromising important private aspects of our moderation process. My apologies if this answer is unsatisfactory, but we would prefer not to have that kind of information public in case a business should come across this thread.

        • Yep, that's fair enough. I'm glad you're aware of the issue and I understand why you're unable to disclose the details.
          Thanks for taking the time to respond :)

    • +9

      You have been long, so I'll be short: If Product Review is not able to verify reviews then Product Review is useless. Wake up.

    • +12

      So looking at this doc provided by the product review rep - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sFNjWwnTySf-OA6C7Flo…

      If each line of this document represents an individual review then this document is peppered with examples of the same IP address submitting multiple reviews.

      If your sort the IP hash column in A-Z order you will see muptiple lines in multiple examples which share the same IP hash.

      All the below IP Hash's have multiple entries, this is just by eyeball, i may have missed a few.
































      • You can do conditional format to highlight all the duplicate ones or copy to Microsoft excel and quickly remove all the dupe lol

        • +4

          [Corrected - wrong count]

          I checked and found 20 IP with multiple enabled reviews (up to 6 at most)

          All with 5 star rating

        • +1


          I mean even though you can have 600 non-duplicated ones, they don't mean anything as it is obviously there are services selling fake reviews.

          However, as it stands, they have 100 dupe ones that are not being removed =)

        • -5

          The original list of IP hashes quoted by jg86tsv contains 73 unpublished and 25 published reviews. Please note that the info in that sheet is only a small part of the information we use when assessing reviews, and there are plenty of legitimate reasons why two reviews could be published from the same IP.

    • +3

      I appreciate your post.. But I think its confirmed through your own explanation that any retailer can get smart and defeat your system by getting numerous positive reviews, in the hope to bury all the negative reviews no matter how unethical and illegal it is.

      But then again.. I guess this is the flaw of any reviews website

    • @nsta8487

      Ok, I'll bite.

      The most recent 5 star review was posted today 28 March. I saw it this morning. It has since been removed. Why? Was it fake?

      Also I love these cards https://imgur.com/h4n5Jy0
      Value, advice and quality since 1994.
      Dr Boom was initially registered in 2001, was cancelled, re-registered in 2011 with a full stop in between the words, and all its current entities registered 2010, 2013, 2014. A free ASIC search gives everyone this information.

      Misleading advertising much?

    • Why is the death threat censored now?

    • +1

      Why are their promotions that obviously try to make people think think that positive review = reward allowed?

      Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback, it is greatly appreciated and forms the basis of our efforts to continuously improve. Whether it is negative or positive, it is all welcome and we respond to both with a commitment to always do better.

      If you would like to email your docket number to [email protected] we randomly choose a reviewer each month to be sent a complimentary Dr Boom 8000 mah Power Bank with our thanks (and it does not matter if the feedback is 1 star or 5, all feedback is valuable).

      Before you say that this promotion is open to both positive and negative reviews, please find an example where they mention this promotion to anyone leaving a negative review. Of all the 1 star reviews, that message was only posted once and that was done when that person had originally given them a positive review and later changed to a 1 star review after a bad experience. Their promotion is in no way open to anyone that gives negative reviews.

  • +19

    After reading Product Review Rep's explanation on how these reviews are posted and allowing businesses like Dr Boom to get away with things like this, I will never look to product review for an accurate review again. I use to think it was such a great website, but not anymore. A real eye opener this post is, thanks for sharing your story with us OP. I wonder how to cancel my account with product review.

    • Amen! Couldn't agree more.

  • +9

    I've been reading this thread with interest and I've come to two conclusions:
    1) Never go to Dr Boom because I'll probably end up getting sued and/or my photo put on flyers
    2) Don't trust ProductReview - it defies logic how Dr Boom has over 600 reviews and after seeing Dr Boom's responses to negative reviews, how in the world most of those reviews are positive. The explanation from the ProductReview rep also left a lot to be desired.

    I can easily find places similar to Dr Boom so the first issue is easily solved.

    However, can people please recommend review sites which are more trustworthy than ProductReview? I truly used to base my purchasing decisions on ProductReview ratings but it's clear I need to rethink this.

    • +4

      I think Product Review is still a place to check (although with caution). But when I read review page I always:
      1. Go to the negative reviews
      2. See how the supplier respond to it

      I get that all business make mistakes. But what matters is that they rectify it promptly and professionally (obviously not the case with Dr Boom).

      Dont just base it on the overall rating or the positive reviews. As you can see, the system is flawed

    • Tbh I didn't know product review was a thing until this thread. Usually I check Google reviews so if you've got time to drop a 1 star review ;)

    • +3

      If it's a product, American Amazon is a very good source of reviews.

      • +1

        newegg is also fantastic for reviews

    • Thanks guys!

  • +7

    I just want to know where I can get one of these 10000 flyers of OP and collect a piece of OZB history.

  • +5


    Ok, I'll bite.

    The most recent 5 star review was posted today 28 March. I saw it this morning. It has since been removed. Why? Was it fake?

