This was posted 6 years 11 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tronsmart Braided USB-C to USB-C 3 Pack, Tronsmart Braided USB-A to USB-C 3 Pack $4.99 US (~$6.39 AU) @ GeekBuying

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More USB-C cable packs on sale! This time round we have two different packs of braided USB-C cables containing 3 cables in the length of 0.3m, 1m and 1.8m.

Both cables are suitable for charging/data sync and are braided for better durability. The USB-C to USB-C cables are suitable to achieve fast charging with USB-PD & USB-C chargers.

AU$ based on current exchange rate at time of posting with free shipping included.

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closed Comments

  • I wasn't sure which cables I needed more of, so I bought both.

  • Ordered a set of USB-A - thanks!

  • +1

    OP, specs for USB-C to USB-C cable doesn't exactly indicate it is good for laptop USB-PD. 5V/3A is only 15W. It does say Macbook so I guess 29W is fine. Kinda prefer USB-IF certified cables.

    • According to Tronsmart they'll actually go up to 60W.

      • I could not find any places that mentioned they support USB-PD???
        To to clear, not all USB-Type C cables support USB-PD.

        • -1

          If they support 60W, then they support USB-PD - you not going to get that many W without it!

        • +1

          I asked Tronsmart's product manager.

        • -1

          @caprimulgus: Well, the cable supports USB-PD up to Macbook Pro 13 inch level. 15 inch needs more than that. Don't get me wrong, quite a lot of 3rd party USB-C cables only support up to 60W.

          The cable appears to be designed mainly for phones. Again, I prefer a cable in which I know will work on multiple devices, instead of one where I have to watch out and check if my laptop needs >60W support or not.

        • -1


          You’re missing the point: if it supports 60W then it supports USB-C PD (but only up to 60W). There is currently no other standard that supports 60W over type C, so if the cable supports 60W, it implicitly must support USB-C PD. (That is, it is not possible for the cable to support 60W without supporting USB-C PD.)

          Whether it supports a USB-C PD laptop above 60W is a completely different question, and not the question that was asked, by either you or HGC. (The answer to that question is no - as already answered, it supports up to 60W only).

          tl,dr - If you wanted to know if it supports more than 60W, you asked the wrong question! (You only asked if it supports USB-C PD laptops, which it does - up to 60W)

        • -1

          @caprimulgus: No, you are the one missing the point. You do know that Apple Macbook Pros (USB-PD) use 87W and 61W USB-PD Power adapters right?


          Basically, I am trying to point out, this cable isn't Macbook Pro safe. Officially Tronsmart is quoting only 15W, and their rep is giving us a verbal value of 60W. That's the iffy part. Based on the page, Tronsmart basically officially do not indicate the cable supports USB-PD. Ones that do generally don't quote power rating like that. HGC and I were trying to point it out. There are different grades of USB-C cables (on both the data side and the power side). The transfer rate of 480Mbps for this cable means it is a USB 2.0 cable with USB-C plugs . I was being nice but I will be flat out honest here: data side (USB 2.0), power side (PD is still a question mark). You get what you paid for. The cable is useless to me for my laptops. Why do I want USB-C with just USB 2.0 and the PD side (assuming it even has PD) is subpar? A lot of dodgy USB-C cables out there that's why Benson and his colleague review a lot of USB-C cables and chargers.

          tl,dr - if you don't know USB-PD, USB-C USB 3 vs USB 2 in full, don't pretend that you know. The mobile side of USB-PD is child's play.

        • @netsurfer:

          Yes, I know all of that. But that is all entirely irrelevant.

          You questioned whether it was “good for laptop USB-PD”. That question was answered by the rep - yes, it supports up to 60W.

          Someone else asked if it supports USB-PD. That question was answered by me, even though the answer was already implicit in the rep’s original answer. Yes it supports USB-C PD - up to 60W!


          OP, specs for USB-C to USB-C cable doesn't exactly indicate it is good for laptop USB-PD. 5V/3A is only 15W. It does say Macbook so I guess 29W is fine. Kinda prefer USB-IF certified cables.

          Neither did the other poster:

          I could not find any places that mentioned they support USB-PD???
          To to clear, not all USB-Type C cables support USB-PD.

          Your question (yours was actually a query in the form of a statement) was answered as it was written. You asked if it supports USB-C PD, and that was the question that was answered. You did not ask whether it works with USB-C PD over 60W!!!

          tl,dr - if you don't know USB-PD, USB-C USB 3 vs USB 2 in full, don't pretend that you know. The mobile side of USB-PD is child's play.

