TradeLeaks from Kogan - Similar Idea to Wikileaks but Well...

Tradeleaks was brought out by Kogan (the OZ electronics seller) to whistleblow on trade secrets in Australia. Unfortunately, while it's an interesting idea, there is no quality control and as you can see people have been posting all kinds of things. It's an obvious publicity stunt to cash in on the wikileaks trend but at the least most of the threads are amusing. As it's hosted in Australia, expect Tradesecrets/Kogan to be legally threatened soon and the site taken down. In the field of nonsense, there were some interesting "leaks" that applied to some bargains and shops.

Surf industry price fixing

Disconnecting from Foxtel - Apparently threaten to cancel and you will be given freebies. Not really much of a secret but interesting to here that it's an internal policy.

Coles Accepts refunds from Woolworths products-Interesting, probably more of a staff can't be bothered thing.

JB Hi-Fi-Talks about headquarters set cost price, buying in packages better, and what commissions they get.

Telstra - Supervisors Encourage You To Re-Contract Customers Who Decline-Not suprising

Just a warning, some of the comments are probably NSFW as it is not moderated.

Couple of interesting articles on the site

Related Stores


  • Its a really cool site, I just wish there wasn't so much junk on there.

  • "Kogan sell secconds" is another interesting one. Lol

    Site has potential just needs moderation

  • Interesting concept, i see its already been vandalised. "I JUST MADE A POO" etc.

    What would be interesting, is if a disgruntled kogan employee, or something controversial was released about kogan, and whether they would keep it published. Time will tell, but i suspect its the same reason why wikileaks isnt hosted in Australia

    Best of luck to them.

    EDIT: what it really needs is proper moderation (i cant believe im saying this about a wikileaks style site)

    • shouldn't be instant publication
    • deals need to be checked for authenticity
  • Coles and JBHIFI ones are interesting

  • +1

    Tradeleaks appears to be hosted by AussieHQ, who are an Australian hosting provider. As is commonly known, free speech doesn’t exist in Australia and thus should anyone actually upload actual business secrets to Tradeleaks, there’s nothing stopping them from suing the pants of Tradeleaks and Kogan himself. Well, at least if they’re a business with less than 10 employees.

    I can just about see lawsuits being flung at Kogan like monkeys flinging poo.
    This site ain't gonna last long.

  • Having read the comments in the "Coles Accepts refunds from Woolworths products" thread, I've decided that the website lacks the creditbility to be of much use. Definitely agree with the OP that without some kind of confirmation/validation process the site is kind of pointless.

  • I had quite a read through all of the things, nothing really suprised me. Most of them seem like hints and tricks rather than actual leaks. Needs some serious moderation.

    Re Coles Accepts refunds from Woolworths products
    - Partly laziness on the cashiers front.
    - Arguing with customers keeps them away/wastes managers time (same reason why maccas doesnt pull out the thermometer when someone complains the chips are cold)
    - As soon as coles reads people are taking advantage of this, they will just stop the deal.
    - Why would you want to send customers away over a $5 item if they're going to spend $100+ at your store?

    Re Surfwear prices all the same statewide (//summary rep calls up store and says 'increase prices or we will will increase the price to order from us/decrease stock levels//)
    - blatantly illegal, but ACCC is useless.
    - Not really suprised, fashion industry has always been overpriced.
    - Re markup. Myer and other stores cost price is around 30-35% of the RRP

    Re Dont trust your eyes when buying tvs
    - (//summary - settings are turned up on the brightest levels in store to sell more tvs//)
    - TVs always look better in the dark, in a store with huge lighting above the tvs look really bad (thats why myer has spend heaps making the tv areas darker)
    - Many tv will have a "display mode" which turns everything on max.
    - Its hardly a "trick", all you need is the remove/access to the menu.

    RE truth about HDMI cables
    - has been well known for a while - big image

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