Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread

I've created this thread for general day-to-day comments/feedback/suggestions, because I think it's better then having to make a new thread every time you have got something little to ask/say.

closed Comments

  • For example, when I post a comment (e.g here
    for the store rep box, it says I am associated with Uploaded Files instead of the store

    • It doesn't show associated. Did you unclick it?

        • OK, I see what you are saying. Uploaded Files isn't a store.

          One of the things on the plate is creating stores without domains so we don't have anything under the Uploaded Files domain. I guess the issue is if someone from the Kebab Shop made a comment on that thread, we would want them to click the associated box albeit they aren't associated with Uploaded Files just this deal.

  • Hi Mod,

    I would like to suggest something.

    Is that possible for Scotty or Mods to make it button on the deal for "BOUGHT" | "WISH LIST" or | "RECOMMENDED"

    The reason because i bought quite many item from ozbargain, after a while let say 3-4 weeks, I easily forget what do I buy, especially when the deal from overseas such as torch, plug, games, and less than $5. I cant track all of it.

    If we have that option, it would be great, we can check what we buy from the deal and even better if there is option for "BOUGHT" button to say GOT IT or something


    • You can just + vote it (out of appreciation) then use the "Add to folders" feature shown on each post (You can create any folder you like)

  • Is there any way to customize the "new" lists on the right hand of the main page? I notice there is a newly added "New Competitions" category. I'm not interested in these at all and would like to turn them off as they are annoying, distracting and take up space. A check box in account/settings perhaps?

    On the topic of customizing these lists, how about a sub-frame with a slider for "New Deals"? If there is a spate of new submissions in a short space of time, deals before them don't get enough exposure to be upvoted to the main deals list. I suggest it contains the complete list from the "New Deals" thread for the past 12 or 24 hours, after which they expire out of the list if they aren't upvoted. This gives all submissions an equal exposure, and a chance to get upvoted. There have been occasions where good deals (of interest to me) have been missed because there was a spate of new submissions, and the deal wasn't around long enough to get upvoted or for me to notice. I notice as at the time of writing, the oldest deal is only 2.5 hours old before it gets bumped. That's not really enough exposure before it gets bumped, especially if it happens in "off-peak" hours.

  • Maybe you can add somewhere in the settings the ability to hide deals for a certain product category or tag. That way if you are sick of filtering through the endless SSD and other deals to find the deals that interest you you can just hide them from showing on the main deals page.

    Alcoholics could opt to have all booze related deals hidden, you could hide all the fast food deals if you are trying to eat better, and those of us with more eneloops and flashlights than we can use in a lifetime but still cant resist buying more when a real bargain comes along can block all of those too.

    I know that you can currently block posts by "Store" or by "User", but not by "Category" or "Tag" as far as I can see.

    Of course it won't work if people aren't using tags appropriately but it could still be useful for filtering out some of the unwanted deals and improving the user experience.

    • You should be able to pick the categories you want - go to the bottom of your deal settings page, click the categories and save.

      Edit: We don't have a way to filter by products, as tagging is still an issue.

      • Is there a way to subscribe by "tag".

        I'd love to be able to subscribe to deals that have a "freebie" tag on them. At the moment I have a search alert for the word "freebie" but I don't always get all the deals that have free products in them as the term isn't always mentioned in the deal description.

        • As above, there isn't a way to subscribe to a tag.

          If you use an RSS feed reader, you can subscribe to the freebie RSS feed.

          Alternatively, you can use an ifttt recipe that emails you every time there is a new freebie deal.

          There are a few other interesting recipes that might be useful.

  • Hi. Has their been any requests for 'the floating up arrow' to take you back to the top of the page? (Not unlike eBay)

    On occasion I've thought this would be a handy feature on a long post.

    • there is an arrow for the mobile site but not for the desktop version

      • halfway there then thanks.

    • Good suggestion!

      • thanks neil

        • Go to top button has now been rolled out. It's in the floating yellow bar.

        • @neil: great work neil and the team - thank you very much

  • +1

    I just wanted to say I'm really impressed with the poll suggestions thing on this thread. I've never seen such a system and it just looks so.. neat. Very nicely done guys :D

  • When you click on a persons name to "view user profile" then if they have more than 3 coloured badges then the 4th badge falls outside the user profile box. box needs to be a tad wider or profile pic and badges moved to the left a little. thanks

    • Yeah that was a known problem. Badges should wrap around if they go over the area.

