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Nintendo Switch for $366 delivered from Amazon AU. Seems a good price, my concern is it's from a new seller, 'Ruth Morse'.
Also available with the Red Blue joy-cons for an extra $2
Delivery for me is within 3 days.
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Nintendo Switch for $366 delivered from Amazon AU. Seems a good price, my concern is it's from a new seller, 'Ruth Morse'.
Also available with the Red Blue joy-cons for an extra $2
Delivery for me is within 3 days.
Might turn into re morse after purchase
Where can I buy your newest book of puns?
Woah, I wouldn't be slap-dash in making a purchase just yet, it's still a work in progress.
That's dashed my chances of buying a cheap Switch…..
It is a newly launched seller…so I would be careful….
How do new sellers on Amazon work? If something goes wrong with the order do you liaise through Amazon?
Yep, and they say all claims 1-2 weeks to process.
That makes for depressing reading. Both because of the dodgy sellers and Amazon’s seemingly unwillingness to do anything about them.
New seller only selling cheap video game consoles (also selling PS4 Pro at $399) with stock images is almost always a scam.
But I thought Amazon would have some sort of way to avoid these type of scams?
I guess if anyone wants to risk it, you're at least covered by the "A-to-z Safe Buying Guarantee"
I have been wondering about this since I saw this earlier today. Amazon looks like it will protect the buyer, but I wonder what sort of pain we are in for if this goes sideways.
Probable scam. Buyer Beware.
I'll be safe if I pay by reading out iTunes gift card numbers over the phone, right?
No definitely not sir. Please download TeamViewer and share with me your id and password I will perform the purchase for you.
689 691 914
Is it US stock?
(If it is even legit…)
Ruth is an anagram of hurt.
And ruth morse sounds like remorse.
Could be the work of the Illuminati.
Or bikies. Probably bikies.
I bet that this is a grey import stock.
What does grey import lose when it is compared to au stock?
Loses Australian manufacturers warranty.
would this seller provide any warranty? or amazon covers it?
Some sellers offer their own in house warranty. But it's not actually Australian manufacturers warranty none the less.
How does it lose Australian manufacturers warranty when it isn't manufactured here? ;)
Not too sure if it's imported, but surely grey!
If it's grey then it is imported and not from the Australian distribution chain.
Yeah nah
Down voting due to possible scam and warning others.
I have recently got caught up in the “Sports 2018” scam from a new Amazon Au seller no different to this
Amazon AU really need to look at themselves and do their due diligence- or they will be folking out a hell of a lot of vouchers and dealing with angry customers.
As in my previous report to Op as amazon aren’t listening to my calls maybe ozbargain can approach amazon au and raise these checks and concerns… just a thought
I thought the jury's still out on the Sports 2018 QC35 deal as to whether it might be a scam? Might be a bit early to tell if you will receive the headphones? Will be keen to see if it is indeed a genuine deal myself.
There's no way in hell that it's legit. Has to be a scam or counterfeit. But either way that's a scam.
After reading all the comments, I have cancelled my order. If anyone has experiences with this seller, pls let me know.
Nope, seems not legit
only time will tell in the next few days if it really is a scam.
will update
please let us know :)
I bought the $20 umbrella back in January from AmazonAU and ended up getting a refund from paypal due to non-delivery :(
I bought the ps4 pro that was posted a few mins earlier from the same seller. Im not to fussed due to the buyer-protection from amazon. Will defs keep posted.
I dont mind biting the bullet a test guinea pig =D
AmazonAU and ended up getting a refund from paypal due to non-delivery :(
How…? Amazon doesn’t accept PayPal.
Apologies too used to using my AMEX via Paypal haha, it was paid back to my AMEX directly via amazon
I doubt a new company would sell Nintendo switches for Thisbe cheap.. it's an obvious scam.
already hinted in the name "Ruth Morse" that there is no (less) in ruthless and no (re) in remorse.
Yeah….once bitten, twice shy!
I was caught on a web similar to this one involving a Wii U some years ago - on amazon Uk nonetheless. Amazon Uk seemed to have no clue when the seller went sideways. Eventually got my refund.
Says "Currently Unavailable" now anyway….
Hopeless from Amazon. The brand damage is immense.
Likely to go the way of most other US companies that try to come here - e.g Krispy Kreme / Starbucks.
They just assume brand advantage and don't work on other aspects of the product / offering.
