So, it's happened again…
You reply to a job on Seek or Gumtree and everything looks legit. They ask for your TFN and even your Super details and things are looking bright.
It's only a week of casual labouring work but there's a Sunday in there and some of the days are pushing over 10 hours long.
Wednesday comes around and things are looking up. Rent is due but come Thursday you'll have Money in the Bank (ala WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2007). Just after 5 pm you receive your payslip (as the accounting department goes home) and things look awry.
"Hmm, no Sunday or overtime."
"They've mashed all my work days in, which would include Sunday, but only counted 36 hours? How's that possible if I worked 5 x 10-hour-plus days with only half hour breaks and at best a single rest break!"
This happened the last 24 times with every other labour hire agency but I thought this time would be different.
I'd name and shame all the companies I've worked for but the list will be long.
Has anyone bothered with the FWO Record My Hours app?…
Am I just unlucky or does everyone else simply not check their payslips or know most sh!tkicker jobs are legally covered under Awards? Backpackers make the perfect victims…
Sorry to hear that mate. It's f**king appalling.
Do you think the labor hire companies are pocking the difference? ie billing the client for the full amount and short changing you on your pay or do you think the end clients are squeezing the labor hire companies (and in-turn you)?
Have you tried contacting any media organizations? I'm sure someone would love to do an expose on this stuff. Sounds like the same boat at seven eleven/pizza hut underpaying their workers.