Kogan Mobile Number in Quarantine, over 1 Year, but Can Still Login to Account Portal???

Long story short, apparently I still have a number at Kogan. If I look in the history there is no call history as it has been so long that it doesn't appear at all.

The sim when placed into the phone doesn't even register onto the network anymore.

Are we supposed, to call them up and get them to close out the portal account?

I don't think it's fine to keep the portal up because it does have some of our details; since we aren't updating our pins it because a minor/major security hazard depending on your opinion. If any breach of pins happens at Kogan, then I'm not going to be pleased, especially since most account password dumps these days are of older data which people have usually either changed passwords to or closed out.

What do you guys think of the issue?

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Kogan Mobile


  • Why are you using the same PIN or password with multiple providers?

    • I'm referring to the fact that most savvy people will have changed their passwords or pins before the dump is publicly released. I know my credentials might have appeared on the linkedin dump, but they had been changed beforehand. When dumped, it was at least a few years old.

      In the Kogan Mobile scenario, if one reasonably thinks the account has been closed, they won't go in and change their pin. If there is a leak, then people will just be able to login and see your account details. The accounts are not closed. Albeit, other providers like Amaysim keep details too, but at least you cannot login to the account portal once it has been quarantined or ported away.

      In the event there is a pin dump, which is a when, not if. Then everything is up for grabs. I'm going to shoot a letter across to the Privacy Commissioner to take a closer look at. I would go close out my account by calling up Kogan, but I think it can wait until someone investigates it, as it isn't just going to affect me. One or two extra months can't hurt, I guess…

      If you think your vodafone/telstra/optus account has expired, you aren't going to go in and change your password/pins. You'd expect it to be closed out.

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