This was posted 6 years 11 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sunglasses up to 85% off: $64.97/ Pair Prada/Oakley Polarised/Sunglass Hut Collection/Ray-Ban /Miu Miu and More @ Myer


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closed Comments

  • What does 'Asian fit' mean on the Ray Bans?

    • Could be one kind of style.

    • +2

      Nose bridge support is different IIRC.

    • +5

      The cut and dry of it is that Asian Fit frames were designed for faces with shallower nose bridges and higher cheeks. People with these facial features note that traditional frames tend to slide down the nose and rest against the cheeks, making for an uncomfortable fit. Generally, those of Asian descent have these facial characteristics, hence the sometimes controversial name choice adopted by the eyewear industry.

      How this breaks down in design depends on the frame. It could mean flattening the frame, narrowing the nose bridge, adding or enlarging nose pads, changing lens rake, or altering the curvature of the stems. These differences are only intended to improve the function of the frame, subtle enough to make them more conducive for certain face shapes without altering the look or style of the frames. At a glance, most people probably wouldn’t even note a difference.

      • +21

        I’m Asian
        And please
        F$&k the political correctness
        Just tell it like it is.

        • -3

          Flat face

        • little nose, little …

        • I'm white.
          Thank you for not participating in identity outrage culture.

        • @Risto: 5.9 inches ;)

        • +3

          @nurbsenvi: I apologise. That is a big nose!

        • @Risto:
          I said tell it like it is.

        • +1

          @nurbsenvi: That is a very strange place to wear sunglasses! I am not sure if Asians and Westerners will ever see eye to eye on these matters. But I appreciate your candidness.

  • +1

    Anyone else initially read this as 2.85% off?

    • +2

      Nope 285% off

  • Ordered 1 for the gf and another for the mom.

    Hopefully they'll honor it unlike the lacoste polo shirts last December.

  • Is it online only? It seem selected model only. The, special sale already "out of stork"

    • Yes online only.
      Still has some left for other styles.

    • Probably referring to the delivery method there. No stork deliveries.

  • Well played to whoever got these while I was checking out.. :/…

    • i think they purposely put it low price for you to feel bitter my friend!

  • Considering buying some Ray-Bans - Polarised vs non and Cat 2 vs Cat 3?

    • -2

      Up to your choice: someone buys it for the brand, someone for the price, someone for the mind…

      • +1

        most of us just bought it coz the discount…

        *who doesnt just claim the health fund for the sunglasses these days…but we have to fork out for this

    • I would advise against any Rayban polarized glasses. I had one (RB8054 I believe, from OPSM) on which the polarizing coating started peeling off just after two years.

      • You're a (profanity) magician if you can keep a pair of sunnies around for two years.

        • yes..They were (profanity) expensive for me and I (profanity) cared them :)

  • Thanks for this! Picked up a pair of cheap Christian Dior sunnies; hopefully they fit my Asian face ahahaha (I'm a small person too)

    • +1

      Lol, big glass for small face usually look like a mosquito ;)

  • I believe Myer loaded the prices incorrectly so get in quick if there are any massive bargains to be had, but be aware it might not be fulfilled due to 'price error'

  • It's all Out of Stock :(

    • There are less but heavy discount for some other brands too. You can look for some around $100 which are still available.

  • Couldn't find in the search but,

  • +1

    You guys should just buy cancer council sunnies. Much cheaper and polarised

  • Nice Op!
    Got a Gucci and Prada before they were sold out.

  • Picked up a pair of Persols…! thx!

    • Which one? Goes to full price in checkout :\

  • Still a fair few pairs if you sort by price, they all discounted to around $99-103…

  • +3

    doesnt work? I added a product but shows as full price in the basket…

    • +1


    • Did the same to me when I was logged in to my MYER account, as soon as I logged out it was the sale price again so I checked out as a guest and it went through. Fingers crossed!

  • Yep.. not working. Great price shown on the product, in checkout it reverts to full price :(

  • Thanks op got the oversized clubmaster ray bans rb4175 and some clubmaster high streets rb3538

  • Got one Prada and one Miu Miu! While trying to add more in my cart (Prada for e.g.), it was coming in full price so they may possibly be fixing up the pricing error if it is one?

  • +1

    Stock 2 pairs TF n 1 Prada…tks Op!

  • +1

    Yep, almost over. They are actively fixing the issue, sale price on the persols has just gone up ~$200.

  • +1

    They are fixing the error the sale price was meant to be the discount price

  • lol even Myer is scamming us…come on man

  • -4

    They all went back to RRP when I added them to basket :(

  • well that was interesting

  • They've just jumped the price of Oakley's :(

  • +1

    … and my heart breaks when I go to the checkout and the true price appears.