          Lol, ok. Don’t pretend that you know English when you don’t even understand the question you have asked!


          Edit: Of course, this is assuming that the 60W rating is true and correct (taking the rep’s word for it).

        • @caprimulgus: USB-C is actually complicated (because USB-C covers thunderbolt, alternative mode, and the PD side suppose to support high power devices - and there is negotiation involved between the device, the cable and the charger).

          Read Benson and his colleague's reviews. Even some of the phone provided USB-C cables / chargers are poor quality and cannot / shouldn't be mixed / used on other devices that use USB-PD (because they are inferior quality or not done right) - including accessories included in some of Google branded devices (because the OEMs Google picked stuffed up) - mixing cables / chargers between different Google devices is not safe. Even Apple had to recall some of Apple's USB-C cables previously. When it comes to USB-PD, you cannot just take a verbal statement form a rep trying to sell you products.

          Think about it, this is a USB 2.0 cable with USB-C plugs (i.e. cheap cable) - the data side only wired USB 2.0 pins - none of the USB 3.0/3.1 pins was wired. You want to believe Tronsmart made the extra effort on the power side and really got that part right, be my guest. Macbook (non-pro) could charge at 5V (would be slow, but it can).

          For mobiles NOT using USB-PD, the cable is fine. When it comes to USB-C/PD cables, you really want a proper review on the cables you plan to buy.

        • @netsurfer:

          You just don't understand USB-PD and USB-C.

          Lol, I would suggest that this is true for one of us, but I think it is clear who! ;)

          I understand cables can be poor quality. I have followed the exploits of Benson (and Nathan). I know and understand all of that.

          What you do not seem to understand is that USB-C PD is REQUIRED in order for a cable to do 60W. If this cable is indeed rated for 60W (as the rep claims); then this cable supports USB-C PD - by necessity.

          You are correct that USB-C PD can go above 60W. And you are correct that some laptops require over 60W. And you are correct that not all USB-C cables can handle above 60W.

          What you seem to not understand is that a USB-C PD cable DOES NOT have to handle more than 60W - indeed most don’t!

          A USB-C PD cable is required by the spec to handle a minimum of 60W. It MAY also handle up to 100W.

          What you are looking for specifically is a 5A PD cable - one that is rated to 100W. But not all USB-C PD cables are 5A (100W) - there are also 3A USB-C PD cables that are only rated for 60W (in fact most cables are!). These cables DO support USB-C PD - they just handle USB-C PD up to 60W, and do not support 5A PD up to 100W.

          Again, I reiterate: your original question was whether this cable supports USB-C PD - it was NOT whether this cable supports 5A USBC-PD up to 100W. That is not the question you asked.

          USB power standards:
          USB-C: 1.5A / 5V / 7.5W or 3A / 5V / 15W
          USB-C PD: 5A / 20V / 100W

          Therefore a 60W cable MUST support USB-C PD, at 3A. It is NOT POSSIBLE for it to support 60W without USB-C PD. BUT, that doesn’t mean it supports the MAXIMUM USB-C PD (ie. 5A PD up to 100W).

          So tell me again, who is pretending to understand USB-C? ;)

        • @caprimulgus: I have answered the 60W issue already.

          Let me answer it again, in a simpler term. I have 87W USB-C power adapters. Also, there are cables which I like but cannot / will not buy because they are limited to 60W. The rating is basically the quality of the wiring used. The reviews warned people about 60W cables (because they are not suitable for 15" Macbook Pro's).

          Question remains: If the cable is really 60W, why not put 60W? Why put 15W?. Also, why not put laptops which need more power in the list?

          Same goes for the USB 3.0 data side. It varies a lot. Even USB 3.1 ones, same quoted rating, there can still be some differences. This one is just USB 2.0, so data won't be an issue.

          You are saying 60W is enough to be called a USB-PD supported cable. The bottom line is Apple won't sell a USB-C to USB-C power cable only able to support up to 60W.

          In short, the data side of this particular USB-C to USB-C cable is USB 2.0. Even the PD side is average at best.

          I cannot be bothered buying one (coz. I don't want one), but I do have equipment to test whether it actually supports USB-PD or not. There is nothing wrong to be cynical because the official specs do not indicate it will go and do 60W (even if it does, in today's standard, it is not good enough).

        • @netsurfer:

          You are saying 60W is enough to be called a USB-PD supported cable.

          Yes, I said that because that is FACT. Read the effing spec if you don’t believe me!

