This was posted 7 years 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Ubiquiti Unifi AC Pro - $172, Unifi UAP-AC-LITE $106.56, Unifi Security Gateway $144.88 Delivered @ Sydneytec eBay


Ubiquiti makes enterprise grade routing/wireless/switching hardware at a relatively affordable price. Remember that most of these items are specialized (e.g. the router DOES NOT have wifi functionality, you'd need a AC Pro or similar).

The Unifi range also allows you to use a central controller to configure the whole lot.

AC Pro $172:…
Long Range $133.60:…
Lite $106.56:…
USG $144.88:…

Original 20% off Selected Tech Sellers on eBay Deal Post

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closed Comments

  • -3

    Ubiquiti Unifi

    Ucacooti Umboli Uriffi ?

    • I uh… updated the description?

    • +3

      Umberto Ussain Uriq Umbrella Ella Ella Eh Eh Eh

  • +4

    I'd recommend the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter-X (ERX) for ~$75 over the Ubiquiti Secuirty Gateway (USG) at ~$180.

    It has the same features, but with SQM enabled the USG can only sustain 60mbs while the ERX can sustain 100mbs and also comes with a 4 port switch built in. This makes the ERX far superior for home over the USG.

    The ERX does lack VoIP, but who needs that for a home network? we all have mobiles with unlimited voice time these days.
    The main difference is the USG is meant for a business environment and will need to be plugged into a larger switch. It does have more enterprise management features (i.e. you can manage all Ubiquiti devices from one location), but you will be no benefit from these at home.…

    • +2

      But doesnt link in to the control center like the usg does

      • You are correct

        The ERX has it's own admin panel running on the device itself
        With the USG you need to run the control center on another machine running 24/7
        While you dont require the control center once setup (it just collects stats), the ERX collects stats in it's own built in admin panel

        Another reason the USG is not practical for a home network

        • There is a add on for home assistant for it, or the cloud gateway.

          Personality i would go the USG, AC Pro and Unifi 8-Port 60W Switch just for the whole seamless overview

        • +2

          @asa79: You can run Cloud Gateway on the ERX

          USG $180 + AC Pro $209 + 8-Port $169 = $558

          ERX $75 + AC Pro $209 = $284

          The USG route is way overkill for home and you will see very little/no benefits

        • +1

          @nobarginsarehere: Most users wont have a need, but for those, its either they want to go to different consoles or have it all in the same console

          You still need a POE switch for the AC Pro unless you want to always run a POE injector

        • -2

          @asa79: ok, so add $19 to the price for a POE injector, wow you have taken offense to my advice

        • @nobarginsarehere:
          It's good advice and a Poe supply is provided with the AC Pro…

        • @nobarginsarehere:

          I like your idea because it saves money and USG & POE switch felt overkill for a 2 bedroom apartment which only needs 1 powerful access point

          Do you think the parts below would be a good plan for my FTTP Connection?

          ERX + AC Pro + POE Injector (I think it's included with the AC PRO?)

          Do I still need a cloud key as I don't keep a computer running 24/7 at my place.

          I'm already running 100/40 and have option of upto 250/100 if I pay more.

        • @nobarginsarehere:

          Let's be honest - any of these are an overkill for home environment.
          But people are buying it because they are geeks or tired of consumer grade crap. In this case "overkill" argument doesn't work. :)

        • +1


          I am going with the ER-X-SFP as I need the extra usable ports (ER-X uses 1 port for PoE to power itself).

          The ER-X-SFP only does 24v PoE though so you'll still need the PoE injector with AC Pro (I believe it comes with it, mine's enroute)

          Also I believe the Unifi controller doesn't need to be running all the time, only when you are configuring the device (which makes sense)

        • @derfel.cadarn: Cannot go wrong with the ER-X-SPF at ~$125

          You dont need the controller running, but it wont collect stats if you dont

    • as you can see speed is very similar between the two devices
      and for a good comparison

      • Dude, I'm not trying to diss what you have bought, just stating what is the best bang for buck

        But I will say the video you quickly googled says nothing about running SQM, which you will want
        It's basically QOS on roids and makes it so when someone in downloading (torrents, windows updates, anything) does not interfere with your browsing or gaming

        The specs say the USG can only handle 60mbs vs ERX 100mbs

        If you are looking for the specs they are here, Chapter 9:

        • +2

          I not saying your wrong, I just making sure people understand the difference the USG is going to be more simple for people as its all one connected solutions, one interface. The edge gear is going to be more android to apple really. The 60 to 100 wont apply to alot of people that cant get more then 25mb nbn anyway

