• expired

Exetel NBN 50: 500GB $54.99/m ($59.99/m - $5), Unlimited $59.99/m ($69.99 - $10) [New Customers, 12/18 Month Term, till 30/4/18]

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$59.99 per month for 50/20M UNLIMITED NBN plan (normal price $69.99/month). Save $10 per month off the normal price of $69.99 per month when you sign up for the new Exetel UNLIMITED 50/20M NBN plan on either a 12 or 18 month term. New customers only, offer ends 30 April 2018. Setup charges apply.

$54.99 per month for 50/20M 500GB NBN plan (normal price $59.99/month).Save $5 per month off the normal price of $59.99 when you sign up for the new Exetel 500GB 50/20M NBN plan on either a 12 or 18 month term. New customers only, offer ends 30 April 2018. Setup charges apply.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    $5/$10 off what price?

    • +1

      The less you know, the better.

  • Plan NB50 500GB 18 Month is $54.99/mth is that included the $5 discount or will get $54.99 - $5 /mths ?

  • +5

    exetel don't purchase nearly enough CVC. lots of congestion.

    • https://www.exetel.com.au/broadband/nbn-speed

      nbn 12 = 9.0Mbps peak and 11.0Mbps off-peak
      nbn 25 = 19.4Mbps peak and 22.0Mbps off-peak
      nbn 50 = 37.0Mbps peak and 43.5Mbps off-peak
      nbn 100 = 75.2Mbps peak and 87.0Mbps off-peak

    • +3

      Just wondering if you have the link of isp that purchase enough cvc please?

  • I am now stuck with 24 months with Buzz Telco, their service have gone down-hill.. For the 100M plan, I hardly get between 8M - 20M speed

    • Can you ask for cash back ? like service is 1/5 so the charge should be 1/5 as well…

    • Surely lower the plan for the meantime then?

    • +1

      Buzz has no contract plans. You can leave anytime without penalties if you provide 14 days notice. Is yours FttN, HFC or FttP?

      • I have the commitment from using their free router

        • Your point is taken. Please elaborate how you get only between 8M - 20M speed on the 100M plan?

    • stop spreading lies , buzztelco has no contract

      you can leave anytime

      • +1

        READ carefully, I have not said CONTRACT… And you stop spreading the lies… :)

        I have only said I am stuck with them for 24 months, because I have got the FREE Router, for which I have 24 months' commitment.

        I am not sure if there is a way to return the router and close this commitment..

  • +1


    Save $10 per month off the normal price of $69.99 per month when you sign up for the new Exetel UNLIMITED 50/20M NBN plan on either a 12 or 18 month term. New customers only, offer ends 30 April 2018.
    Save $5 per month off the normal price of $59.99 when you sign up for the new Exetel 500GB 50/20M NBN plan on either a 12 or 18 month term. New customers only, offer ends 30 April 2018.


    • Please put prices in description. What you have posted is pointless. You should also mention activation fees.

      • better?

        • No still confusing. You should give the discounted price with the previous price in brackets.

        • @wxyz234: Feel free to suggest a new/better title.

    • Put simply $60 per month for NBN with unlimited data on 50/20 speed. But as always read the fine print.

    • If I have Exetel ADSL2+ Currently and NBN is becoming available in about 3 Weeks am I a new Exetel NBN Customer? do i get this pricing? I am looking for who to go with with NBN.

      • Yes, the special NBN 50 pricing is available to existing Exetel ADSL customers who are transferring to Exetel NBN 50 service.

        • Hi Glenn,

          I have adsl2+ with exetel for more than 8 years already with exetel, and I asked exetel support how to get this nbn 50 Unlimited $59.99/m.

          But I was told that I can't get this $59.99 price deal , since my exetel adsl2+ is on optus infrastructure. they can only offer me $79.99/mth.

        • @xtreme: Our NBN pricing is based on the customer location. Some locations are more expensive for us to serve, hence the higher price.

  • +5

    Im currently with Exetel on a $59.90 25/5 plan and out of contract.

    Just saw that they are offering the $54.90 for a 50/20 plan.

    Called up to switch over to it and was told nope.. new customers only but you can have the 50/20 plan for $59.90. Oh and we cant switch you over now, have to wait for your plan to rollover.

    Cue me to calling up Telecube and signing up for their 100/40 plan for $65 per month. 500gb peak.

    I hate it when companies offer better deals to new customers but ignore their current customers.

    • +1

      You forget, that when you switch, then someone from Exetel will call and ask why you left, then break the news that they would have offered you the deal if they knew you were leaving… facepalm!

      • -1

        Current 25M customers can change to 50M plans.

        • But we dont get it for the new customer price? Also does the speed change get implemented instantly or have to wait when the plan rolls over in the next month?

        • @nedski: Yes, the discount is to attract new customers. The speed change is implemented on the bill cycle change date = 1st of the month.

        • +1

          @Glenn Ward:
          Worked against you in this case.

        • @Steptoe: Fair enough.

        • @Glenn Ward:
          Wrong, you're billed on the 1st, but the change take effect on the 14th of March.