          The bottom line is Apple won't sell a USB-C to USB-C cable only able to support up to 60W.

          Yes, because their chargers are above 60W! So of course Apple would only sell 100W rated cables! If they sold 60W cables they would not work with their 60W+ chargers, and that would cause confusion for Apple buyers!

          But the fact Apple doesn’t sell 60W cables doesn’t mean 60W USB-C PD cables do not exist, and it doesn’t mean that 60W cables are not USB-C PD compliant or compatible- they are just not compatible with Apple 60W+ chargers!!!

          In short, the data side of this particular USB-C to USB-C cable is USB 2.0. Even the PD side is average at best.

          I haven’t addressed the data side of this cable, because it is irrelevant to the power side. But since you keep bringing it up: the USB-C PD spec DOES NOT require USB3.0 “SuperSpeed” data transmission. A USB-C PD cable CAN be USB3.0 SuperSpeed BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE. (But you already knew that right, because YOU’RE the one who understands USB-PD and USB-C and USB3 and USB2, aren’t you?)

          Yes, this cable is slow (not USB3 SuperSpeed). And yes, this cable doesn’t support the FULL POTENTIAL of USB-C PD.



          Let me say it again, in simpler terms: YOU ASKED THE WRONG QUESTION!!! You are looking for a 5A USB-C PD cable, not just a USB-C PD cable.

          So, tell me again, which one of us is it that is pretending to understand USB-C PD? ;)

        • -1

          @caprimulgus: You REALLY need to read my comments properly

          The first comment I wrote after rep's comment:
          Well, the cable supports USB-PD up to Macbook Pro 13 inch level. 15 inch needs more than that. Don't get me wrong, quite a lot of 3rd party USB-C cables only support up to 60W.

          Is that wrong? What exactly are you on about? Also, which part of "if the cable supports 60W, just specify it" is too hard to understand?

          Stop wasting my time. Also, stop chopping my comment to bring it out of context. You want to use the 60W definition, fine, but don't force it upon Apple users.

        • @netsurfer:

          Lol, I think YOU need to read your own comments properly!

          OP, specs for USB-C to USB-C cable doesn't exactly indicate it is good for laptop USB-PD. 5V/3A is only 15W. It does say Macbook so I guess 29W is fine. Kinda prefer USB-IF certified cables.

          Please show me where you mentioned 60W in that original comment.

          (Hint: you didn’t!)

          You mentioned it AFTERWARDS, in response to me. But you did not mention it in your original question, which was what I was responding to!

          What am I on about? I am explaining WHY you received the answer you did - because your ORIGINAL question (and HxIGotCha’s question) was about USB-PD support. So that is the question I answered.

          Only afterwards did you mention you were after a 100W cable! And I am explaining to you that that is not the same thing as a USB-PD cable!

          Stop wasting my time.

          You are the one who doesn’t understand the spec, and therefore asked the wrong question, leading to this confusion due to YOUR inability to understand the spec!

          You want to use the 60W definition, fine, but don't force it upon Apple users.

          lolwhut? I am using the USB-PD SPEC as a definition!!! I am not forcing anything on anyone - the USB spec is! lol

          You don’t have to use 60W cables - you just have to use the correct terminology, which is a 5A/100W rated USB-C PD cable! I didn’t make these rules up! Lol

          But yes, I completely agree with you that they should be upfront about the specs of the cable - that I complete agree with! :)

          Good night.

        • -1

          @caprimulgus: The first comment of mine AFTER rep's comment.

          You want to quote the comment I made BEFORE rep indicated Tronsmart guy told him it can do 60W even though the page doesn't say so…

          And, come on.. I actually quoted the comment I was referring to.

        • @netsurfer:

          You want to quote the comment I made BEFORE rep indicated Tronsmart guy told him it can do 60W even though the page doesn't say so…

          YES, because that was the comment I was replying to when you replied to me!!!

          That is the comment I am referring to, because that was the comment where you asked the wrong question, to start this whole argument!

          And my comment responding to that comment was the one you replied to me on. So that is the relevant comment!

          Sorry, but this is clearly pointless because you have the reading comprehension of a not very good at reading comprehension person.

          Enjoy your apple cables with your Apple products. Good night.

        • @caprimulgus:


          You asked whether it supported USB-PD, when what you really wanted to know was whether it supported 5A PD up to 100W.

          I answered your question, as asked by you and HvIGotCha (whether it supported USB-PD, NOT whether it supported 5A PD).

          You didn’t understand my answer, because you didn’t understand that you misunderstood the spec, and therefore had asked the wrong question.