    Also I love these cards https://imgur.com/h4n5Jy0
    Value, advice and quality since 1994.
    Dr Boom was initially registered in 2001, was cancelled, re-registered in 2011 with a full stop in between the words, and all its current entities registered 2010, 2013, 2014. A free ASIC search gives everyone this information.

    Misleading advertising much?

    • +6

      Lol the card says "if you didn't like the service, give us a call. But if you liked, leave a review online".

      These reviews are completely manipulated.

    • Sorry, I can't go into detail here, but the review in question did not meet our posting guidelines. My apologies if you find this answer unsatisfactory, but unfortunately I can't divulge every bit of information about a specific review or reviewer on our site.

  • +3

    So I just searched ozbargain for "Dr Boom" now that this thread is off the front page. Look what I found:

    Not the first time Dr Boom has been bullying ozbargainers

    Dear meumax that's a very bold and defamatory statement you make hiding behind your anonymity.
    Dr Boom Communications have been trading for twenty years and have never once been found guilty of knowingly selling anything other than genuine products and for you to so publicly suggest otherwise is simply ridiculous.

    And getting personal details again:

    So either retract your unfounded generalised allegation or contact me on 1800DRBOOM to discuss further or give me some contact details please.


    Another anonymous know it all that lurks in the internet discrediting legitimate retailers, who employ staff, pay rent and taxes contribute to the local economy and you wonder why retailers are going on line at the expense of jobs and local infrastructure??

    • +4

      I just finished those too. So in over two years, they posted ONE deal that attracted -2 votes and much derision:

      You forgot to mention in the topic you linked, they suckpuppeted twice.

      Time for mods to wield the old ban stick.

      • +1

        You forgot to mention in the topic you linked, they suckpuppeted twice.

        Didn't notice it!

        Lol at the deal you posted, cheaper at myer, and editing the post, not knowing about version history.

  • +2

    I believe sites like Yelp, Google reviews and few others say that "They never remove a review" (unless clearly spam). Obviously productreview has got their business model wrong. Now, I guess the thread has moved from Dr. Boom's poor service to ProductReview's poor practices!

    • +1

      A bit of both. I trusted product review, it's referenced on the checkout, etc. But someone even analysed the hashed ip addresses and found duplicates, which they turned a blind eye to.

      I've read it all now and checked the other profiles out. A little time poor lately, but still making time for this lol

    • Yelp is not an ethical(though it is a profitable) business model and I would strongly suggest not taking their aggregator seriously.

      Suggest reading:

      tl;dr: Buy a business premium subscription if you are a business or else be prepared to have your ratings affected, and it's perfectly legal for them to do so.

  • Fakespot.com to analise Amazon reviews.

  • +8

    4.9 out of 5 ranking for dr boom hehehe only a handful of negative reviews

    and with a huge banner at the top "the store is not able to have negative reviews removed at all"

    Product Review legitimacy, that barely existed, is now gone….Not only do they condone fake reviews, they allow retailers who they do business with (aka exchange money for brand protection) to post customers private information and threaten and harass anyone leaving less than stellar reviews.

    (profanity) you product review

    • +2

      Product Review says NOT MORE to cyber bullies like donkey

    • +10

      Possibly the owner's and mods of ozbargain should investigate removing product review from the site.

      Seeing how the site is integrated in the "Related Store" section when a deal is posted and seeing how people here seem to now have a overall hate for them.

    • They can have them removed easily. They just report it as "fake news".

  • +2

    Found this in Google reviews. They seem very triggered by this whole event. Good way to get $100 though!

    • +1

      Hahaha, now they don't even bother checking out the content of review, pathetic!

    • +2

      Yeah, like you'll get that $100.
      You'd be better off sending me $20 and then I'll send you $120 direct to your bank account!

      • +3

        just sent you a PM

  • +2

    Don't want to sound like I am beating the dead horse, but the positive reviews keep coming on productreview lol.

    Again with the same Tarn that works at multiple places at the same time.

    How common is the name Tarn I wonder?

  • +2

    I still find it disconcerting that there's been in excess of over 100 people who have signed up to productreview.com.au this month and their FIRST post is to give 5 stars to Dr Boom Communications. I then recalled my learning of the law of distribution probability (a function of a discrete variable whose integral over any interval is the probability that the random variable specified by it will lie within that interval). Could it be true that Dr Boom Communication defies this law? I mean to draw a comparison of the distributive law, if we take for example Facebook on the Google app store, it only has 4.1 stars.

    Perhaps there indicates some truth where reviews posted to productreview.com.au are biased towards the merchants favour?

    • +2

      you all there bruv?

  • +2

    They report and delete 1 star ratings on the review site, that's hilarious.

    If you write "I tried to buy" you get your thing deleted because you can't show proof.

  • +1

    It's pretty clear that the 1 star product reviews are going to get deleted. Might as well just join the fun and put a 4 or 5 star review grade with comments that take the pi$$ out of the whole fake review situation. Maybe they will stay?

    BTW, and update from Dick?

