Six Cars Damaged at Workplace by Another Employee

Hi all,

I just wanted to get some advice on how I should proceed…

So my mum's brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee was keyed (pretty badly on one side) at her workplace along with 5 other co-workers, in a company gated car park. She always parks in front of the camera, however the company is claiming the camera wasn't working at the time of the incident. She is certain that the damage was caused by a co-worker (and has her suspicious on a individual, who once tried to steal her phone when she left it in the kitchen).

What you guys recommend we do ? its unfair my mum works 7 days a week and for someone to vandalise her car is unjust, especially at her workforce. She works the morning shift and has been under a lot stress following the incident..

I think will have to go through a insurance claim in order to fix the damages ($950 excess fee), I would love for the person who caused the damage to pay for it but we can't gather any evidence because the 'god dam' camera wasn't 'working'..

Any advice will be highly appreciated


  • +1

    The worst work place in the world what dogs

  • This cake thing has got out of hand, should of handed everyone back the $6.50 and no one's car would have got keyed.
    All this over buying a $63.50 cake and keeping the difference.

  • Since 6 cars were keyed/damaged , through checking with those 6 car owners or anyone who may have observed the 6 cars either undamaged or damaged state, one can likely find a finite time range when the cars were damaged.
    If you know what time the damage occured, then using footage from other cameras besides the broken 1, you (or security, management etc) could see who was in the area of damaged cars in time frame they were damaged.
    Furthermore, if you are certain of who did it, this would help with security viewing the footage (but i dont know why your so sure of who it was) . Then one could look at cameras inside of buildings and maybe see the guilty person leave at the time frame when you have assertained that damage occured.
    A good detective could likely then question the person as to why they entered that area at that time, and other interrogation could lead into revealing their guilt. But honestly I HOPE ALL THE BEST OF OUR POLICE DETECTIVES ARE NOT WORKING ON THIS. They do have much more important things to deal with. I have much respect for the important work honest law enforcement do.
    Hopefully someone at the workplace can investigate further. Depending on the size of company and company structure, would determine who to contact. She should contact her union (if she has one) and ask what to do . She might also want to contemplate "who is someone in charge, who might be sympathetic to my concerns" . All 6 people approaching management in person might help also. Especially if the other 5 are bikies :)

  • Sue the employer. Why do you even need to identify which specific employee did it? You say it was a gated carpark, so that should be enough.

    Also if your mum's so distraught over her car being keyed, then that's too much car for her. Should've bought something cheaper.

    • How about the security camera was genuinely broken?

      • Nah I bet that's a lie, HR managers just wanna go home on time, I'd do the same if I was them. Subpoena the camera feed. If they still insist it's broken at risk of perjuring themselves by lying, then yeah maybe then I'll believe it's broken.

  • $950 to fix bad keying damage is a bargain
    If you have no proof, sadly you cannot do anything (legally)

    Saying that… If your mum has kept a good rapport with her IT/maintenance guys, she should go to them directly and ask for said footage
    ALWAYS keep a good rapport with these guys, we are the ones that actually do shit

    If you ask them for anything, buy them beer, food or anything they like to stay in their favour (grease the wheels as it is)

  • Claim it. The insurer (if they're good) will request the footage from police and once the person is identified, they'll refund your excess.

    If you're with a weak insurer, they won't do anything. You get what you pay for.

  • All the camera footage talk seems to be based on the idea that although the camera was somewhat obvious, the offender didn't disguise themself at all which seems a bit nieve.

  • Anyone with normal mind would know there is a camera. Unless someone knew it wasn't working. Classic detective fiction plot.

  • Update?

  • -4

    Seriously? There is nothing bargain related in this question…or am I missing something? Besides, it is only a car, nearly given it is only a Jeep. There are many more injustices done to many people every day that involve personal harm, so really….a paint scratch….sorry….no sympathy here.

    But if you find a bargain repairer or method, please I would like to know, as there are many car park scratches on my poverty pack daily runner. You can leave God out of it too, go find a good phrase dictionary for a more effective word choice.

    • Cool dude, you are entitled to your own opinion. However, understand that the discussion forums are for discussion… OzBargain is community which I feel people are allowed to seek for advice, which does not have to relate to a current bargain.. I would really appreciate if you took your ill manner some where else. ill ill mannor yo.

    • -1

      or am I missing something?

      A whooooole lot of missed something in this post.. it’s an automotive section of the forum, where people can ask questions relating to all things, you know, “automotive”…

      it is only a Jeep

      What world beating vehicle to do you drive?

      There are many more injustices done to many people every day that involve personal harm, so really….a paint scratch.

      Since you told OP to use a dictionary (when you should have said “Thesaurus” to look up alternative choices for words), try and Google “relative privation”. Sure, cancer is worse. So we should not talk about anything unless it’s the absolute worse case scenario for humanity?

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