          (You proceeded to tell me multiple times how I don’t understand the USB spec, when clearly it is you who does not really understand the USB spec, which was the cause of the whole fracas in the first place!)

          These are not the cables you are looking for.

          The end.

        • -1

          @caprimulgus: You constantly twist what I wrote and take things out of context.

          The problem might be you thought I was HGC. You should have replied to HGC.

          I was asking about USB-PD (and I actually indicated given that Macbook (non-pro) was in the list - and I gave it the benefit of doubt - i.e. the cable supports 29W - which means it is USB-PD capable.

          It was HGC which made that comment AFTER rep indicated 60W, that it still might not be USB-PD (I stress again, that's HGC, NOT ME). You cannot use a statement Rep indicated AFTER my initial comment against me. I had no way of knowing it supports 60W (and I already assumed 29W is there despite only 5V/3A is shown). While I didn't state it, 29W is already supporting USB-PD for me.

          My first reply to your comment clear indicated 60W is USB-PD. Read it again please. I just wanted to point out Macbook Pro 15 inch needs more. I really don't get what exactly you want from me.

          You started all this. Even I indicated it is USB-PD (since rep indicated 60W), you still insisted I thought it wasn't.

        • @netsurfer:

          You constantly twist what I wrote and take things out of context.

          I did not twist anything, or take it out of context. I quoted exactly what you said, and responded in context.

          The problem might be you thought I was HGC. You should have replied to HGC.

          No. And I DID reply to HGC!!!!

          I was asking about USB-PD (and I actually indicated given that Macbook (non-pro) was in the list - and I gave it the benefit of doubt - i.e. the cable supports 29W - which means it is USB-PD capable.

          That is exactly my point.

          It was HGC which made that comment AFTER rep indicated 60W, that it still might not be USB-PD (I stress again, that's HGC, NOT ME).

          Yes it was. And yes I know it was.

          And it was HGC that I was responding to, and I know that it was HGC that I was (specifically) responding to.

          And then YOU responded to my comment.

          You cannot use a statement Rep indicated AFTER my initial comment against me.

          Yes I can! Because YOU responded to my comment, questioning my answer to HGC (which was clarifying an answer to your question).

          YOU questioned MY comment. HGC’s question and your ORIGINAL question are the context for my answer. So yes, it is relevant what you asked, because that was the context in which I gave my answer.

          I had no way of knowing it supports 60W (and I already assumed 29W is there despite only 5V/3A is shown). While I didn't state it, 29W is already supporting USB-PD for me.

          I never said you did! (You clearly didn’t!)

          What you SHOULD have known, is the specific type of USB-C cable you were looking for (5A PD rated for 100W). Clearly you didn’t, or you just didn’t understand the question you were asking / should have been asking.

          My first reply to your comment clear indicated 60W is USB-PD. Read it again please. I just wanted to point out Macbook Pro 15 inch needs more.

          Yes you did. And that is all completely true. But read my response to HGC again! Your response to me misunderstood my response to HGC! Hence why I said in my response to you that you were missing my point! Because you did!

          I really don't get what exactly you want from me.

          Well, I would like you to understand a comment, and the context it was made, before replying to it.

          My point is: If the cable wired the USB-PD pins, to me, that's a USB-PD cable (heck, I am willing to accept 29W is enough for a cable to be called USB-PD supported). However, some devices do need more than 60W.

          Yes. And it’s pretty clear that I understand that, isn’t it?

          My point is: don’t tell someone else that they are missing the point when you are the one who is missing the point of their post.

          And don’t tell someone they don’t understand the USB spec when clearly their understanding of the spec is superior to yours.

          You started all this. Even I indicated it is USB-PD (since rep indicated 60W), you still insisted I thought it wasn't.

          Excuse me? YOU responded to ME! I was responding to HGC, and you replied to me, misunderstanding my response to HGC.

          And I am not insisting that you thought it is not USB-PD. I am insisting that you original question does not understand what it is asking (you asked the wrong question), and responding to my comment demonstrated that you did not understand my response to the question asked by HGC.

          Anyway, thas been a gigantic waste of time, I hope you’ve had fun! Have a nice day! :)

        • @caprimulgus: You actually completely missed what I actually try to point out. It isn't really just USB-PD.

          Anyway, if you bought some and you are happy with them, that's all that matters.

          I have bought 3rd party cables (inc. Tronsmart ones) and other Tronsmart products. My actual point about whether you understand USB-C isn't about 60W, 29W, 100W. I am not going to bother explaining coz. you ignored the key bits and just constantly get upset about I mentioned the 87W thing.

