What's The Worst Food You've Ever Bought from Colesworth?

Bought some white seedless grapes from Coles yesterday on special for $3.90KG.

Just went to eat one and I dry reeched and almost threw up.

It tasted like stink bugs, so disgusting.

Half an hour later and there's still an aftertaste of smelly bugs.

Tried gargling with mouthwash to no avail.

I've had some shitty things from Coles but this was by far the worst.


    • Was it Vitamite made by sanitarium? I don't eat those spreads because they are too high in salt which causes high blood pressure and stroke.

      • Yeah maybe… Vegemite is black gold but this one was disgusting!

    • +2

      Saw some dick Smith spreadable cheese, couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the shopping trip.
      Good ol' dick cheese.

      • +1

        We should try and support his products, maybe his baked beans or something but again those cheese spreads are full of salt and dairy fat so not a good idea to consume those. He does OzEmite https://dicksmithfoods.com.au/products/ozemite/ msjacqui it could have been that.

        This looks interesting https://dicksmithfoods.com.au/products/bush-foods-breakfast/ looks like a quality unique product and not a knock off.

        • I have tried his peanut butter, aka 'dicks nut butter'.
          It was OK.

        • @linton: Good for you but peanut butter is loaded with fat so I won't eat that, probably has too much salt as well.

        • @freemoneyhunter:

          Yeah, but peanut butter tastes good. I'm active and like to think pretty healthy.
          Would rather enjoy life eating and drinking what I enjoy than live a couple of years longer but live on soy, quinoa and kale.

        • -2

          @linton: You are not healthy, a persons diet determines how healthy they are, exercise is a tiny factor in health, in fact a brisk walk 30 minutes a 3-4 a week is all that is necessary for good health if your diet is right. Being active and consuming fats is a bad combination, you could suddenly drop dead or blow a artery in your head from the slugging of the blood due to fat, narrowing of the arteries due to fat and high blood pressure due to fat.

          You and other people must understand you can not eat a food because you like the taste and that you enjoy consuming it, you must select your meals by how healthy they are namely being low in fat and sugar and high in fibre. Food is not something you should ever indulge in, but many people indulge at breakfast, lunch and dinner, some people even eat brunch and afternoon teas, not surprising majority of people in Australia are Obese and getting fatter everyday, they are simply pigs.

          Peanut butter is no healthier than nutella, it is a junk food.

          "“Jim Fixx phoned me and criticized the chapter “Run and Die on the American Diet” in my book The Pritikin Promise. In that chapter, I said that many runners on the average American diet have died and will continue to drop dead during or shortly after long-distance events or training sessions. Jim thought the chapter was hysterical in tone and would frighten a lot of runners. I told him that was my intention. I hoped it would frighten them into changing their diets. I explained that I think it is better to be hysterical before someone dies than after. Too many men, I told Jim, had already died because they believed that anyone who could run a marathon in under four hours and who was a nonsmoker had absolute immunity from having a heart attack.”

          Sadly, only six months after this conversation, a passing motorcyclist discovered a man lying dead beside the road in northern Vermont. He was clad only in shorts and running shoes. The man was Jim Fixx."

          linton, you can't outrun a bad diet.

        • +1


          Yep wall of text was bad for my diet, sorry.

        • @freemoneyhunter: "Being active and consuming fats is a bad combination"

          Rubbish. I lost something like 30kg on Atkins, energy skyrocketed, felt brilliant, alert, and wasn't continuously hungry anymore - meaning I ate less food. Then when I went off it I tried the 'healthy' diet as seen in that pseudo-scientific 'food triangle' (which is actually upside down)… and I quickly reverted to always being hungry, thus eating more, lower energy, foggy thinking, etc.

          Fats are not wrong. Man made fats are.

        • @GregMonarch: Low carb diets will catch up with you and cause disease. Most of the weight people lose on low carb diets is water, the high protein diet cause dehydration. Any other weight you lose is because the body has become sick, it's like steve job's cancer causing weight loss. It won't work for you long term, jimmy moore is obese, he at first lost weight but then it came back. Also there is very little fibre to push the decaying meat and fat through the intestines, food sits in the gut for days, vegetarians eliminate waste much faster, longer waste stays in the system bowl cancer risk goes up.

