When you purchase one dozen doughnuts, Krispy Kreme will give you one dozen original glazed doughnuts, absolutely FREE!
Purchase One Dozen Doughnuts & Recieve One Dozen Doughnuts FREE - At Krispy Kreme!!!

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You can - I've received this offer via a email.
The "one dozen doughnuts" isn't limited to their assorted ones right? Can it be Original Glazed as well?
i am going to try this this evening… will post whether it is successful or not tonight
Hi, is it available at all stores or is it available at Chadstone store only? I received an email from Chadstone shopping centre with this deal.
Doesnt work. Went to domestic airport/sydney with my own 'printed' version.
They are rejecting these in brisbane, anyone konw where they came from?
Brisbane store recons someone hacked into their computers and stole it and that its not valid
doesnt work. i went there they said that you need an original one thats not printed on the internet.
It says Copies not accepted. I'm assuming that means you wouldn't be able to print this out and use it but correct me if I'm wrong.