Spinal Correction through Scoopon etc

Deal at the moment for $19 for massage and consultation. Just wanted to know WHAT the catch is and has anyone had posture/spinal correction bf?

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  • +2

    It is somebody telling you to sit up straight for $19.
    "Sit up straight!" PM me for paypal details…

    With less snark, I think the catch is you aren't receiving anything of any particular value. It will be a short intro massage.

    • +1

      I think "consultation" is the key word here.

      You'll be talked to about your posture, and perhaps an action plan (with additional, full-priced sessions) will be arranged for the future.

  • +5

    there are many things you should hunt around for the best deal for.

    your spine is not one of them.

  • Ah chiros and xrays. Just a heads up, it's no longer(heck it's never been, but now it's official) advised to xray a 'non-specific' back pain. A thorough history would be more than enough to find out what's going on. Less xray for you (and for the taxpayers hip pockets).

  • They do it to get new clients. So it's a loss leading on the new consult, in the hope you will come back because why would you buy it in the first place if you didn't have a problem? That's the idea.
    Disclaimer: I used to work for a place that did this kind of thing (not scoopon, the actual place but there is only a button at the bottom "associated with scoopon")

  • -1

    The catch is

    they have your details
    they tell you whats wrong
    they tell you how they can fix you and increase your life

    is your personal information worth $19?

  • This reeks of Chiropractor.

    Sorry… Dr. Chiropractor.

  • The catch is you will feel temporarily better without fixing anything in your spine and you will develop an expensive habit to bandaid your underlying problem with superficial placebo treatments.

  • you would better seeing physio instead.

  • If you have actual spinal issues, you'd be better off seeing a doctor (and possibly getting a referral to a specialist) - not some mob that are desperate for new clients. (But I'm speaking as a mother of a child that has had to have spinal surgery for scoliosis - scoli families see the world a little differently. Especially when given really useful info like - 'oh, orthotics will fix it' or 'they just need to stand up straight' etc.)

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