    • Better? With a bigger profile image…

      • +1

        Looks kind of unnaturally big now, just my 2c.

  • Just found the add to folders option. Is there a way to delete individual deals from each folder? I only see delete all, expired or folder. No option to remove a singe deal.

    • Go to the deal, click Add to Folders and unclick the folder.

  • I gather the forum post (from the computer section) called 'logitech complaint from a school mum' was removed?

    • By OP request yes.

  • Question to the mods: What does it mean when a user has suddenly changed to "DisabledUserxxxx"? It's apparent that their account has been disabled but can I ask what reasons an account might be disabled for?

    Just curious really! lol

    • Users can disable their account from My Account. This changes their username to DisabledUserxxx.

      In the past, we have had to manually disable accounts and change account names. Reasons? Many want to cover up their digital trail (although we can change usernames for you), or don't use the account anymore, some have temper tantrums (and often return), some didn't understand what they were signing up for.

      • Cheers, neil :)

  • I noticed today that a mobile user can't get into My Account -> Messages.
    On the web side a user can select messages from the menu that appears under My account, but on the mobile side, selecting My account causes a new page to be displayed with all the options visible except Messages. Web side is also missing Messages from that view.

    • Have similar issues. Have save OzBargain to the home screen on my iPhone / iPad and ever link direct to a new tab in Safari. Can't even log into OzBargain when using the link from the home screen. :(

    • On the mobile site, there should be a triangle to the left of My Account that whenever clicked, displays a menu which contains messages as an option. Do you see the triangle?

      • I'm all good on Nokia Lumia 1320 (Windows Phone 8.1 Preview)
        Click on triangle, click on messages.

      • +1

        Don't remember the links bouncing out to a new page like they do now - hit the triangles and I'm now logged it (don't remember doing that previously either) :D

        • Yes the triangle "dropdown toggle" for mobile sites was implemented back in May. The main issue was that touch device didn't really register "hover" so we want two different actions for popping up the menu and clicking through the link.

      • Ok, yes the triangle does cause a menu to display that contains Messages. Thanks.
        I was clicking on "My Account" which is what I do on the web side.
        Other options within that menu act as shortcuts to views within the user profile page. Why is Messages not an option from the User Profile page? It seems inconsistent to me.

  • is there anyway to block the system massages of the outcome of the reports?
    or at least dont want to get email notification of that but still want to get email if any member pm me.

    • Moderators choose to let users who report posts and comments know about the outcome of their reports. However, we can make a note on your account not to let you know.

      • yes please, dont bother yourself letting me know the out come of the reports. its may save you some time and hassles

  • Hi Mods,

    Please ignore this if someone has already asked this in this forum. Can you add more filter checkboxes on Live deals page to filter out forums, Ads and competitions as we are now getting more and more Ads and competition posts? It will be useful for those who wants to just view deals and forums.


    • Ads? Ah classified ads.

      Currently you can filter out Posts, Comments, Votes, Wiki posts. I'll see what we can do with filtering competitions and classifieds.

  • Not sure if this has been requested before but would it be possible to customise my front page by applying some form of user preferences?

    For instance instead of the default Categories I would like to set up a series of filters based on basic rules.

    Sample rules may be:
    Include/exclude particular categories,
    Include/exclude particular text in titles,
    Exclude expired deals,
    Include/exclude particular companies or URL's,
    Include/exclude particular price ranges, %'s, etc.,
    Minimum +'s,
    Maximum -'s,
    Age of deal.

    edit: rules to implement and/&, or/|, not/!, wildcard/* as opposed to just what can be done in the existing search function

  • +1

    Can we subscribe to tags like we can subscribe to categories at the moment?

    I.e. Im insterested in a lcd tv at the moment, so I could subscribe to the 'lcd tv' tag, or '55inch' tag, etc and get emailed when a new deal is posted that fits my criteria?

    • We had many requests asking for subscribing to tags, but unfortunately it's not feasible as the posters don't usually tag things properly. The closest would be search "LCD TV 55inch", and then click on "Create Alert". We'll send you emails at most once an hour when new deals got posted that contain all these words.

