This was posted 6 years 11 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, PS4] Battlefield 1 $20 @ Big W

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Price dropped for this game..Enjoy

Price Compare : HN, JB Hi-Fi & Target Selling for $29

Hellfighter Trench Shotgun - Combat battered shotgun, etched with the Hellfighter insignia and "Men of Bronze" on the receiver and the unit number 369th on the barrel, along with the carving "Go Forward or Die France 1918" on the wooden stock.

Hellfighter M1911 - Reliable and timeless sidearm still used in action today affectionately called "old slabsides", etched with the Hellfighter insignia on the breech and "Men of Bronze" on the muzzle.

Hellfighter Bolo Knife - Fearsome blade etched with the Hellfighter regiment number 369th that makes your enemy feel homesick at first sight.

Hellfighter Insignia - Wear this emblem to show your belonging to the elite Hellfighter unit and instill fear on the Battlefield.

Experience the dawn of all-out war in Battlefield 1. Fight your way through epic battles ranging from tight urban combat in a besieged French city to the heavily defended mountain forts in the Italian Alps or frantic combats in the deserts of Arabia. Discover a new world at war through an adventure-filled campaign, or join in epic multiplayer battles with up to 64 players, and adapt your tactics to the earth-shattering environments and destruction. Fight as infantry or take control of amazing vehicles on land, air and sea, from the tanks and bikes on the ground, to biplanes and gigantic battleships, and adapt your gameplay to the most dynamic battles in Battlefield history.

Epic 64-Player Multiplayer Battles - Squad up with your friends and join in the most epic multiplayer battles in FPS history with up to 64 players fighting as infantry or piloting vehicles ranging from tanks and bikes on the ground to biplanes and gigantic battleships.

Experience the Dawn of All-out War - Be a part of the greatest battles ever known to man. From the heavily defended Alps to the scorching deserts of Arabia, war is raging on an epic scale on land, air and sea as you witness the birth of modern warfare.

Earth-shattering Intuitive Destruction - With intuitive destruction no battle is ever the same. Destroy vehicles big and small, and demolish entire buildings. From tiny wooden houses to massive stone forts, even the grounds on which you're fighting can be blasted apart.

War Stories from the Far Edges of the World - Discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign that captures the variety of a global conflict through the eyes of several different characters all united by this first modern war.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    If only this was available for PC

    • +2

      Revolution (all dlc inc) was 26$ on the Origin Store last week. If you want to try it out i recommend getting origin access for $7 a month as its on there (base game) then decide if you wanna everything. It runs great on older pcs (3770k, 780ti here)

      • Can confirm it runs really well, my brother has an fx 8350 and 750Ti and has no problem getting 60fps at 1080p.

  • +1

    Very good price for a very good game, shame they haven't made the dlc free yet or at least cheap. $45-60 for ps4 season pass yet the game only costs $20-$30 ?!

    • +3

      I believe Battlefield 1 Revolution has all the DLC and can be had for $30 - $40 recently?

      • +3

        $29 at big w recently for PS4 and Xbone. Suspect if you can find it on the shelf it may also scan for $20 now. I didnt notice any left of the Battlefield 1 Revolution at my local Big W though.

        • Just checked at my local Big W, they had Revolution but it didn't scan for $20.

      • +1

        yeh it's strange pricing, can pick up the full game with all dlc for $40 yet if you buy the standard edition (I did when it first came out) and want to buy the dlc now you're looking at $60 just for the dlc. Basically just killing off the bf1 player base for the next battlefield game this year :(

        • The DLC is multiplayer DLC only, isn't it? I only wait for DLC if it has some single player game content

        • +1

          DLC adds multiplayer maps, weapons, behemoths. To my knowledge, there's no single player DLC's.

        • +2


          yep dlc is only new multiplayer maps and weapons. I think 12 new maps have been released from the dlcs, 3 more maps than the standard base game comes with (9). Would suspect they will make the dlc free sometime in the future since the games cycle is almost finished.

          playing on the same 9 maps for 6 months before they released any new maps basically killed the game off, then they have the cheek to charge players $20 for 4 new maps lol. it's a shame since imo it is the best shooter on console

    • +1

      I got the PS4 season pass for about $20 a few months back - I think it may have been in the Black Friday sale on PS Store. Only bought it because it was cheap, I was happy enough with just the base maps. Even now I've got the DLC I still find myself playing mostly on the base maps anyway. Doesn't really bother me since I only paid $20, but that's the reason why I never bought it earlier. I bought the BF4 season pass at full price and barely played any of the DLC maps anyway, so swore I'd never buy another season pass unless it was dirt cheap. For $70 or $80 I could buy a couple of full games, not just a few maps for a game I already have.

  • Best multiplayer shooter of last year.

    Well, until fortnite come out

    IMO ofcoarse

  • +2

    The xbox one servers are absolutely dead in my experience which is a real shame as the game is awesome.

    • +1

      We found the PS4 servers were also dead as well. Couldn't find a game, or it took ages to find one. Maybe with the new DLC, it's back on again.. not sure if it's worth $20 to test that theory out though.

  • I've owned this game since release and it still gets played almost nightly. Highly recommended.

  • -2

    Much better than that COD: WW2 shit…

  • Does anyone know if JB-HIFI/EBGames/Target will price match this?

    • Try it.. they should be able to do that.. some refuse if they see its in clearance but this one doesn't have that clearance info so should be good for price match

    • Only if you can show they have stock…

  • is the campaign worth $20, because I don't have PS+?

    • +1

      If you think its worth $10, we can make a deal. You can purchase it for current price, once you finish campaign i'll buy it from you for $10 ( for multiplayer)

    • Yes. It was great

    • The campaign is very short (even on the hardest difficulty) but it's brilliant.

    • -1

      The Battlefield single player campaigns are generally garbage. This one is better than their usual efforts, but still kind of meh. It's a common problem among FPS games these days - they're all about the multiplayer and the single player (if they bother with one at all) is basically just there to act as a tutorial for the multiplayer.

      There are a few that still seem to be focused on the single player side - stuff like the recent Doom and Wolfenstein games and the Far Cry games. I'd probably go for those instead of BF4 if you're after a good single player FPS. They can be had pretty cheap on PS Store - Far Cry 4 and Wolfenstein: The New Order are both $25, and you'll get a hell of a lot more single player campaign out of those than you will from BF1. Unless you're really keen on the WWI setting, in which case BF1 is the way to go.

  • Free with EA Access… Better off getting that then buying the disc IMO. (Well for XB1 anyway, plus you get the other EA titles).

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