OzBargain's favourite frozen pizza is back at its best price. Clear the freezer and stock up!
Don't forget to use discounted wish egift cards for further savings.
OzBargain's favourite frozen pizza is back at its best price. Clear the freezer and stock up!
Don't forget to use discounted wish egift cards for further savings.
any way to cook it other than oven ?
Microwave (if yours is big enough) with a glass of water. Under a grill. In a fire fuelled pizza stove.
Elon Musk, is that you?
Deep fried https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-fried_pizza, saw this in Edinburgh but couldn't work bring myself to try it.
Pizza Crunch .. a delicacy only the scots can pull off… its rather delicious … dip it batter then deep fry its crunchy on the outside and soft and doughy in the middle…
Just eat it frozen, great on a hot day
I was using an electric frying pan for practically all of my cooking for a while, and to my surprise it was perfect for cooking these pizzas. :)
How are these..? How does it compare with Dominos?
Both are "good" pizzas (assuming cooked and assembled correctly).
They are less substantial than a thin n crispy crust Dominos.
But is Dominos made by a doctor?
Possibly one with a PhD in Arts.
Surely a $5 Dominos pizza a better value, assuming you live nearby.
Apples and Orangutans
I keep my apples in the freezer for easy/emergency consumption.
My orangutans are kept at the shop down the road, and require transportation to obtain.
Try Dominos new 100% Orangutan free Harambe pizza!
When I get home from playing sport at 11pm no Domino's is open locally. A fresh pizza is almost always better (the Bakehouse crust pizzas however are very good), but frozen has its place too.
If you've tasted a $5 Dominos pizza you wouldn't say this.
A $15 Dominos pizza yeah maybe.
It's all the same. Just extra toppings for special people who deserve a treat.
Yeah I don't get this. People who don't buy value range pizzas are like Apple users in my eyes…
Cool, I've been waiting for an excuse to try the chocolate variety
It's… unusual. Not bad in flavour, but I find the recommended temperature and time overcooks it. For $3.75 (minus 5% of course) it's worth playing with.
Tried it - didn’t go down well with the kids.
Not the best, too sweet. Couldn't finish it.
Thought these where under $3 last year did price go up?
Nope. Not at Colesworth. Sometimes only discounted to $4 but usually $3.75. They were $3.49 back in 2014 with a 50% discount.
Never seen these pizzas under $3.
They have been under $3 at places like NQR and Spud Shed. Probably short dated or failed flavours.
I don't know those stores :(
Will this include their chocolate pizza?
Seeing as the only 260g pizza they have is the chocolate one I think it's safe to say it does include chocolate.
OZ Bargain Pro Tip: If they're out of stock (in my experience they normally are at some point during these promotions), get a raincheck. Then keep going back until they're in stock and use the raincheck once the promotion has finished. Doing this you should almost never need to pay full price.
so does this mean getting a raincheck is a voucher from woolies to be used one per voucher yes?
you can ask for upto 6 of the item on the rain check, you don't have to take all 6 when back in stock….. I use rain checks a lot when shelf is empty, supposed to valid for 4 weeks, I've used them past that date but maybe that is due to my people skills.
Reminds me I have one for that reeces chocolate peanut butter
I tend to do this late at night, when you've got a young shift manager who couldn't care less, and often get 10 or 12 on the raincheck.
Or keepbthe receipt of full price buy when half price then refund?
Raincheck only valid for next 4 weeks
Damn, they must have changed the rain check rules as it used to be 2 months and I have done up to 8 items.
6 items now
I'm often telling my 11 year old when they run out of his favourite confectionary "get a raincheck" …..
He loved it when his favourite lollies scanned wrong , I told him get you get the first one that scans wrong free if it scans too high …… he went back 4 times and each time scanned only one pack so he got them for free …. no walk of shame for the time rich money poor (kids).
Never knew Woolies did rainchecks. This will come in handy.
Back to quality pizza, the McCains frozen sourdough are the best ones (actually made in Italy) when on special they drop from $7.50 to $6.00 … so not as cheap as the Dr Oetker, but much better quality.
I find the Dr Oetker seem to have a very sweet tomatoe base, and they add extra sugar to the dough so it goes crisp ….
McCains is no where near Dr Oetker, including price and taste
This is my opinion only
Pepperoni is the best and usually the first sold out. Needs about 100g of extra Mozarella so when you factor that in it is closer to the dominos $5. However, Dominos rarely put cheese on their cheapo pizzas….
Oh yeah hawaiian is yummo
Dr Oetker and Mccain are no where near DrMilan.. i make the best pizzas, home made, fresher, cheaper LESS SUGAR.
Quattro Formaggi with some fresh veggies added - mushroom, red capsicum, olives - is my favourite.
Went to Woollies & they weren't on sale…
Did you miss the big “TOMORROW” tag at the start of the title?
It was posted on the 26th…
And on the 26th it would've said "TWO DAYS", now it says nothing before hand as it's available!!
I bought the Fungi one &, although, a little too cheesey, its the best frozen pizza I have eaten. I'm very impressed!
Awesome. Got only one left. Time to eat that and stock up! :-)