          The fact you kept on saying I should have asked about whether it supports 100W simply means you don't get what I am trying to inform other people. I have hinted reviews and you still don't get it.

          Anyway, you really think I care about whether this cable supports USB-PD or not?

        • @netsurfer:

          Because you clicked on the wrong reply link. Your comment started with @netsurfer.

          No I didn’t, and no it doesn’t.

          Please refer to my first post in the thread: “If they support 60W, then they support USB-PD - you not going to get that many W without it!”

          That was a response to HGC, not you. I only responded to you AFTER you replied to me!

          But whatever dude!

          Edit: oh, you edited that out, because you discovered that you were wrong, hey? ;)

          So you see, this whole thing was because YOU mistook my response as responding to you, not HGC? It wasn’t me who was mistaken who I was replying to, buddy! ;)

        • -1


          Please refer to my first post in the thread: “If they support 60W, then they support USB-> PD - you not going to get that many W without it!”

          I replied that yes 60W USB-PD support is there, but some devices need more. For some reason, that's not acceptable?

          How about the bit that USB-PD 60W is not officially listed? Answer that one? If the cable is truly as good as you indicated, then why quote 5V/3A?

        • @caprimulgus: Good for laptop with PD…

          Your response is simply if it is 60W USB-PD, then it is good enough.

          USB PD rev. 1 already covers 100W. The standard set in 2012.

        • @netsurfer:

          I replied that yes 60W USB-PD support is there, but some devices need more. For some reason, that's not acceptable?

          Because, while that is completely true, it is irrelevant to the context of my response to HGC.

          How about the bit that USB-PD 60W is not officially listed?

          Yep, as I already said, I agree that it should.

          Answer that one?

          I already did? - “But yes, I completely agree with you that they should be upfront about the specs of the cable - that I complete agree with! :)”

          If the cable is truly as good as you indicated, then why quote 5V/3A?

          I have never said anything about the quality of this cable!

          What I said was that IF it is indeed 60W as claimed by the rep (and I said, only if that is actually true and correct), then by necessity it will handle USB-C PD. I make that inference through fact and logic, based on the claims of the rep, not by experience with the cable itself or knowledge of the actual specs of the cable.


        • @netsurfer:

          Good for laptop with PD…

          If the laptop is 60W or less, then yes!

          Your response is simply if it is 60W USB-PD, then it is good enough.

          Yes! 60W PD is good enough to be called PD, and it is good enough to power a device that uses 60W PD! (but clearly not good enough for one that uses more)

          USB PD rev. 1 already covers 100W. The standard set in 2012.

          Yes. And?

          The spec allows for UP TO 100W. I have already said that!

          So what? It just means that this cable is not good for ALL applications of USB PD (ie. 5A PD). Which is exactly what I have said all along!

        • -1


          Because, while that is completely true, it is irrelevant to the context of my response to HGC.

          When you replied to me, it became relevant. I quote your comment:


          You’re missing the point: if it supports 60W then it supports USB-C PD (but only up to 60W).

          I already indicated it is USB-C PD. You started making things up. What other people wrote is also my responsibility?

        • @caprimulgus:

          Yes. And?

          The spec allows for UP TO 100W. I have already said that!

          So what? It just means that this cable is not good for ALL applications of USB PD (ie. 5A PD). Which is exactly what I have said all along!

          Because you wrote I was missing the point. Basically, while I wrote 60W USB-PD is supported, but not 87W. That to you is missing the point. That's the reason why it all got started.

          I don't agree that laptop means 60W max. So, the statement I should have asked for more to start with is nasty.

        • @netsurfer:

          When you replied to me, it became relevant.

          No. What I am saying is that you responded to me with something that was irrelevant to my response to HGC.

          It was not relevant to my comment, because you misunderstood the point of my comment (which was to answer HGC’s question)!

          You started making things up. What other people wrote is also my responsibility?

          What the what now?

          Dude, you misunderstood my response to HGC. You (accidentally?) responded to me, with something irrelevant to my response to HGC.

          Move on.

        • @netsurfer:

          Because you wrote I was missing the point. Basically, while I wrote 60W USB-PD is supported, but not 87W. That to you is missing the point. That's the reason why it all got started.

          I wrote that you missed the point because you DID miss the point.

          My point was simply responding to HGC’s question - no more, no less.

          I don't agree that laptop means 60W max.


