Private Dinning Rooms

Are there any private dinning rooms for two in Sydney? I know there are rooms to accommodate people up to 50 for private functions


  • +1

    you could just book out the entire room.

  • +11


    Your car and drive thru then park on side of road

    • +5

      Don’t forget to get a coupon for HJs

  • Empty restaurant. One time my family got a whole restaurant to themselves because there was nobody in it. The owner and his family practically served us and watched us the whole time.. it was somewhat creepy and endearing at the same time kind of like if a random dude sleeps on you unknowingly on the train.

  • Dont forget to organise 1000 roses also.

  • Your own house - hire a chef to come to you. Most private rooms work on a minimum spend so you can have as few or many as you like.

  • You really should dinn at home, or in the sand dunes

  • Yes. Lots of restaurants on York St sydney. Try the Langham too.

  • It sounds pretty discriminatory to turn away customers older than 51 years old. Even old fellas need to eat.

  • +1

    Just get some kid with an AMG A200 to chauffeur drive the two of you to Maccas and hand the food and drinks through to you sitting in the back.

  • I am sure there must be restaurants in Sydney where you can book the chefs table

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