          Me personality i'm lazy in my old age with home tech, I want to see everything on one screen. At work I want to control every bit of it so dont need simple

        • -1

          @asa79: There is no extra difficulty between the ERX or USG

          I think most people will find it easier to plug the ERX in and access a web page directly (like almost every other router) instead of having to install a control center to set it up via that app

          What I'm saying is: The ERX offers more performance, more features, a built in 4 port router at a much cheaper price while omitting the enterprise features you will never use at home

        • +1

          @nobarginsarehere: have you used the app? I like it personality

        • @asa79: It's a great app and I love it; I have about 50 devices I control via it at work daily

        • +1

          @nobarginsarehere: I was looking at the edgerouter for a while, but I think the USG will be better, only becuase the edge gear wont connect to the app otherwise that would be the way i would of gone

        • @asa79: What are you going to run the control center on?

        • @nobarginsarehere: I run the control center on my windows server at moment until i can justify a cloud gateway. Have been looking at the unifi add on as maybe another option

        • @asa79: I'm guessing it's running 24/7? Most people won't have this option.

          Another option is to run it on a Raspberry PI, which I already have in the form of a PIHole (you should install one if you havent already)

          I could have also ran it on my Synology 8 bay, but I see no reason to run that 24/7 with the rising prices of electricity

        • @nobarginsarehere: the is a raspberry pi 3 home assistant server that runs 24/7
          my HP microservers run windows server and unraid servers.

          There is a docker version of unifi for and could be used in unraid and anything else that supports dockers

 also has a Pi-Hole add-on as well

          I have recently moved Pi-Hole from an old raspberry pi 1 to the pi 3 home assistant server

        • @nobarginsarehere: my gear runs at about 150w/h so isnt too bad. For 1 windows server (Unforunately need a windows machine), 2 unraid File Servers, 1 Rpi Home Assistant Server and UPS. I think the UPS uses the most part of the power usage

          The fridge & freezer probably uses more electricity in total

        • @asa79: Less than a toaster at 1000w/h, but if you run your gear for 10 hours at 150w/h that's 1500w/h
          If no one is up using the gear, there's no point running it… unlike a fridge and freezer :P

          Make sure you enable SQM on your USG, it makes a massive difference
          But if you have a 100mb connection (like I assume you do) It might suffer under higher load, but it depends on utilization, packet size, etc etc

          The USG is basically the light version of the Edge Router series

        • @nobarginsarehere: I only have a 18 Mb connection, no Fibre NBN here. Will keep that in mind thanks :)

        • @asa79: How do you survive?!

        • @nobarginsarehere: I know its a struggle lol

        • @asa79: REALLY make sure you enable SQM then as you have very limited bandwidth

          It will stop downloads/updates/etc consuming all of your bandwidth and make browsing/youtube/gaming as best it as it can be

        • @nobarginsarehere:… says that its 180/20 limitation. Some limitations might also be fixed by now with recent firmware updates as well
          Sorry I see what you mean now with the 60 mb…. Hopefully they sort out the issue and not a requirement to have to go USG Pro

        • @asa79: They are talking about QOS, not SQM. SQM requires more processing power as the management is dynamic and not based on a set of basic rules.

          The USG is rated at 60-120 (from memory, but the minimum was defiantly 60 as I was looking for something to max out my 100mb connection)

          The ERX is rated at 100-250, but always take the lowest value

          The USG has a slower processor than the ERX, this is why it cannot keep up

          You want to find the PDF that states the specs for the USG with SQM enabled, like this PDF:

          Relevant snippet here for the Edge Router series:

        • @nobarginsarehere: Thats a shame, I really wanted just the nice clean dashboard.

          Guess its like Apple you get nice and clean and lacks a few nice tech things

        • @asa79: Then stick with the USG, you wont max it out at 18mb lol, plus you already paid for it

          Just keep in mind the UniFi Router and Switches are basically lite/home versions of their EdgeMax series
          There's nothing wrong with them, just a bit slower in some cases more expensive (for what ever reason)

          Also, (profanity) Apple, go Android :P

        • @nobarginsarehere: I havent invested yet, I only have AC Pro, and have been waiting for the USG to come back down since the boxing day sales. To get the USG and 24 port switch to have a nice seamless set up, but you have given me something to think about

        • @nobarginsarehere: They need to just make edge compatible with the controller to get the best of both worlds. Atleast they dont charge a fee like meraki

        • @asa79: It's your money dude, buy what you want

          I cannot say I've ever been lacking with features of the admin panel on the ERX

          You can get on their website and pay with live demos of the admin panels too

          Here's a snippet of me maxing out my 100/40 connection by doing 2x staggered speed tests at once (one uploading, the other downloading)

        • @nobarginsarehere: Do you get the DPI with the edge?

