Nice price drop from the Microsoft Store AU on a couple of great titles!
Just Cause3 $9.95
Just Cause 3 XL $15.74
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ $9.95
Nice price drop from the Microsoft Store AU on a couple of great titles!
Just Cause3 $9.95
Just Cause 3 XL $15.74
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ $9.95
cheers updated post
Getting negged.. still says Casue. Oh well.
Is the XL version worth it?
It’s probably not worth its RRP, but I think it adds more than $6 of value to the game.
More stuff to do in a sandbox that was a little light on toys in the first place.
i was gonna jump on this but the reviews seem to be full of people complaining about bad frame rates
One of my favourite relaxing games. SOOOO MUCH FUN. I had no issues.
which one ?
Assuming Just Cause 3, as there were many reports of this issue along with a save game bug.
The Just Cause games don't need a bug to lose your saves. It's kind of hard not to ever delete your saved game accidentally, new game is the first menu choice. People complain about it online quite a bit.
I play it on the One X and haven't noticed any issues. Not sure if it's worse on the standard Xbox.
Regardless, it's top fun and definitely worth $10.
Probably patched heavily.
It was woeful on launch.
Three years ago.. So your post should be tagged as 3 years old?
Got it a few weeks back, framerate is passable (although occasionally with a lot going on it slows down), however what is more annoying is the painful load times when you start a mission or die or skip to a cutscene.
However, the game is still a lot of midnless fun.
I recently picked up a 2nd hand copy on disc - and yes very bad frames at times - but disappointed.
DEFINITELY frame rate issues… Played it for many hours and it does detract from the experience. Haven't played it on the XBX though so who knows. However, still WELL WORTH IT for this price :)
Nah I'll give it a miss. Just finished halo and Forza which both seem to be locked at 60fps. First person shooters that can't keep at 30fps are no go for me
I'll keep an eye out for the stream sale and will try it out on the 1060 ;)
I got it through PlayStation Plus a few months ago as a free game. I found it unplayable on the PS4 due to the frame rate.
Ahhh good to know bout the ps4 too. Thx!
Tesla vs lovecraft preorder is 20% off too
Btw I c Telstra have a buy one galaxy S9 get a second s9 1/2 price on the main mobile page if someone wants to post the deal.
Don’t think it’s been posted yet
did not see that, only thing i see is bonus tablet
I completed JC3 on the original Xbox One. While some had framerate issues, I found that it ran fine when installed onto a fast external HDD.
And watching my kids play it on the Xbox One X, it runs awesome.
It's a terrific game.
Which one is better original or 3?
Both JC3 and Deus Ex were $7.99 a few weeks ago - Gold membership wasn't required from memory - but still v.good pricing for these blockbuster titles.
I picked up JC3 last time - have DL'd it but haven't given it a run yet.
I finished JC3 literally 2 weeks ago running off a external drive on Xbox S model and the framerate still chugs away at times. Its most noticeable when setting off timed explosives or causing blowing up larger structures such as gas tanks etc.
It can get very choppy, but if your not a framerate whore you can still enjoy the game, especially for $15.
I guess it depends on the HDD. I use an external SSD for games I am currently playing. This made a huge difference with JC3 and the framerate dips.
I'm about halfway through jc3. bloody awesome game absolutely love it on Xbox One S on my external hard drive . really good fun for $8 a few weeks back as someone else mentioned. if you like blowing things up with fun weapons and plenty V cool vehicles to fly in, drive etc. 5 stars .. Didn't notice frame issues much
Here's a couple more:
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration $28.03 $84.95
Dark Souls 3 $29.99 $99.95
Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) AU$6.74 AU$26.95
Why is the Rise of the Tomb Raider still so expensive?!? Was hoping it'd dropped to $12-15 by now…
Good thing it's now on Game Pass. One month subscription costs $10.95.
Tried to buy using a CC & PayPal but to no avail; got a could not validate message, of course needless to say I can’t delete the payment methods. 😡
Anybody have similar experiences? Any suggestions?
the worst freaking game. would not pay more than $2 for it
I finished JC3 a year or two ago. It was a fun distraction and didn’t mind the framerate drop too much but found it a bit repetitive. Has anyone played the dlc? Is it worth going back into it for $15?
XL edition is down to $15.74 too.