Running Shoes - Advice and Good Offers ?

Hey everyone,

I know this post is similar to this one:
But none of the deals people posted are still working.

I recently registered to the semi-marathon of Sydney and for this reason will need some good running shoes.
I don't know what shoes to pick and internet just goes in all directions about what to pick u_u
Also I don't feel like spending $200 on shoes that could be found for $100 elsewhere.

So yeap, as the title says, any of you know a bit about shoes for marathon and good deals to purchase such shoes?
Like this:

Thanks all!


  • +1

    I don't know how serious you are about running or how much luck you have historically buying untested shoes on-line but here's just a few points to keep in mind.

    As an extreme example, I have feet that are almost impossible to buy shoes for (once you go over size 12 and have a width of 4E or above your choices become extremely limited). There's a reason hobbit-footed folks in Australia wear New Balance, and it's definitely not because they love the style. Funnily enough, K-mart running shoes generally have a pliant and decently sized toe-box. I cannot simply order on-line and hope for the best. You should do the slack thing and use a brick-and-mortar store just for testing.

    A related issue is that you should never run a race in untested shoes. You'd want to do a few short runs and then 2 half-marathons before the race (some people stow them away). This isn't to break it in (since it's a "running shoe" this isn't as much of an issue except maybe around the ankle) but to make sure your feet can withstand a half-marathon on the day. I think a lot of us have made this mistake. So unless you've always been lucky with a particular brand's shape I would definitely at least try on the shoe first and hope for the best upon testing.

    • Thanks for the tip! I'm a casual runner and don't intend to become a heavy runner but I also play basketball twice a week and this half-marathon is more of a personal goal so I believe that with a bit of training I should be able to make it!
      So yeap, I'd better try it in the shop at least and pay full price eh. I know I need a good arch support to feel right but not much else. I'll have to head to the city and go shopping then. Thanks again for the advice.

  • Grab the one that's on sale last week from Aldi… if there's any stock left.
    Only $20, very comfy with a lot of bounce. Looks decent and built with high quality. Bought a pair, and couldn't be happier.

    I've seen running shoes in the $120-range which was not as good quality, or uncomfortable, or both.

  • You can probably get a good deal from Birkenhead Point or Homebush DFO. I managed to score some cheap Asics and Fila previously.

    • I still don't own a car and live in the city so it's a bit far hahaha
      But thanks for the tip still :)

      • There are a couple of buses that goes from the city to Birkenhead. From my knowledge 501 at Sydney Fish Market goes there. Just check it out.

      • +1

        Sydney CBD to Birkenhead Point is less than 10km…Good start for half marathon training!

  • A few questions for you:

    1) How long away is your half?

    2) How many KMs per week are you planning on running in the lead up? How many do you currently run?

    3) What shoes do you usually run in (brand preference, support/neutral etc)?

    4) Are you going to keep up running after the half or is this a bit of a 'once off' kinda thing?

    Oh, and good on you for entering the half! Just beware, running is one of those things you start as "something to do" and before you know it you're entering multiple races a year, have joined a running club and have more shoes and gear than you care to mention. It's addictive! :P

    • Half is in May already, only got a long month to get some training in.
      I currently run 5kms and will have to step up my game and train for the long runs instead of a quick 5km.
      I don't really have a pref, I have my New Balance basketball shoes that I love but I doubt it means I'll love their running shoes. I just know I need a good arch support.
      And yeah, I'll probably keep running but I plan to go back to my usual 5km once a week instead as I still intend to keep playing basketball and can't really fit both in my agenda :)

  • Be prepared for the possibility of blisters. Especially if you do not break the shoes in before the big day. Also chafing; thighs, nipples etc

    • +1

      Yeeeeaah I'll try to be as ready as I can for these but I sure wont escape it. Thanks ^^

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