    To good to be true.

  • Showing different prices when adding to cart. Example… showing $259 should have been $90.96

  • If only i dont need glasses for driving.

  • Bait and Switch.. :)

  • +2

    It's showing 134 for Oakley in the cart, however on the main page it shows 67

    • yes.. Prices in cart are near to full prices now..

  • I had a pair of carbon tech glasses in the cart at the massive discount…but the browser on my work computer wouldn't let me check the terms and conditions boxes. Now the price has gone up.

    Oh well. Pretty poor effort by Myer though.

  • i bought one oakley with $67.

  • Looks like I will be getting refunded!

    • Ha! That's really very dodgy. When I first saw these prices I honestly thought they were legit (albeit awesome). Web site shenanigans and changing prices made me suspicious, then confirmed by this OzBargain thread.

      Boo, hiss.

      • I know, they will not honour!. It's pretty much 4 years ago to the day they had the $99.95 kitchen appliances and cancelled. Anyone here try there luck on them?

        product details 

        qty price est.
        dispatch total
        BFP800BS Kitchen Wizz Black Sesame
        Item code 125792560

        1 $99.95 21 Mar '14 $99.95
        inc GST
        Kitchen Wizz Pro Food Processor BFP800
        Item code 155674270

        1 $99.95 21 Mar '14 $99.95
        inc GST
        BEM800SH Scraper Mixer - Sherbet
        Item code 155674450

        1 $99.95 21 Mar '14 $99.95
        inc GST

  • +1

    Price changes in cart when you go to checkout. Bit misleading.

  • yeah, in the cart, the price is different

    • -2

      Haha why is this comment being downvoted?

      • -1

        Welcome to OzBargain. You just don't question certain things around here. lol

        • Yet 3 upvotes for negative vote;

          doesnt work? I added a product but shows as full price in the basket…

    • So the negative voting removal comes down to the number of down-votes one gets, does it? How's my negative voting of the deal different from the other four votes? LMAO!

  • I got a pair of Ray-bans for $90 before the prices went haywire, so we'll see what happens. I can't see them honouring it.

  • Dear Myer, you suck. Please go away.

  • +1

    Now this deal is worth shxt#@#@$$# MYER share price :)

  • +1

    Rang Myer - website error, too bad so sad was the response. Pretty poor.

  • +1

    I called and they honored the price, ordered it on the phone

    • +2

      ozbargain troop, to the phone!

      • Grab onto the batpole ,

  • Anymore available stock at this price?? I cant see it anymore. Oakley price show as $65 on front page, when u add to bag it became 50% (off full price) to $120-$130 (cant remember exact $)

  • All the items out of stock. Could be price error?

  • yeah customer service says website error - boo

  • Yea it is a website error, they will start cancelling orders shortly.

  • wow!! Need to click in every single item to double check the price. They bring the bargain game to the next level!!

  • +2

    Call them up and they will honour

    • Called them up and they said they aren’t honering as it was a price error

      • Could you please give more details on who you spoke to? i.e Online Shopping or Customer Service Centre or Specific Store? And the process? Are they honouring your order that was already submitted or the price that it still advertised on the page?

        • +1

          Call the online shopping number 13 69 37

        • +1

          Not sure who I spoke to but basically just provided the item number and they confirm they are still available, then manually discounted them.

        • I also just spoke to them - they said that regardless of whether you order online or call up and they honour the price, these are both the same initial steps and the cancellation process happens after this depending on the call their team decides to make i.e you could still order over the phone and they honour the price and you would get the same confirmation as you would online but it is still subject to the same cancellation. Good luck all.

    • they weren't honouring on the phone

    • Thanks I did it.. Took around 25 minutes..

  • +1

    now everything (that had a reasonable discount) is marked as sold out

  • I have placed my orders over the phone. Myer customer service honored the online posted price even. I did this before 11.30 am.

  • +1

    just got back from sunglass hut, managed to purchase these…
    got them for $103.96

    • So you went to Myers sh store?

      • i went to sunglass hut, the manager said damn its a price error but she still matched it

        • Which store did you go?

        • @abcd: doncaster, she only matched it tho cause it was agreed upon when she saw the price when i called, when i got there the price was updated, but still price matched because i had said i was coming from an hour away lol

        • @haz97: good stuff, I just got rejected from Myers SH in SYD city store…

    • I went to SH as well, they checked with Myer and said sorry we can't price match that it's a pricing error.

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