        • When people say "low carb diets will (bad things)…", it shows they don't understand/haven't researched low carb diets - at least not Atkins, anyway. ;-) The ridiculous media and quack 'health professionals' they pay for interviews, only ever focus on the "induction" phase (first stage) of the diet - which lasts an incredible excessive time of… two weeks. After that you add foods back into your diet in set stages while monitoring your body.

          Atkins is not about eating, all meat, forever. It's about reducing carbs for a limited time, to turn on fat-burning in your body to regain control of your health - to lose weight, get off medications that are only bandaid fixes that cause other havoc with your body - and most important of all, learning what - and how much of it - you can put in your mouth while maintaining a sensible weight.

          Atkins soon changes from 'mostly meat' to adding nuts, berries, fruit, drinking water instead of softdrink, alcohol in moderation, and avoiding factory-processed foods that are void of real nutrition… It sounds familiar because it is - it's eating healthy - very similar to how vegetarians eat, only healthier, with meat added in. You start to gain weight, you now know what you can and shouldn't eat - and you now know how to adjust meals tomorrow due to what you ate today. THAT is the end-goal of Atkins.

          The cancer comparison is silly, bordering on fanaticism. My wife & I lost weight on Atkins (became more physically toned), but GAINED muscle mass - which is the polar opposite of a cancer sufferer. And if looking like a cancer sufferer is a reason to avoid a lifestyle, everyone should be avoiding vegan/vegetarian like the plague - because some manage to get it right, but many are physically weak, have spindly limbs, sunken facial features, low energy, etc.

          The point of course being, all sides focus on the people that don't use any system of eating/exercise correctly to justify their point. However it is EXTREMELY difficult to get a vegetarian lifestyle right (and vegan almost impossible). But it's extremely EASY to get a sensible meat-eating diet right.

          The V crowd - the serious ones that don't fall off the wagon constantly - have to eat supplements, soy protein powders, etc. It is far easier to quit the sugar drinks, increase fruit & vegetables, reduce meat, and avoid all the hunger-inflaming refined carbohydrates like bread, pasta, white rice, potato…

          Neither group 'eliminates waste faster'… (Not that waste elimination is a sign of being healthy anyway… Otherwise living with diarrhea and/or vomiting permanently would be considered healthy, LOL.) But that strawman aside, during the induction phase, the protein is eliminated via urine - not the bowel - and the limited carbs (fibre) via the bowel. That's the entire point - with few carbs to burn, fat burning in the body activates, because the stomach feels full but with nearly no carbs available to turn into fat stores - the body begins accessing and burning the body's fat stores to make up the difference. (Weight loss without hunger.) Then as above - add foods back in until each person learns what they can/can't eat.

          And because there is much less fibre, no sugar or other junk, it actually passes through the body easier. Meat doesn't 'sit and decay'. It does digest slower than refined carbs, but that is a good thing - because a stomach that no longer feels hungry 24/7 obviously feels full - and with hunger you eat less food.

          What people always miss in these discussions, it's genetically proven people genetically get one of 3 or 4 (I forget which) types of stomach. e.g. Some people eat like birds and feel sick if they have more than a cup of tea for breakfast. Others will feel hungry all day unless they eat a lot quickly - and THEN they can go all day without eating if need be (but unless they hit that 'trigger', they will eat, and eat, and eat - all day, forever feeling hungry). I forget the other 1-2 types now.

          So to make blanket statements like, everyone should eat vegetarian, or, everyone should eat low carb, is silly. Because only a percentage of people won that 'genetic lottery' and got the stomach/brain that can cope with that. Because they can do it, they can't understand it's impossible for others to eat that way - it's perpetual misery.

          The simple truth is, if everyone just skipped any food made in a factory, ate some meat but mostly ate fruit and vegetables, drank water instead of sugar, and did 30-60 minutes of exercise a minimum of 4 days a week… extremes like the "South Beach Diet" and vegan/vegetarianism fanaticism - would be unnecessary.

