Aldi Pressure Cooker recall

I think i dodged a bullet here. I noticed a piece had come loose on my pressure cooker I purchased from Aldi last year. Anyway, upon doing a search for the manual, founs that it is the subject of a recall( Further Information from Choice(

  • 28 June 2017: The Crofton Chef's Collection 6L Pressure Cooker goes on sale for $60 in Aldi stores across Australia.
  • 21 July: A woman in Victoria receives serious injuries linked to her pressure cooker. She says it exploded when she was standing one metre away.
  • 25 July: A NSW woman sustains serious injuries from the pressure cooker and seeks hospital treatment.
  • 2 August: Aldi voluntarily recalls the Crofton Chef's Collection 6L pressure cooker.
  • 4 September: A man is admitted to hospital for burns caused by the pressure cooker.
  • 13 September: A woman is burned by the pressure cooker. It is the fourth incident report filed to the ACCC.
  • 15 September: A Victorian woman is burned by the pressure cooker.
  • 17 October: A Queensland man is admitted to hospital after the lid of his pressure cooker 'exploded', making him the sixth person known to have been injured.

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