        • @asa79: No, that's an enterprise feature, but you will need the control center running 24/7 for accurate figures

        • @nobarginsarehere: Wait, I lie, it does, I just enabled it

        • @nobarginsarehere: that was one of the features that made the USG look good, didnt see that speed issue in any of the comparison articles.

          Will need to research more on best way forward. Thanks

        • @asa79: See the above post, It does

        • @nobarginsarehere: Cool Thanks

        • @asa79: There we go, it's working now

          Didnt even have to do it by CLI, just enabled it via the GUI (top right)

          It's collecting data by service (even drills down to youtube, facebook, file transfers etc)

        • This is a nice healthy debate; I know where to come when I finally purchase some Ubiquiti tech!

        • @Master Bates: theres a heap of good tuts on youtube as well, been getting into myself for a future small business.

        • @asa79: dumb question but im trying to get into this for my future small business setup, was gonna go UTM however ongoing costs are hard to swallow and this seems a good alternative I guess. I'm leaning towards USG + 8 Switch + AC Pro + Cloud key controller to access from mobile - is hosting on cloud free cause we buy the key? I'm guessing it is although I noticed you mentioned yours was self hosted or something like that.

          Also could the added expense of the USG-PRO-4 be justified? It does have dual core @ 1 gig..

    • Dead right. Been comparing the 2 recently myself. Is the 1 gig ER on special too?

    • It has the same features, but with SQM enabled the USG can only sustain 60mbs…

      So it is NBN future proof then.
      (walking away trying to hide sarcasm)

  • Looks like wireless1 pics

    • I've got a USG and was getting around 95mbps on my 100mbps nbn. You don't need a pc to run 24/7. You need to install the software controller but set and forget. If you want to take benefit of the monitoring, then yes it needs to be online. Or just get a Ubiquity Cloud Key.

      I'm using USG, UBIQUITY POE switch, 2x UAC-AP PRO, cloud key and 4x UVC G3 Security Cameras. These are great product. Reliable enterprise grade at consumer price.

      • Is that with the SQM turned on as nobarginsarehere was mentioning?

        • Nope. Never had any issues without it but I've just turned it on to see how it goes from here :)

        • @Ducatista: will be interesting to hear your results

  • The most technically mind boggling thread in the wee hours!

  • Not the cheapest we’ve ever seen for the Pro.

    Is there a reason to buy it now in the $170’s or hope that it will once again hit the $150’s? For example, is this Pro a newer generation model?

    • If you need it now urgently, then buy and enjoy it without much hassle. Otherwise, simply wait for another Xmas sale or EOY sale. Check all other comments here, you won't regret to switch over.

      • I don't need it for another 6 months, but I really want to play with it now! ;o)

  • Installing ubiquiti unifi wifi is one of the best things i ever did for my home network… Wish I'd done it years ago.

    • Same, ive been putting up with a billion router wifi and heaps of 2.4 dropping, not had any issues since the upgrade

  • Are these ok on a wall 1st floor central? which one is best in a domestic set up, 2 story house?

    • If you want range the LR

  • I have a Billion modem router wifi for ~8 years and it's going strong. since we're not getting NBN too soon, so keeping it.
    However, interent has been patchy, so I got a Unifi UAP-AC-LITE and a Mikrotik hEX RB750Gr3. They haven't been great for me, drop out a few times and no real speed increase. I plugged the AP in the new router and in the modem for a day or two, not much difference.
    I'm not sure what I did wrong?

    • I have billin 8800 and its wifi is crap compared and no patch for WPA bug where unifi was very quick in releasing one

  • Originally wanted UTM for small business startup however with the ongoing costs for Meraki or Sophos this seems the poor mans option, it's no UTM but hey. So after much deliberation going to run with USG > 8 switch > CK > AC Pro. Ubiquiti are consistently putting effort into Unifi to bring it up to speed so I feel USG is worth it despite losing to ER on HW spec.

    Only real problem now is to choose between 8 switch 60w or the 150w. Both are passive cooled and run scarily HOT I hear. I like the size and power consumption of the 60w at 12w without poe running, the latter being 20w however has the 2 spf ports for future (which can be converted) as well as the 8 poe for more stuff. Already have a dedicated Hik NVR so leaning towards the 4 poe 60w however it's still got me wondering..

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