I don't trust Amazon. one of my accounts was hacked, an account i haven't logged into for years and never from this pc.
The hackers were posting fake reviews, i got my account back and tried to change the reviews showing the seller pays for reviews but the edits were always rejected by amazon. In the end all i was allowed to do was change it to 1 star. (but the glowing fake review stayed)
Amazon have a reputation in the US (especially in the early days) of scams etc. Seems the Australia site is no different
I ordered the PS4 Pro 1Tb from the same seller listed for $399. Ultimately I decided to cancel mainly because of the potential of no Au warranty/Grey import etc.
To the sellers credit, the order was cancelled with no issues. Hopefully anyone who bought the Switch/PS4 from this seller has their orders fulfilled with no issues.
do you have a direct link to the ps4 pro listing? Can't seem to find it even on the page which shows the seller's other listings.
A quick update, my switch is mark d as “shipped” at around 6.41am today. Will keep this thread updated
Same here, exact time too.
Same here for my ps4 pro. Fingers crossed!
thank you for the update, keep us posted
Yup same here - fingers crossed :)
I paid the extra $2 for the coloured ones, if it makes any difference.
Please let us know how it goes, and whether if it’s grey imported or au stock
I asked the seller, here is her reply:
——————- Begin message ——————-
Message from 3rd party seller:
Hello, the product can be in the local warranty. There is a warranty.
Did you receive a Toll group notification?
No, I have received nothing yet, you?
Well the seller said they were using Australia Post, so Im not sure if this toll delivery could be the console, but will revert back here when I find out.
anything yet m8 ?
Mine was estimated shipping 15th - 19th, didn't receive anything today :(
I will check mine after getting home, if nothing received, I will file a-z claim straight away
Same supposed to be 15th to 19th and haven't received anything…. gonna lodge a refund now.
Hi all,
Until March 19th, nothing received, I filed an a-z claim now.
This is certainly a scam.
Yep. Original fake sellers have been removed.
After arguing with amazon customer service, they helped me to file an a-z claim and give me a $30 voucher. Hope it helps
A few more "stores" have popped up selling at the $360-$366 pricepoint now that Ruth Morse has finished:…
Joshua Bernal, Alva Leighton and ladimaoyiyo for those who missed it and are goign to risk it!
Now down to $324. Seems legit
Joshua dropped his prices! ^_^
He's selling a pretty cheap PS4 pro too!…
There is a seller selling them for $309 now. Surely it has to be dodgy?
Guys, even if you paid less and received the switch doesn't mean it is safe.
Nintendo bans both account and machine if the account involves using a stolen credit card to purchase digital games. Therefore, the machine will no longer connect to the Eshop and internet service hence no digital purchase can be made and no online gaming.
There will be delay between using the stolen credit card and getting the ban. You might get a banned machine or received a ban couple months later.
What do you mean? If a stolen card was used wouldn't it just be the console that was bought from say Target. Nintendo would not know that.
Stolen card was used for buying digital game on Nintendo's Eshop not buying the actual console. The digital game is attached to a Nintendo Account, and the Nintendo account is attached to a Switch. Nintendo can identify the account that used the stolen card and block the online service for both the Nintendo account and the machine.
But these are consoles aren't they, not Nintendo accounts.
If a machine was tied to an illegal account before, even if the account is already unlinked from that machine, the machine will still be banned. I saw people sell their Switch for $200 on Chinese website for this reason.@PVA:
anyone order from Joshua Bernal or Alva Leighton? I feel like taking the plunge..
I would recommend you hear from others first to see if it's a scam…
The hassle of getting your money back might take ages.
I tried ordering one, but it seems like Amazon isn't processing it and keeps deleting the order.
Found a thread on Amazon scams. Amazon really don't give a s*** about fake sellers…
Coming up on 7000 'sales'. 93% negative feedback.
Update. All of the low cost PS4 and Switch sellers have been removed
Paranoids, another "Just Launched" user, has listed the switch for $360.
Oh, I get it now.
I got issued a refund without requesting it. Amazon musta have been into it. arr well, all part of the game :D now I'm going to go pay normal price for a PS4 pro out of frustration
Same here…. I managed to get a pretty cheap switch using the 10% ebay storewide thing….maybe if it rolls around again, you might have luck with that
Ruth Morse? I would say she's got a…
sunglasses on
… dotted past