          What I have said is that PD laptops INCLUDE laptops that are 60W (therefore 60W is sufficient to be classified as PD). I have NEVER said that it is 60W max, or that saying PD means 60W max only!!! (Yes, I know I was responding to HGC)

          So, the statement I should have asked for more to start with is nasty.

          What? How is that nasty???

          If what you want is USB PD that is rated to 100W, then that is what you should have asked, yes. Isn’t that exactly what you want?

          Be specific with what you are asking, or don’t be surprised when people respond to your general question is a generalised way!

        • @caprimulgus: I did ask for "laptop USB-PD". Since I started the conversation, I am entitled to comment on subsequent replies.

          The 60W from the rep obviously is laptop related. Which phone accepts 60W? So to you, commenting on yeah, 60W good for some laptops but not others is missing the point?

          I asked, is it suitable for laptop? Reply: 60W max. My comment: okay, so that's good for Macbook Pro 13" but not 15" so thanks but no thanks. To you, that's missing the point?

        • @caprimulgus: The goal for USB-PD was meant to be a wide range of support across devices. So far, the implementation from manufacturers are inconsistent.

          The burden shouldn't be on consumers to accept or have multiple of sets of cables. I don't want to encourage 60W USB-C / PD cable in 2018.

        • @netsurfer:

          I asked, is it suitable for laptop? Reply: 60W max. My comment: okay, so that's good for Macbook Pro 13" but not 15" so thanks but no thanks. To you, that's missing the point?

          And your response was @clear or @caprimulgus?

          Thanks for playing.

          netsurfer 5 hours 43 min ago
          @caprimulgus: Well, the cable supports USB-PD up to Macbook Pro 13 inch level. 15 inch needs more than that. Don't get me wrong, quite a lot of 3rd party USB-C cables only support up to 60W.

          So it’s not so much that you missed my point, it’s that you responded to the wrong person (which funnily enough, is exactly what you incorrectly accused me of doing!) ;)

        • @netsurfer:

          The goal for USB-PD was meant to be a wide range of support across devices. So far, the implementation from manufacturers are inconsistent.

          Completely agree.

          The burden shouldn't be on consumers to accept or have multiple of sets of cables.

          Completely agree.

          I don't want to encourage 60W USB-C / PD cable in 2018.

          Your decision, which is completely fair. (FWIW, I’m ok with 60W cables, personally.)

          But that doesn’t relate to you replying to the wrong person! ;)

          You replied to the wrong person. Please go back and read it again, admit you replied to the wrong person, and we can move on!

        • @caprimulgus: You don't get it. You replied to my conversation. If HGC was after a cable for a laptop, then just looking at USB-PD support is insufficient.

          If laptop wasn't mentioned, then no issue, but laptop was mentioned at the beginning.

        • @caprimulgus:

          You replied to the wrong person. Please go back and read it again, admit you replied to the wrong person, and we can move on!

          I was trying to tell you don't reply to HGC like that because the cable is still not quite right for laptops.

          HGC was completely missing my point. I already assumed it has USB-PD. I was asking how well it supports laptops. So any comment or question about whether it is USB-PD is missing the point.

        • @netsurfer:

          Ok, I gave you an out, but you didn’t want to take it…fine.

          If HGC was after a cable for a laptop, then just looking at USB-PD support is insufficient.

          All HGC asked was whether it support USB-C. You assume it was for a laptop, but it could be for a Nintendo Switch, or any other PD device.

          And I responded to HGC with the answer to that question - yes it supports PD up to 60W.

          If laptop wasn't mentioned, then no issue, but laptop was mentioned at the beginning.

          That is a false argument.

          But even if we assume that the conversation was still about laptops, so what? As I have explained, my answer is still correct - 60W is sufficient for USB PD up to 60W! It is not sufficient for PD above 60W, but there are plenty of laptops below 60W, and it is fine for those. Which is all that I was saying, no more, no less.

          I don’t understand why you have such a problem understanding this. You have already admitted that 60W is PD, and that some laptops are PD to 60W…so if th3 question is whether it supports PD laptops, the answer is that yes it does support PD laptops up to 60W!

        • @netsurfer:

          I was trying to tell you don't reply to HGC like that because the cable is still not quite right for laptops.

          BUT IT IS!!!


          My response was completely correct, regardless of whether we were discussing laptops or not! Not for ALL laptops, but for laptops up to 60W!

        • @caprimulgus: OP, specs for USB-C to USB-C cable doesn't exactly indicate it is good for laptop USB-PD.

