Hi All
Merry christmas, I have 25 free promo codes for ChristmasIT an iPhone app that lets you take any song in your device and make it more festive
Please comment with the code you have used so I can mark it as taken, also if you like the app do me a favour and rate it 5 stars :)
1) 3FYAPHY37YAR (Taken)
2) A96WPAPRY3MP (Taken)
4) 43W9YJFETTAH (Taken)
5) W43ANX9976TE (Taken)
6) 4P9EFJFJYRHJ (Taken)
7) X6L9F3HW7A46 (Taken)
8) WXENT9FE9LAH (Taken)
9) XX4HATPF6AEF (Taken)
10) YR4HH4XNPN67 (Taken)
11) ERPAHF6XKET3 (Taken)
12) RFKJWJTXFYE6 (Taken)
13) HMKY7P3RTMA9 (Taken)
14) FRAPRANF6APJ (Taken)
15 R7HHJ4EFTNRN (Taken)
Last 10
16) LERMNMH4A4LE (Taken)
17) JF34A6T3L97F (Taken)
18) 7JHT93YHNRFP (Taken)
19) WR6HKYEYTRLT (Taken)
20) YXF66H4XYYJA (Taken)
21) JA4X376TWWPJ (Taken)
22) XWEA369TFR7P (Taken)
23) FXR9Y64WTT7J (Taken)
24) MA3YHLFXLFEH (Taken)
25) TP9XRMH944A4 (Taken)
To use a promo code use the following link using the itunes desktop application https://buy.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/red…
On the device go to the very bottom of the featured tab in the app store application, then tap on redeem and enter a code
(sorry for the confusion)
how does this work?