Which one is better deal to choose from Alinta (28% discount on usage) or Origin (21% on total bill) in QLD?
[QLD] Energy Companies to Choose from?

Thanks tryagain.
Just be aware that the QLD government has gipped the game in that if you move from Ergon to another company you are not allowed to move back to ergon at a later date. This includes if you are building a house and the builder connects to someone other than ergon.
Ergon says such restrictions will soon be removed - https://www.ergon.com.au/retail/residential/account-options/…
Sweet, thanks. :)
Read their rates . Alinti was 25% but they increased the costs and now say 28% off.
Go to the governments power site and enter your usage and get a list of who's cheap from that. https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/
Thanks PVA. Gov site is really helpful It's shame Alinta increased the costs :(
tryagain comment is spot on as it depends upon usage. Less than $350/qtr than origin otherwise Alinta.Grab your last power bill and enter the details then you'll get a good set of options.
Btw, I need to do this myself, just got our last bill and it's $100 more than last time.
Depends on how much electricity you use, from memory, if your bills are under about $350/qtr then Origin, If they are over then Alinta