          I was on the nbn25 500GB $59.99, I was just chat online with Exetel and I got bumped up to nbn50 500GB for the same price. It's disappointing not to get the upgrade to unlimited, but hey, still doubling my speed for same price.

        • @manuemasse: Speed and plan changes happen on the 14th, invoices are issued on the 14th which detail the plan/speed change. Submit before midnight on the 13th.

        • My apologies, you're right on the billing date. So if I just changed the plan now, will this be effective from the 1st of March or April? Because the invoice I got on the 15th of February is for 1/31 March period.

        • @Glenn Ward:

          To be honest, I was very satisfied with Exetel and had no issues with them. If the person I spoke to on the phone gave me some incentive to stay, odds are I wouldnt have shopped around.

      • +2

        Oh I told the guy on the phone that unless I get offered the $54.90 deal, I am switching providers.

        The guy put me on hold and went and talked to his supervisor. He then came back on the line and said "Nope sorry, this offer is only for new customers"

        Even continuing on with a 50/20 plan for $59.90 meant that I would have to wait until the 14th of March to get new speeds.

        This caused me to shop around and why I am now with Telecube.

        • How long did the churn process take?

        • @lostn:

          They can have you connected in 1 - 2 days.

        • I have been with Exetel for 10 years and having the same experience. No love for existing customers. Unfortunately my estate is not NBN but a private FTTH setup that was done by Opticomm, so my choice of ISP's is limited, otherwise I would have left ages ago.

    • Out of topic, how much is your average speed on there 50/20 plan?

  • Do Exetel still make you waive your rights when you sign up with them? Used to be the case in their ADSL days. Basically if they decided you called support too often to become a liability, they reserved the right to cancel your contract.

    • What are you referring to? Our services are CSG exempt, like many RSP services. You can call support as many times as you need to.

      • +1

        I could have been recalling incorrectly, but I remember hearing reports on Whirlpool of users having their contracts cancelled by Exetel.

        Tried to find the original post on Whirlpool without luck

    • +1

      It was also the case if you used too much data in their unlimited plan, which they deemed too excessive.

  • Any similar deals for your customers in Opticomm estates?

    • Stay tuned!

  • Is there an ADSL deal with free modem?

  • I don't get the activation fee. It's stated as $60 on 1yr contract, but then the fine print reads "The Exetel Broadband Plan Activation Fee is free. Depending on the service ordered, there may be additional up-front charges which are not a part of this promotion.". So is it "$60 for sure" or "$60 maybe"? If it is $60 for sure, please state it clearly in the post, since it adds $5 monthly, effectively making the deal less appealing.

    • Hi leon99,

      The Free activation only applies to the 18 month contract:

      18 months FREE activation 4

      4 The Exetel Broadband Plan Activation Fee is free.

      Note the "4" supertext.


      • The "4" supertext is displayed on all the contracts. This is how I ended up asking. And again, your post is misleading if you don't include the activation costs. You could easily say "it's only $10 a month" and then put $600 activation fee. And I have no doubt that you will raise the price after the contract is finished. Let's not make this site another channel for spreading click bait, please.

        • -1

          Hi leon99,

          I'm not sure how you have got that impression?

          On this page - https://www.exetel.com.au/broadband/nbn

          We show:

          1. Check your address
          2. Select a speed tier
          3. Select your data usage


          1. Select your contract length - with the following choices:

          18 months
          FREE activation 4


          12 months
          $59.99 activation


          No lock-in
          $99.99 activation

          and the "4" super-text T&C:

          4 The Exetel (18 Month as referenced by the '4' super-text) Broadband Plan Activation Fee is free. Depending on the service ordered, there may be additional up-front charges which are not a part of this promotion. These include, but are not limited to, charges such as Phone Line Activation Fee or Copper Line Installation Charges, Lead-in or Additional Cabling, Equipment Charges such as Modems, Routers or Splitters, Missed Appointment Fees or any complex on site work required to provide a functional broadband service. Residential plans only.

          I'm not sure where the confusion is?

          If you would like to discuss, please call sales on 13 39 38.


        • @Glenn Ward:
          Text that you copy-pasted here has "4" only under 18 months.
          In reality, on that page "4" is displayed not only under "18 months", but under 12 months' price as well as under No lock-in. If you pay me for my time, I'll make a screenshot for you and point arrows to those numbers.

          Sorry for being rude, but you're clearly not willing to make sense and sacrifice your pseudo-marketing tricks to follow the purpose of this site (I'm referring mostly to omitting these numbers from the post).

        • +2


          Hi leon99,

          Well, I stand corrected!

          After trying a different browser tonight at home - I can see what you are seeing (4 super-text on 12 Month and No lock-in). My apologies.

          I have requested that it is displayed correctly (4., Free on 18 month plans only) on all browsers - as I have stated above.

          Sorry for the confusion. As a bonus for persisting with this - I will waive your setup fee on a 12 month term. Please DM me with your order number.


        • @Glenn Ward: Thanks, it's a pretty generous offer.

        • @Glenn Ward: DM'd on Friday, still no response…

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