        • @GregMonarch: Thanks for taking the time to write that but research doesn't back you up. Dietary cholesterol needs to be restricted and that means little or no animal meats. Diets causing high cholesterol is the #1 cause of the majority of degenerative diseases including arthritis, kidney stones, lippotoxemia, gallstones, loss of hearing & eyesight, cancer, angina, heart attacks and many other diseases, cholesterol through diet and eating saturated fat which also raises cholesterol brings on all these diseases. I know I can't convince you but if you have time perhaps you can listen to the other side of the issue from the person who put all the research together and convinced the medical establishment at the time that meat and fat cause disease. https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/education/podcast/nathan-…

        • @freemoneyhunter: Well I don't know what specific research you're referring to, but other research shows Atkins remove plaque. I've read real accounts of people whose doctors have said throw out your diabetes medication - you don't need it anymore - and even some forms of epilepsy are treated with a low-carb diet. Like I said, blanket statements don't 'cover' everyone.

        • @GregMonarch: Fine follow Alkins like he did to your grave. https://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2002nl/jun/robertatkinscard…

          "Atkins’ Diet and His Cardiac Arrest

          Robert Atkins, MD, the founder of the high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet, recently suffered a cardiac arrest attributed to an underlying cardiomyopathy (April, 2002). (Cardiomyopathy is a disease weakening the heart muscle, often leading to congestive heart failure and death. Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating effectively.)

          He has made a public statement that this life threatening event "is in no way related to diet." He claims, instead, this is due to an underlying infection. Granted, it is possible that an infection could have damaged his heart, but there are some dietary issues that should be considered for anyone with a cardiomyopathy and a cardiac arrest. Most importantly, if his diet contributed to or was the primary cause of his deteriorating health, then to claim that diet had nothing to do with his heart disease would be a disservice to people seeking better health through honest advice about better nutrition. Here are some scientific facts you can count on:

          In a report in the October 9, 2001 issue of the journal Circulation, the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association wrote “High-protein diets may also be associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease due to intakes of saturated fat, cholesterol, and other associated dietary factors.1” Even though Dr. Atkins’ heart may have shown no significant disease of his large coronary arteries on a recent angiogram, this finding does not exclude the possibility that his smaller coronary arteries are diseased. Disease of the small coronary arteries is a cause of cardiomyopathy, and this disease is frequently associated with cardiac arrest and sudden death.2 Like large vessel disease, small vessel coronary artery disease can be due to a high-cholesterol, high-fat diet.

          Another potentially serious consequence of the Atkins diet is a rise the free fatty acids in the plasma (blood). In a report in the September 1980 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the Atkins diet was fed to 24 subjects for 12 weeks; as a result, the plasma free fatty acids almost doubled.3 Elevations of free fatty acids are associated with cardiac arrhythmias, which can lead to a cardiac arrest.4

          Many people are misled by advocates of high-protein diets, like Dr. Atkins, who tell people carbohydrates are “bad for them.” We all agree, sugars and refined flours are unhealthful. But this fact does not allow “experts” to condemn high-carbohydrate, wholesome foods, like rice, corn, potatoes, beans, green and yellow vegetables, and fruits.

          One simple observation anyone can make provides irrefutable evidence that carbohydrates are the ideal foods to keep people trim and free of diseases common to Western civilization. People living on carbohydrate-based diets, like those from rural Africa, Japan, Korea, and China, are trim throughout life and have a much lower incidence of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and breast, prostate and colon cancer, than do Americans. When these people migrate to the United States and exchange their native grain- and vegetable-based diets for higher-fat, higher-protein, and lower-carbohydrate meals — based around meat and dairy products — most become fat and sick – just like the majority of us living in the United States. If carbohydrates were indeed “bad for you,” then you would see the opposite – Africans and Asians moving to our country would become trimmer and healthier looking.

          All the facts considered, for Dr. Atkins to say his diet had no part in his condition is unlikely to be true, and is not supported by current medical evidence. Most importantly, his statement undermines a warning that is currently echoed by health organizations worldwide: high-fat, high-cholesterol diets are detrimental to human health, especially when it comes to heart disease. My intention is not to exploit this man’s health problems. Rather, I believe for the public good, the right thing for Dr. Robert Atkins to do is to admit that he is recommending an unhealthful diet, and that his personal diet may be a factor in his own failing health."

