I have put this onto a few different places in the hope that someone can help me with this issue. Please bear with me while I explain… When I use my htc m9 to stream flac/mp3 files from my computer using either universal media server or plex, the music will randomly stop. The track doesn’t show that it has paused or stopped on the bubbleupnp player, so I either have to close the app or skip to the next track. This is the main way I listen to music, so I need this to work 100% of the time. As far as I know this doesn’t happen with other streaming services such as tunein or spotify. Here are all the things I have tried to fix it.
switched from plex to UMS (server side). Tried multiple versions and options for each
tried plex, bubble upnp and others on the phone and tried multiple versions and options for each
Changed computers, router and O.S (win 10 to win7)
Different custom roms based off different official roms, tried stock 7.0 too
Changed different wifi settings in the phone’s options
No dice…
I am starting to think it could be a hardware issue since it seems to stop more when I am further away from the modem (huwei e5573). The phone itself has a damaged screen and looks like it has been dropped before. I tried using my Samsung i9300 and I believe it did the same thing once, so I can’t explain that. I bought the phone because of its audio capabilities and it would be a shame to get rid of it. I am under the impression that the wifi/4g antennas aren’t very good in the first place, so I don’t know if that is the problem. Has anyone had similar problems with their htc m9, or can help me figure this out?
I Have a Problem with My HTC M9 (Streaming Audio Using Bubbleupnp + Universal Media Server)

FeRGan on 07/03/2018 - 21:17
I actually took the back off the phone and saw that a connection had popped off. I hooked it back up and now the camera works again, so I'm happy about that. I only hope that it fixes the aforementioned issue. I have tried switching wifi channels but it still did it eventually. I might look into downloading a wifi spectrum analyzer like you mentioned, since I haven't got around to it yet. But hopefully the issued has been fixed with popping the connection back in. Fingers crossed, and thanks for replying.
You can get apps for your phone that will tell you the strength of the wifi signal and whether there's congestion on your channel (which you can then change). It does sound like a wifi issue. It may be as simple as someone turning on a microwave in your general vicinity. Anyway, it sounds like you might have covered this in your testing. Maybe just place the phone right next to the antenna and see if it happens then?