      • Thanks Scotty, that works fine for me.

  • +1

    Thanks for adding the @User link when replying to fully-nested comments, it really helps work out who is talking to who! :)

    • Speaking of nested comments, I'd like to see something that maintains the indenting after the 4 or 5 that we currently have. Perhaps if we retain the current indenting by the width of an avatar for the first 4 or 5, then after that we could have a single character symbol like "↳" or "↪" etc and without the avatar (or even a narrow graphic). This would allow you to see the nesting in the thread comments and not take up too much real-estate, which resulted in short row/long column text. I believe this used to be the case years ago, but was changed to be inline for any posts after the 5th nest.


      This is my comment.
      . ↳ This is my reply.
      …. ↳ This is my response.
      …… ↳ This is my comeback.

  • +1

    i don't know if this has already been suggested… but can we have a separate place to put the constant "free" (read: wasn't really worth much money anyway) kindle e-books we get on the main bargain page.

    IMO they're generally all trash and clog up the deals feed especially if they get posted individually.

    • You can hide kindle e-book deals or any other deals by following the instructions here.

    1. Search within threads. For example, there are people saying "I don't know if this has been posted" as theres just too many posts to go through.

    Doubt this will be implemented; more likely hated:

    1. Notifications- when a new deal is posted, when someone replies to your thread. I know this is done through email etc. But a Facebook type notification system might of use. I guess the key to this would be choosing what type of notifications you want, otherwise it just becomes a nuisance. Ie I might only be interested in getting notifications for deals that get 20+likes or when someone replies to my comment.
  • Can you Subscribe to classifieds?

    1. Can we get a page navigation tool at the top of bargain posts, just like there is one at top & bottom of this discussion thread ?

    2. What facility is there to 'mark as read', to save me re-reading older posts ?

  • Would there be an eaay and reliable way of adding a section to store pages, that lists out all the various cashback schemes, etc. that a site supports?

    • The three that we support (Start Here, Qwibble, CashRewards) should already be displayed on the store page.

      • +1

        Ah, missed that. Fair enough. I don't suppose there's any way of getting Velocity Rewards in there somehow?

  • Some competitions seem to be getting tagged with "Koorong". Examples:

    • Thanks, will investigate.

    • This has been fixed in the backend (not just hidden). Thanks for reporting.

  • Is there currently an issue with the new deals RSS feed? It seems to be an hour behind the site.

    Not sure if this is Feedburner slowing down or if some background process isn't updating Feedburner fast enough.

    Both screenshots from 23:18 EST.
    OzBargain Feedburner

  • I have my subscriptions set as "Send at most one notification between my viewings of the thread". Overnight I was receiving emails each time a new comment was added to several threads even though I hadn't viewed the thread after the first notification. Has anyone else had this problem?

    • I'm lucky if I receive any notifications at the moment.

      I'm subscribed to this thread and haven't received an email adding it was updated - only noticed it was when browsing. Happening with most of my OzB subscriptions for some reason of late.

    • @pointscrazy — Can you point out which thread is this?

      Edit: I think I might have found the culprit. It would be fixed in the next rollout.

      • Is there any reason why I'm still not receiving e-mail updates on certain threads when they're updated?

        Again I didn't get one on this thread.

      • Sorry fo the delay in getting back to you. The threads I was getting multiple messages for was the Site Discussion thread Coles, Woolies and Aldi and the deal which compared the prices of the majors for the week, the large one by montymelb I think which caused some of the discussion on the other thread.

        I probably showed up as being logged into Ozbargain at the time the multiple emails were coming through but I didn't have either of those threads on my browser at the time.

        I am wondering if it had something to do with the fact that I had no internet connection overnight or whether this was a co-incidence. Maybe the system couldn't figure out whether I'd visited those threads.

        The problem only occured that night and by the following day things were working smoothly for my updates and my home internet connection.

  • I'm on my tablet and clciked on Mobile Site. How do I go back to the full site?

    I must be blind or something…

  • I have a idea but don't know if its been posted before and i'm to lazy to look though 8 pages, it would be really cool if members could have a watch list. the number of times I've wanted keep an eye on a deal… (the Sunday ebay deals are a good example)

    maybe have it so that the watch list expires after 30days or something, just an idea.