        • @freemoneyhunter: LOL. Atkins died because he was what, 70 or so - and fell down some stairs from memory. It had nothing to do with his diet.

  • Coles fruit & veg is usually the worst possible quality you can find. WW is sometimes a little better.
    Coles have the worlds worst frankfurts.. :-( Fat bags..

  • Coles bread. I used to fund plastic like fibres in them no matter where I bought hr it, I'd pull out ling fibres while trying to eat it so I've sworn off of them

  • Ah it was 2009 and I was a young office worker that moved into the CBD for a 6 month shift and Aldi opened in franklin st, those sweet memories, I bought a microwave lasagna and took it back to the office. And in the end, let’s just say there was more cardboard than the packaging and I was hungry.

  • Coke No Sugar with Caffeine, it's literally the worst coke flavour ever made. I still have it sitting in my fridge because I don't even want to touch it.

  • Barista Bros is pretty nasty

  • wash grapes before eating. there is usually a harmless but untasty sulphur powder coating to prevent mildew/fungus growth.

    • I washed them, it doesn't remove stink bug smell.

  • You probably got a ladybird too. Tasty.

  • +1

    Those chicken schnitzels from Coolies as well as Aldi are horrible. There is only about 1/3 to 1/2 actual meat in it, the rest is basically stodgy seasoned flour. Now I check the ingredients and won't buy anything with less than 70% meat.

    • Have you found any?

      • I make my own patties, fairly easy starting with mince. 70% is the check for sausages etc.

        • Do you make your own mince? I found that most is full of fat. So much better once I started my own.

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod: I draw the line there. You can choose lean mince for less fat. I'm sure that if you have a grinder you can do better by trimming the meat first.

  • +1

    You should really try a grape beforehand out of the bag you’re going buy.

    Edit - Just read your comments about people who do this on page one of the comments. I understand if people eating without buying but eating one or two grapes just to see if you’re about to buy garbage or not makes sense to me.

    Just my two cents.

  • +1

    Always wash your fruit and veg

    • I've already stated that I did, and washing won't remove stink bug smell.

  • Coles exclusive peanut butter Tim Tams are vile, smell like flatulence at room temperature and Dick Smith brand cordial was memorably terrible.

  • Cherries with worms or caterpillar in them, they where from Coles or Woolworths?
    Droppings and cobwebs in Woolworths or Coles spaghetti, they looked like mice droppings.

    • +1

      I got some corn on the cob with the husk still on and when I peeled them back they were full of caterpillars.

  • Most revolting food I have recently tasted.

    Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle soup. So bad I threw it out

    Second runner up

    Suimin Prawn and Chicken flavour Ramen noodles. Tastes weird and smell matches awful combination.

  • Pre made, Cook at home pizza from Woolworths. Disgusting. Had a couple of bites and threw it out. It looked like quite good, just tasted awful.

  • Did you end up returning the grapes?I think I bought the same grapes today!

    • No, chucked them out.

      I could probably still get them from my bin if you want them.

  • There is something Woolies has done to its home brand soy milk recently. One lot was curdled, and its now got a weird taste and brown colour. I phoned & complained.

  • Those dumplings, taste horrible

  • Ingham frozen products. The 'breast' chicken tenders are pink slime and when cooked resemble foam. Bring back the teriyaki medallions for goodness sake.

  • Kangaroo meat. Three times I've bought it when the price was marked down, and three times it's stunk upon opening. Maybe it always smells like that, but I think it's more like they're severely overestimating its expiry date. (And I still don't know what it tastes like because I've thrown it out every time and gotten a refund.)

    • Roo meat smells gamey, even when it is fresh.

      • Yeah, maybe… It was a strange smell. If they ever have it at a sensible price well before the expiry date I'll try it then. (LOL, as if… I remember stories on TV a couple of decades ago, saying kangaroo would be the much cheaper alternative to beef.)

  • Mine's pretty tame compared to everyone else, but the Coles brand refrigerated ready meals are really garbage for the price.

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