weekend sale
instore only
logitech z-5500 $249 - SOLD OUT
logitech z-2300 $99
logitech z-520 $45
logitech z-320 $35
logitech g19 $115
logitech g9x $80
logitech g500 $59
and much more
weekend sale
instore only
logitech z-5500 $249 - SOLD OUT
logitech z-2300 $99
logitech z-520 $45
logitech z-320 $35
logitech g19 $115
logitech g9x $80
logitech g500 $59
and much more
Open a store in Melbourne, Sth Eastern suburbs!!!! Hey, I might even switch jobs and work there for you :)
Ditto that. You have two staff now, how can you say no?!
I'm in as well :D
Which suburb were you thinking of?
Perfect! I'm in!
If Fluidtek open in VIC then don't forget SA too :)
ZZZzzzzz….so much promised from LTS but no action!!!
Meh, good prices, but still the same old stuff
Logitech K300 for $9 is a very nice spare keyboard - much better than Ritmo rubbish
Gah damnit. I'm going to move to Sydney out of spite soon. These prices are too damn good.
Yep looking for a career change….Moorabbin or near MSY down the road in Highett…count me in as part the of new crew for the new store!
Z-2300 at 99 is amazing and definitely worth it
The Logitech s125i were $15 each last weekend. (11/12/2010).
2 for $35 ($17.50 each)this weekend. So more expensive.
Also looks like they have the LS-21 and Z-2300 pictures switched for these two items.
UPDATE: Looks like they fixed the pictures up.
I have to say I hate this….
Please have one store opened in Melbourne.
Yeah these sales are killing me!
I see the price for Z5500s and I'm like :D and then I see only at Fluidtek and im like D:
Duplicated one.
Z5500 successor must be coming out soon.
yeah but it'll be like $600.. well that's what eddie said
sif he put the price down by $10 though lol.. i only just installed my $259 z5500's last week ><
the 2x 500gb hitachi external 500gb for $99 is good value
the RRP of the successors may well be less than the z5500's are now ($799..lol who pays that?!?). That RRP was set when the AUS$ was much lower. If they have wireless rears, I tip an intro price of $449 to $499 :D
Really? What do you know about it? Been hearing speculations on it's successor for years now but no tangible info.
everytime i want to get my HT this goes on sale.
I was tempted to go get a set of these today but the thought of going to the shop again scares me :O
:/ I don't see why you would get the Z-2300 when you can get the better sounding Edifier S330 for a similar price. Similar thing for the Z-5500 and the Edifier S550, but the Edifiers sound quite a lot better and have a slightly higher price tag…
I've listed to the Z-2300s for a few hours and they really don't sound very good for music, since there's no mid-range and the it's the output's no t very clear.
Ed: A staticice of the Edifier S330 brought up Umart having them in stock yesterday.. they are still in the staticice list as of now but the lising on Umart is gone :/. However the Edifier S550 are still there and in stock.
Nice, that is cheap :)
Meant listed to the Z-2300. My edit button disappeared on me just when I noticed.
My edit button disappeared on me
Yeah, sorry that was me replying…rushing to plug my bargain! :p
Darnit, I said exactly the same thing again facepalm
Damn it! Make a melbourne store!!
lol, Fluidtek is a one man operation, as far as i know.
You would have to clone Eddie and then ship him down to Melbourne to spread the bargains.
Wait.. doesnt his dad sit in the office that's like upstairs but really is like a floor built in the middle of the room?
No, that's Eddie…what you see walking around is his avatar! :p
So depressing every week these speakers are on sale yet can't get them in Melbourne at this Price! :(