  • +1

    there is a consumer warranty here in Australia,you can call Dept.Fair Trading and ask them about it and the way to get it it done,also write down what you can remember of what they said and take it to the police station explain why that threat was made,you can say you just wanted to leave it with them in case you get any grief from them,
    I purchased a used vehicle from a second hand dealer for $2950 so it was under the $3000 mark for any warranty on the vehicle,it was purchased in November 2016 and in February 2017 I took it to a license mechanic for a registration roadworthy (I live in Canberra)and there were a few problems around $900 dollars the dealer had put the front tyres on the back but he had them taken off the rims and turned around to give the impression they looked new also both engine mounts were completely buggered so I contacted by email the dealer and told him and he replied it was a buyer beware and there was nothing to say that he had to do anything about it it was my problem,I returned email asking him about the Consumer Warranty,he replied "what I wanted" and I replied I had 2 tyres in my garage and I wanted him to pay for the engine mounts and labor saying $600,I heard nothing back from him but he had transferred the $600 into my bank account a couple days later and I ended up with $80 in my pocket as the mounts only cost $520,Always contact Dept.Fair Trading cause if they cannot help you they will always point you into the right direction,

  • +10

    Can mods plz add 'Dr Boom' to thread title.

    It'll appear on first page of Google searches.

  • +1

    Ricardo, Is there any way you can get in contact with me directly? I have some information and personal experiences that are related to the harassment

  • +2

    I can confirm that the owner is crazy as written above and that the OP is most probably not lying.
    I signed up for LinkedIn a few days ago mainly for research purposes, and I received this the day after at 1:10AM. Apparently signing up must mean I am 'stalking' The owner.


    • What happened? Was that just him getting a notification from you viewing his profile?

      • +1

        I believe as he has my email It came up as 'people you may know'.

        Compared to other emails its quite mundane. I had never been called a 'sexual predator' before but it's a bit concerning for a business owner to be that paranoid and arrogant.

        I already have his name, email and mobile number, so what could I possibly achieve by stalking his profile.

        • +1

          He would have gotten a notification that you viewed his profile.
          When you view peoples profiles in LinkedIn, they receive notifications.

        • +2

          @Cubist: I should just keep going onto his profile everyday, see what else I can get?

        • +1


          I don't think it works that way for that very reason.

          Honestly, it's a little bit odd to see someone getting this much gratification from getting into a dispute with a complete stranger.

  • +2

    lol sounds like Dr Doom to me 😂

  • +1

    Lol, stumbled upon this thread again. Just checked productreview and they have upgraded the fake reviews to include THREE staff member names now.

    Seriously, name another shop where every review names 2-3 staff. Who even deals with that many staff buying a phone case or screen protector lol.

    They are obviously doing dodgy reviews.

    • +1

      Did you report them to Productreviews?

    • +1

      There was a one star review posted on the 16th that was removed later the same day.

    • +1

      Probs doesn't matter too much. I did a google for Dr boom communications review and this thread came up in the top 10 results.

  • +1

    I'm still getting emails from him, He complained that I posted on Oz Bargain, boo hoo.

    He even posted my first and last name on a public google review page, stating that I am a thief and a sexual predator over a review I had no association with. For someone who continuously cries defamation against multiple customers Its quite Ironic. I messaged the real owner of Dr Boom regarding his review with my details, sternly yet politely asking if it could be taken down and I received nothing in return apart from another passive-aggressive, untruthful and immature email from Jack (Dr Boom). More proof that serious complaints and concerns mean nothing to the business whatsoever.

    But ofcourse, all of the the bad reviews are from either trolls or disgruntled ex-employees as he quotes, so it should be easy for him to debunk the posts regarding fake 5 star reviews, fake products, poor service and privacy issues? It would be nice to have a mature, professional and understanding response for all of these complaints and concerns from the customers in this forum, but that would require humility, and Dr Boom is never wrong.

  • +1

    WARNING!!!! Jack Zervos’ own store coming soon “phonetabulous”. Not sure where….but keep it in mind!!!

    • +1

      I this them?

    • +1

      ABN details
      Entity name: EXECUCON PTY LTD
      ABN status: Active from 13 May 2009
      Entity type: Australian Private Company
      Goods & Services Tax (GST): Registered from 13 May 2009
      Main business location:
      NSW 2250

      Business name From
      PERSONALISATION STATION External site 28 May 2019
      PHONETABULOUS External site 12 Feb 2019
      PHONETASTIC External site 08 Feb 2019

      Trading name From
      EXECUCON PTY LTD 13 May 2009

      (from ASIC site)

      EXECUCON PTY LTD ACN 137 070 618

      ACN: 137 070 618
      ABN: 52 137 070 618 (External Link)
      Registration date: 13/05/2009
      Next review date: 13/05/2020
      Status: Registered
      Type: Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares
      Locality of registered office: WYOMING NSW 2250
      Regulator: Australian Securities & Investments Commission

  • Really interesting reading about the gutless strong arm tactics of DrBust on here. I had a mate that posted a negative review get a really threatening letter from one of their heros. Good to see he wasn't the only one. Judging by all posts on this site they are as dodgy as.

  • You spent 100 on a case and wasn't sure if it would be right for you?

    If money is obviously no issue, why didn't you just give it away in the forums and move on

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