hey all, wanting to find which is better Outright or contract, my nan has Foxtel and wants to get rid of since upgrading to IQ 3 not all Free To Air Channels are showing via Foxtel box and unable to connect to.internet unless using Ethernet if I.get the out right fetch box can It be connected to any phone company Telstra and internet connection is belong will the fetch box still work or does it need to.be Optus still even tho I.bought outright and will I get every.single free-to-air channel via fetch box don't want any channels missing
Fetch TV - Outright O Contract

Last edited 06/03/2018 - 00:41
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,Can you please stop filling up OzBargain with useless and bs comments?
ThanksYou’re kindly welcome
Depending on how good the TV antenna and the cabling is will depend on if the free to air works.
Sometimes they require multiple scans for all the channels to appear. Also if the signal from the antenna is weak once it hits the 4 tuners it will likely turn to complete junk.If it's a store bought one from eg The Good Guys/JBhifi/Harvey Norman it will work on any ISP and continue if you change internet provider. The Good Guys % off eBay sales generally includes them if you are after a nice little discount.
If you buy/rent one from any ISPs iiNet/Optus etc then they are locked to that provider if you cancel the package or plan (to where it no longer includes it) it will just be a paperweight and have to be returned.
Fetch and a few FTA channels are slowly bringing out live TV apps so if you are completely dead FTA signal wise then you should be able to watch it with out any issues. (provided your download speeds meets the required minimum speed.)
Well in the tv cuerrently if I disconnect fxt all channels are showing thats off I didisc foxtel anteenna and plug into tv insstead
I don't know what Fetch TV is exactly but when I lived in a place without TV reception I just used an Apple TV and got iView, 9Now etc to get access to all the free-to-air TV channels - not sure if that helps. I don't know why you'd want to pay a subscription to get TV.
It's very difficult to understand what your question actually is.
If you buy the Fetch box outright, you have nothing further to pay unless you want to subscribe to their add-on channels. I pay $7 per month for the documentaries and Movie Box. But I don't have to.
So, as long as your aerial works well, you will pick up all the free to air channels, and have the ability to subscribe to other channels.
If you buy through a provider, you will have to pay additional fees per month I believe. And you might find some things are different according to who you're with. I just bought mine outright, one-off cost over and done with.
Buying outright means you simply connect to your internet (whoever it's through), and go.
Can I ask who you pay the $7 a month to? Is it direct to Fetch?
dude, take a breath