Buying off Gumtree Using Auspost Cash on Delivery (Safe?)

I am looking to purchase a new phone and have found a suitable one on Gumtree ($1100).

Usually would like to use PayPal for this sort of thing however seller has stated that due to chargebacks that his PayPal has been blocked.

I understand simply how Cash on Delivery works however is there any protection for the buyer? For example a scenario; the parcel arrives. I go into AusPost pay my $1100. Get home open it up and I haven't received what I've paid for.

If anyone has had any experiences let me know.

Thanks in advance,


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  • +8

    You must understand that buying off Gumtree is never going to be risk-free.

    I wouldn't buy an $1100 phone off Gumtree and wait for someone to send it. His excuse for not using Paypal may or may not true and it could simply be his attempt to get you to use direct deposit, which we all know is way to risky.

    Do yourself a favour - Minimise the risk by find something locally - even if it's a little more expensive. It means you can check and see what you're actually paying for before you part with any of your hard-earned cash.

    None of us here wasn't to see a post titled "Gumtree seller took my $1100 and never sent phone - what are my options?".

    • +1

      Thanks for your advice. I was quite apprehensive about the PayPal excuse hence my reason for holding back. I've made the obvious decision to not proceed with the sale so I appreciate your help.

      • Please don't ever purchase a new phone from Gumtree. Purchase from an Australian retailer who will provide you with a warranty in case your phone fails. Mobileciti for example would normally have some pretty good deals. Can you find the phone you want on that website?

        IMO I think all phones should be purchased new. It's something you're going to be using at least an hour a day. If the phone you want is outside your budget, then either; wait around for a sale, go in store to ask for a discount or buy a cheaper phone.

  • No. You won't be able to open it until you've paid and then there's no guarantee what's inside. Far safer to buy locally or get someone you know to inspect the phone and buy it in person.

    • Thanks for your advice. Definitely heeded!

  • +3

    NEVER DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN FACE TO FACE! usually for more than $50.
    for 1100 get something in your area.
    it may be tempting but you dont want your next post to be " How to get money back from seller (auspost cod)"

    • Definitely don't want to be the next "How to get money back from seller (auspost cod)" haha thanks!

  • I use PayPal. Recently bought something from another state costing $250+ AUD.. was delivered nicely.

    Speak with your seller and try suss them out.

    • Absolutely. I declined to follow through with the Cash on Delivery and only offered to proceed if PayPal was used. No response but no dramas!

      • +1

        Report the ad as well. It could help others.

    • What is the benefit of using PayPal?
      Any protection?

      Or they just can't deny that the payment has went through…..

  • +5

    Cash on delivery on guarantees you receive a parcel, doesn't guarantee you receive the thing inside the parcel you paid for. No warranty and no item not as described protection.

    • That's how I understood it as well so thanks for your reinforcement. Definitely seems like as much security as just doing as direct bank deposit only difference is I might receive a brick.

  • +3

    Pull out now
    Or use some protection

    • +1

      Pulled out. Cheers ;)

    • OP pls respond

      • The OP pls respond got me hahah. The funny thing is I was going to use that as an example in my post "What happens if I go into AusPost pay my $1100 get home and open it up to get a brick".

        TLDR; not prepared to pay $1100 for aforementioned brick.

  • +5

    The fact that his PayPal has been blocked for chargebacks isnt exactly a green light either..

    • Biggest warning sign.

    • Yep that sort of set warning bells of for me as well. Cheers.

  • +2

    blocked PayPal account = pull out, also a lot of fake phones are on gumtree so even if it looks legit could be a scam…

    • Yep definitely agree. Cheers.

  • +1

    How much is the phone brand new from a reputable retailer? $1,100 is quite expensive for what I assume is a used phone. This certainly has scam written all over it.

    • $1600.00 and the phone is $1100.00 brand new from this seller who claims it was an unwanted gift. Still just as scammy IMO so chose not to proceed.

      • Good call - you don't want to be stuck with a dud iphone!

  • send me 1000 and I will send you a phone…. ;)

    • Only if you promise it's a good one ;)

  • Obviously don't go through with this deal.

    But I'm even more concerned by your statement "Usually would like to use PayPal for this sort of thing"


    There are absolutely no protections from PayPal for buyers or sellers in private deals and you can guarantee that the scammers know all the loopholes you haven't heard of. Paypal can and will use these loopholes to arbitrarily take money from you and give it to scammers in spite of any evidence you may have they are scammers.

    • Wow had no idea about this. Sounds like I'll have to look into it. Thanks for your advice!

      • I have some beautiful photos of a lady, her drivers license, bank card, the days newspaper and the iPad I sold her that counted for exactly nothing in the eyes of Paypal when she lodged a refund request. Luckily that life lesson only cost me around $700 and I've learned not to trust.

  • i recall a judgy judy ep, perhaps circa 2007, where a girl sent a photo of the phone to the buyer trying to claim that's what the sale was for… err

    anyhoo.. 1.1k on a phone just.. err.. i guess you have your reasons.. but jeez.. um.. get a xiaomi and spend the $$ saved on eneloops

    • Haha definitely considered the Xiaomi's!

  • -2

    if you need to ask this question you shouldn't be buying stuff online

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