          This means, OP, tell me how good the USB-PD part is. So all this it is USB-PD is off topic.

        • -2

          @caprimulgus: So essentially the argument is you believe 60W is good for laptops. I don't agree with that. It was frustrating so much time was wasting on this USB-PD rubbish which I already assumed it has it.

          Sigh, the cable is not good in today's standard for laptop USB-PD. No issue using it for phones -> which was my initial point all alone.

        • @netsurfer:

          This means, OP, tell me how good the USB-PD part is. So all this it is USB-PD is off topic.

          And the answer was 60W!!!!!!!!!!

          And then HGC asked if it was PD, and my answer was that yes, it is PD up to 60W!!!!

        • -2

          @caprimulgus: I started the conversation. I should have the final say on whether the response I got from the rep / OP indicates whether it is good or not.

          It was my question, not yours.

        • -2

          @caprimulgus: Let me put it plainly.

          My conversation with rep, everyone else stays out. I don't like OP/rep's response.

          Live with it.

          You are okay to disagree, BUT start you own conversation.

        • +1


          So essentially the argument is you believe 60W is good for laptops.

          No, my argument is that 60W is good for laptops that are up to 60W!!!

          Sigh, the cable is not good in today's standard for laptop USB-PD. No issue using it for phones -> which was my initial point all alone.

          It is good enough for devices that use 60W or less. That includes phones AND laptops that are up to 60W!!!

        • -2

          @caprimulgus: You are missing the point.
          I already got what I need from OP/Rep. Let this conversation ends.

          You start your own conversation, okay?

        • +1


          It was my question, not yours.

          My conversation with rep, everyone else stays out. I don't like OP/rep's response.

          Lol, are you 5 years old dude?

          Anyway, whatever mate. I was just helping out HGC, answering THEIR question. I wasn’t responding to you.

          It’s way past your bedtime! Goodnight.

        • -3

          @caprimulgus: You need to go to sleep? Anyway, stay out of my conversation.

          I have other things to do. I'd better chuck out some inferior Tronsmart cables as well. Some of the Tronsmart cables do not conforming to specs (and you expect these ones to perform above official specs.. great).

        • +4

          @netsurfer: To clarify. The 15W is a mistake made by GeekBuying and not a specification by Tronsmart. I work for Tronsmart and asked the relevant people - 60W is the max.

        • @Clear: Show us a page from Tronsmart which has the full specs.

          Also, I suggest you read this:

          Read the comment about original vs Anker vs Tronsmart cables (the results). For USB-PD to work properly, the device, the cable and the charger all need to negotiate. Inferior cable or incompatible charger (even if both have higher wattage rating) will cause issues. The device will try to protect itself and can drop to a rather slow charging mode.

          Nexus 5 refuses to operate in 10W mode with dodgy/inferior micro-USB cable so USB-PD definitely has the same measure. You can see from the comments in Amazon, people get different results from different cables. You can put any power rating you want, the device and the charger will check, negotiate and decide (and you are seeing phones already refuse to go above 1.8A on Transmart cables rated at 3A). The device can give their own brand's cables or cables they trust a better treatment (because they are actually better quality).

          Also, for people who know USB-PD, answer this question: name 2 Apple devices where Apple's 29W charger actually charges faster than Apple's own 87W charger. If you can answer that, then you understand what I am trying to point out. It's partially the way USB-C/USB-PD specs was done but manufacturers and accessory makers are not making life easier for consumers (even Apple does dodgy stuff on USB-PD). Apple, in fact, should be held at least somewhat responsible for this mess. However, to blindly tell people to just look at power rating to judge a USB-PD accessory is not the right thing. USB-C data side is an even bigger mess.

          Even for an Apple device which supports 61W, if the device and/or the charger decide that the cable is not suitable to operate in 20.2V mode, the next fallback we are looking at would be 9V @ 3A (that's 27W) - that's already a sharp drop. If the device still refuses, we are down to 5V @ 3A. This is not just a cable issue. There are 30W/40W USB-C chargers which can only operate on 5V @ 3A for Macbook (non-Pro) - due to the way Macbook and the chargers implement USB-PD. That's what I wanted to point out - the USB-PD mess (especially for laptops). Benson and his colleague currently still approve cables and chargers even if they don't have the coding done correctly (as long as they operate correctly).

          I know Google devices can be fussy on cables, but expecting laptops (especially Apple laptops) to be more forgiving is wishful thinking. If you want to go 3rd party accessories for USB-PD, it is currently a mess and can be a bit of a lottery.