    • You can use the Add to Folders link at the bottom of each deal. See here

      • cheers Neil that's really neat!

  • Hi Guys, I use the RSS feed from work to check out bargains sometimes. Is it possible to update it to include more items (maybe 50-100) as the "last 10 bargains" doesn't give me a lot to look at.

    Not sure about how easy it is to update RSS feed entries, but would it be possible to include a score somewhere in the data too? For example see below.

    [104+/2-]<title of bargain>

    • The votes are actually in the RSS but not in the content, but rather in a meta tag allowing other developers to extract out those data.

  • I know we have a lot of deal categories but I'm wondering if we could break up the "food and grocery" section so that there is a separate section for alcohol only deals. I'm subscibed to the "food and grocery" deals but I don't want to receive deals on alcohol only. I don't mind them being included in the major supermarket deals. I tried just subcribing to the companies that I thought I wanted offers from but I was missing out on some deals that were submitted with the wrong company link but were still food and grocery items.

  • Anyone else having issues when mousing over the 'Deals' tab? The drop down menu doesn't load. Been that way for most of the night for me (using Firefox). Just gets stuck on 'loading' with the thingy spinning…

    All other tabs are fine and drop down as normal.

    • It is working for me, is it still broken for you?

    • Working fine here too. Firefox v31.0

    • Does it work when you are in incognito or private browsing mode?

      • Working fine for me now lol. Don't know what happened there. I'd restarted the browser a few times with no effect. Hours later, same PC, haven't rebooted or anything and it's working.

        The site was obviously trying to tell me to get some sleep :P

  • Just a minor thing, on the General Discussion page maybe hyper linking faq to the faq page would be convenient for people:
    "Before posting see the FAQ:"

    • The FAQ was going to be a frequent list of common questions:

      What's the equivalent of OzBargain in other countries?

      That gets asked so many times.

      The FAQ is more suited to posting deals. I've changed it to:

      Before posting see the frequently asked forum topics:

      Does that make sense? Just need to figure out what more of the common questions are.

      • Ah makes sense now, I was just lounging around the forum and thought it was odd/not user friendly to state refer to FAQ when the FAQ isn't quite visible for first time visitors.
        Or just me being OCD.

  • Just a small thing i noticed just now, tried a search but couldn't see anything. The times on the wiki revisions are ahead by an hour, possibly thinks there is daylight savings on?


    • It was a misconfiguration of timezone. Should be fixed now.

  • Is there any reason the maximum number of search event alerts is set at 10? I'm assuming it is to stop automated bots or something surrounding server load.

    I use all 10 slots consistently. About half are for products I'm seeking to buy and the other half are for things like my city, Steam deals, etc. I often have to delete an alert to make room and I then need to keep a manual record of what to reinstate when I no longer need an alert.

    I'm not necessarily suggesting we should remove the limit entirely, but perhaps 15 might be a better limit for moderate to power users.

    • It's something we run each hour and each search-alert triggers a search event on the backend. 10 or 15 or whatever — it is always a good idea to have a bound somewhere to prevent abuse. I think 10 is a reasonable amount, and I certainly don't want to be in the situation that we'll need to raise it again later. You can also go into your account settings -> subscription -> event to trim the search alerts that you are no longer using.

      • Thanks for the info. I currently have to shuffle a few alerts around, but I'm comfortable with that and it isn't too much of a hassle. The warnings about sockpuppeting were enough to scare me away from making another account solely for this situation.

  • suggestion;
    remove thread (unsubscribe) from users subscribed threads list once comments are closed for that thread.

    • We occasionally open up commenting on some closed threads. Sometimes we get requests from people who wish to update everyone on the thread about the deals (e.g. having received item or not, broken). If we see any product recalls, we open up the comments and paste in the recall. So keeping subscribed to closed posts can be handy. Not to say that is a good enough reason but just something to keep in mind.

  • Has there been talks of bringing back Broden? Would l o v e to see him on here!

    • broden could log into his account and request a TWAM. However,

      • There are already lots of broden-impersonators around here, and you do tend to see them whenever there's a huge front-page sale.

      • I suspect broden might be still active on this site, hidden from a different ghost account.

      I'll say just let the legend live rather than bringing him back.

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