This was posted 7 years 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Buy 1 Traditional/Premium Pizza & Get 1 Traditional Pizza Free @ Domino's


Today only. "Choose any Premium or Traditional Pizza and get one Traditional or Value Pizza Free". Needless to say it's best to choose traditional for both pizzas, but you can choose premium as the more expensive one and it still works out okay.

Regular price of pizzas is around $15.90 premium and $12.95 traditional, but varies per store and state. Value pizzas are $5 everywhere. So you can expect 2 traditional pizzas for around $12.95 ($6.47 each) or 1 premium & 1 traditional for around $15.90 ($7.95 each). Includes Melbourne range for those in VIC, 2 Melbourne range pizzas come to $9.95 ($4.97 each).

Added extra code 489790 (thanks awoff)

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closed Comments

  • Good deal.

    btw, I got a targeted offer yesterday when ordering dominos online (computer).
    After checkout, it asked if I wanted a coupon for a free pizza when ordering through the app. Clicked yes, and they sent it to me shortly after.

    • +16

      Yeah, I've had that.

      Also got two $30 Kogan vouchers which I sold on eBay for $25 each.

      This money gets me more pizzas and coupons which I can sell again and continue the cycle.

      I'm an entrepreneur.

      • haha yeah that's awesome.

        I used the microsoft rewards free pizza to get that offer for another free pizza. :)

      • -1


      • Can I please tell me more about the $30 Kogan voucher, I haven’t seen it around

      • Please tell us more sir, do you just order online without signing in?

  • Awesome deal. I miss the free cheesy crust upgrade deals :D

  • +6

    My local Domino's store knows me so well that when I walk in I just order a Hamza and they give me the cheapest pizza.

  • if you haven't previous received the Kogan $30 voucher offer (after buying a dominos pizza) then try placing your order via a VPN. it worked for me.

  • +1

    bye bye $8.95 Hawaiian ;( now $12.95

    • Ah didn't know that. On the plus side it seems to work on this deal, 2 for $12.95 (despite still being listed as excluded on the terms).

    • Wasn't the Hawaiian $6.95?

  • +1

    Pizza hut has a two for one deal too!

    • Ah yeah good reminder, no code required: deal post.

  • Not the cheapest I've seen from Domino's… but still pretty damn good all things considered. It's a plus from me!

  • +1

    Anyone knows why they reduced the pizza size but increased the price?

    • +1

      More dollar

  • +1

    Doesn't work in Darwin :(

    • +4

      I don't think anything works in Darwin.

    • +1

      Doesn't work in Cairns either - must be to many Backpackers living on a Dominos only diet…

    • +1

      489790 working Darwin & Cairns.

  • I'm still waiting for a half price New Yorker code… Come on Don…

    • Tried king size yet?

  • Wow, 2 pizzas for $8.

    • Codes dont stack.

      • +1

        $7.95 traditional and 2 for 1 seem to be stacking for me?

        Edit: They stack but not technically since the pizza returns back to standard price after you add more than one. Weird.

  • they changed topping prices :(

  • +3

    This is my experience only and I guess with the nature of the franchise model it probably changes store to store.

    I use to be a regular customer of dominoes.
    Whenever I purchased a cheaper pizza the quality of the pizza drastically altered. Whether the deal was 30% 40% or a 2 for 1 pizza deal.
    The discounted pizza always had a very small amount of topping to the point they were not even worth the price I was paying.

    If someone was new to dominoes (my local store anyway) and they used the discounts to get accustomed to the product at dominoes; they would baulk at the idea of paying full price for what constituted a couple of slices of meat and bread.

    I recently tried another local pizza joint who sometimes discounts their prices (not as much as dominoes) and the quality / amount of topping was substantial.

    My recommendation for dominoes: if you can't afford to offer 2 for 1 pizza without the quality drastically dropping; then stick with a discount structure that will entice customers, but won't leave them thinking your product is average. Less is more.

    • AMEN!

      After all, how much really do the ingredients cost! No point screwing the customer when you allowed them to use the discount code in the first place.

      Hell, I'd be more likely to pay full price or buy one from them if the toppings were thick (I miss how Pizza Haven would let you put twice the toppings on)

  • +1


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