        • +1

          People, read my comment above (or just the bold bits if you don't have time).

          Google Nexus 5X - (Google OEM cable: 2690mA; Anker: 2400mA+; Tronsmart #1: < 1800mA; Tronsmart #2: < 1500mA). This is looking at 5V@3A (15W). Phone is saying it doesn't want to operate Tronsmart cables above 9W (even at 5V), and you guys want to believe it is going to be fine for 60W?

          I have pretty much tried to inform people about this USB-PD mess in a lot of USB-PD accessory deals. This is the first time people are so reluctant to accept the truth. Amazon started de-listing / rejecting USB-PD accessories with known issues last year, wouldn't you wonder why?

        • @netsurfer:

          Cheers for the advice @netsurfer, so anker is the recommended brand in your opinion? Any idea how blitzwolf stacks up?

        • @cheesecactus: Anker, it depends on your needs. It is above average for 3rd party ones (and priced accordlingly), but still a gap between Anker and really good ones or originals. I think Anker is fine for phones, but laptops, I am not so sure Anker is good enough for me.

          Blitzwolf - no experience with their USB-PD cables. Experience with their other products is mixed (some good bits and some not so good bits). I am not sure whether the not so good bits are due to an oversight in their design or they wanted to save cost. Have to rank it below Anker. I didn't like the way Blizwolf marketed their USB-A to USB-C cable (they rated it at 3A; and we know a USB-A to USB-C cable cannot be USB-PD). At least Tronsmart didn't quote 3A for their USB-C to USB-A cable (and in fact Tronsmart put in the correct resistor - which is good).

        • @netsurfer:

          Cheers for the advice

  • Oi I got his from this deal:
    These are Older but more expensive?

    • That deal was done at below profit margins to clear stock.

      • +1

        Happy with service and product so may order again…these are exact same?

        • +1


        • +1

          @Clear: Can you do a Car charger deal again please…..

        • @PLANT: Which car charger are you after?

        • +2

          @Clear: One that either uses USB-A Fast charger or ideally a Pixel 2 XL car charger that you recommend with maybe a packaged type C cord, please?

        • +1


          haha yeh we all have cheap telstra pixel 2s we needs cables and chargers for!

          Would love a deal on…

          and another cable deal like this one I would surely jump on!

        • @plebio: That was in low stock unfortunately and they're unable to offer a discount.

        • @Clear: no worries mate, thanks for trying :)

    • Order again!

  • +1

    How many cables like these are enough?

    Because I am going to need to set myself some sort of limit.

    Thanks, Clear

    • +2

      One for each commonly used area, plus 1 spare.

  • Can you do a deal for a heavy duty micro-usb? My son keeps breaking the connectors..

    • On purpose?

  • Cheers, was waiting for another set of these!

  • Any deals on USB 3.0 cables?

  • +1

    @clear, any deal on this CPP9?…

    So I assume that the CPP10 in your deal is USB2.0 and CPP9 is USB3.0? The charging capacity of both cables is the same except data transfer where the CPP9 will be faster due to being USB3.0?

    • +1

      I'll see if they can do something.

      That's correct. Data transfer rate will be faster with the CPP9.

  • All gone!

  • seems to be sold out? added to cart says "In Stock Notice"

  • Both oos

  • Out of stock already?! :'(

  • USB A to USB C is in stock notice? Does that mean it's out of stock?

  • Doesn't appear to be working when I add the USB C to A cables to my cart. Prob sold out?

  • The USB C to USB A listing doesn't seem to be working.

  • +8

    Looks like I'll be asking for extensions tomorrow!

    • Let me know if you manage to have more stock added for the usb c to a packs!

    • Any luck?

      • No luck yet sorry.

      • They're back!

        • Legend! Picked up some A to C cables! Thanks!

  • Not enough stock :(

    • Unfortunately I can't get any lower on the 5 port PD charger at this time. The car charger is also low stock so they can't offer a discount either.

  • -4

    Went out of stock in 23 minutes, not happy OP.

  • @clear , any chance to have a deal on Tronsmart C3PTA QC3.0, 3Port Car Charger ? Thanks

    • That's out of stock at GeekBuying sorry.

  • @clear, in addition to hoping you can get more of the usb c to a packs added, any chance to get a deal on the meizu ep51?…

  • Both packs back in stock right now !

  • doesnt work on usb a to usb c :(

    • Should be l-right now, just placed an order for USB C to USB A

  • Good timing

  • +2

    USB A to USB C cables are back in stock . Just bought one for USD 4.99.

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